Smiley feat. Mihai Ristea & Alex Velea - Pretindeai - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Smiley feat. Mihai Ristea & Alex Velea - Pretindeai

You Were Pretending
Sunt dezolat
I'm sorry to say
Să-ţi spun m-am mutat
That I've moved on
De la atâtea probleme şi frustrări ce am adunat
From all the problems and frustrations I've gathered
De la atâtea du-te vino, întoarce-te te-am iertat
From all the back and forths, the "come back, I've forgiven you"
Nici măcar nu ştiam de ce sunt vinovat.
I didn't even know what I was guilty of.
Şi ţi-am lăsat şi perdeaua
And I left you the curtain
Cu care mereu vorbeai
The one you always talked to
Şi ţi-am lăsat şi salteaua
And I left you the mattress
Pe care nu mi-o trăgeai
The one you wouldn't sleep with me on
A plecat haimanaua, aşa cum alintai
The brat left, just like you used to call me
Şi ce frumos era când pretindeai iubeai
And how beautiful it was when you pretended to love me
Când pretindeai iubeai
When you pretended to love me
Când pretindeai iubeai
When you pretended to love me
Şi pe mine şi pe tine ne minţeai.
You were lying to both of us.
Poate sunt nebun, nebun de legat
Maybe I'm crazy, crazy enough to be tied up
Şi poate toate problemele
And maybe all the problems
Doar eu mi le-am imaginat
I just imagined them
Şi poate tu eşti fata care putea să-mi schimbe viaţa
And maybe you're the girl who could change my life
Poate ar trebui întorc
Maybe I should go back
Dar nu trage aţa
But I'm not drawn to it
Dar nu trage aţa
But I'm not drawn to it
Dar nu trage aţa.
But I'm not drawn to it.
Şi ţi-am lăsat şi perdeaua
And I left you the curtain
Cu care mereu vorbeai
The one you always talked to
Şi ţi-am lăsat şi salteaua
And I left you the mattress
Pe care nu mi-o trăgeai
The one you wouldn't sleep with me on
A plecat haimanaua, aşa cum alintai
The brat left, just like you used to call me
Şi ce frumos era când pretindeai iubeai
And how beautiful it was when you pretended to love me
Când pretindeai iubeai
When you pretended to love me
Când pretindeai iubeai
When you pretended to love me
Şi pe mine şi pe tine ne minţeai.
You were lying to both of us.
punem tot pe stop
Let's put everything on hold
Şi poate facem loc
And maybe make room
Adevărului nu-l mai văd deloc
For the truth that I can't see anymore
Din dragostea mare
From the great love
Ce mi-ai purtat-o atâta timp
That you carried for so long
Te-ai străduit dai cât poţi şi celuilalt tip
You tried your best to give it to the other guy too
Se spune roata se întoarce
They say the wheel turns
Dar eu nu mai aştept
But I'm not waiting anymore
se întoarcă pentru celălalt deştept
For it to turn for the other smart one
Vroiai o schimbare
You wanted a change
Şi ce minune a venit
And what a miracle it came
Probabil durează 3 zile
It probably lasts 3 days
Şi iar termini de iubit.
And you're done loving again.
Şi ţi-am lăsat şi perdeaua
And I left you the curtain
Cu care mereu vorbeai
The one you always talked to
Şi ţi-am lăsat şi salteaua
And I left you the mattress
Pe care nu mi-o trăgeai
The one you wouldn't sleep with me on
A plecat haimanaua, aşa cum alintai
The brat left, just like you used to call me
Şi ce frumos era când pretindeai iubeai
And how beautiful it was when you pretended to love me
Când pretindeai iubeai
When you pretended to love me
Când pretindeai iubeai
When you pretended to love me
Şi pe mine şi pe tine ne minţeai.
You were lying to both of us.
Eu nu întorc
I'm not coming back
Hai vorbim
Come on, let's talk
Ce rost mai are ne minţim?
What's the point of lying to each other anymore?
Am încercat degeaba te schimb
I tried in vain to change you
Noi nu nu ne potrivim
We don't fit together
Nu nu nu
No no no
Nu nu ne potrivim
We don't fit together
Vezi plec.
Watch me leave.
vezi cum plec
See how I leave
În paşi de step
In step steps
nu sunt bleg, defapt alerg
Because I'm not stupid, I'm actually running
Nu te înţeleg, nu pot merg
I don't understand you, I can't walk
M-am săturat la cap leg
I'm tired of messing with my head
O ard aiurea cu Smiley şi Mihai
I'm burning it unnecessarily with Smiley and Mihai
Tu aiurea în tramvai
You're unnecessary on the tram
pretindeai iubeai.
Because you pretended to love me.
Şi ţi-am lăsat şi perdeaua
And I left you the curtain
Cu care mereu vorbeai
The one you always talked to
Şi ţi-am lăsat şi salteaua
And I left you the mattress
Pe care nu mi-o trăgeai
The one you wouldn't sleep with me on
A plecat haimanaua, aşa cum alintai
The brat left, just like you used to call me
Şi ce frumos era când pretindeai iubeai
And how beautiful it was when you pretended to love me
Când pretindeai iubeai
When you pretended to love me
Când pretindeai iubeai
When you pretended to love me
Şi pe mine şi pe tine ne minţeai.
You were lying to both of us.

Авторы: Mihai Ristea, Alexandru Velea, Andrei Maria

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