Smoke Mardeljano feat. Mrak - 1312 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Smoke Mardeljano feat. Mrak - 1312

Plava šapka, u mraku sija značka,
Blue cap, a badge shines in the dark,
Zatamnjena stakla, i plavo-bela pratnja.
Tinted windows, and a blue and white escort.
Uvek oko kraja interventna kruzira,
The intervention force always circles around the end,
Sve što imaš brate plava družina, uzima.
Everything you have, brother, the blue company takes.
Prvo kintu, pa robu, pa otiske, pa slobodu,
First the money, then the goods, then the prints, then the freedom,
Ne postoji dobar pandur, brate takav je u grobu.
There is no good cop, brother, such a one is in the grave.
Difuju me plavci, jer je tako kad si prepoznatljiv,
The blues are blowing me away because that's how it is when you're recognizable,
Zbog ožiljka na faci,
Because of the scar on my face,
Pa džuganj uvek bacim kad su mi na vidiku,
So I always throw the joint when they're in sight,
Al' zapamtim gde je palo, da uzmem kad me sti
But I remember where it fell, to pick it up when they come after me
Ruke na zid, dere se svinja,
Hands on the wall, the pig is yelling,
Al' nemam ništa dok jaja pipaš, evo ti kita pa je sisaj!
But I have nothing while you're touching my balls, here's my dick, suck it!
Značke hapse, pa se kamšte,
Badges arrest, then they take revenge,
Da se ne sapletem, Vijetnam u kući, ne padam na vaše pretnje.
So that I don't get tangled up, Vietnam at home, I don't fall for your threats.
I batine su prolazne, pa vam ne vrede, 1.
And the beatings are temporary, so they're no use to you, 1.
2 mamu li vam mrtvu jebem!
2 I fuck your dead mother!
Od onog što je dobro uvek ima bolje nešto, '
There is always something better than what is good, '
Mesto punog džepa bolje ranac napunjen sa kešom.
Instead of a full pocket, a backpack filled with cash is better.
Od onog što je dobro uvek ima bolje nešto,
There is always something better than what is good,
Mrtav pandur je dobar, al' je bolji mrtav spektor!
A dead cop is good, but a dead spook is better!
Od onog što je dobro uvek ima bolje nešto, '
There is always something better than what is good, '
Mesto punog džepa bolje ranac napunjen sa kešom.
Instead of a full pocket, a backpack filled with cash is better.
Od onog što je dobro uvek ima bolje nešto,
There is always something better than what is good,
Mrtav pandur je dobar, al' je bolji mrtav spektor!
A dead cop is good, but a dead spook is better!
Pljačkamo, krademo, valjamo, otimamo,
We rob, we steal, we roll, we take away,
Imamo svoj stil, nikoga ne kopiramo.
We have our own style, we don't copy anyone.
Pandur puši ga, presudiće ti bejzbolka,
The cop smokes it, the baseball bat will judge you,
Ležaćeš na urgentom s' više otvorenih preloma.
You'll be lying in the emergency room with multiple open fractures.
Iza ćoška čekićaju fantomke, da vam sjebu vaše face pacovske.
Balaclavas are hammering from around the corner, to fuck up your rat faces.
Na ulici sam konza,
I'm a marquis in the street,
Ker ne sme da mi priđe, Centar grada, pijem vinjak, motam rizle.
The mutt doesn't dare come near me, City Center, I drink brandy, I roll papers.
Ja sam pseto koje grize,
I am a dog that bites,
Pandursku značku, Snimi me u mraku, kad krenem u pljačku.
Police badge, film me in the dark, when I go to rob.
Više puta privođen, ležao za đukra,
Arrested several times, lay for grass,
Osuđivan za dela, razbojišta, gudra.
Convicted of crimes, battlefields, mud.
Još kad sam bio nackli zamrzeo sam puba,
When I was a kid I hated cops,
Jer su cimali me stalno, i tukli više puta.
Because they constantly harassed me, and beat me several times.
A bez značke i prangije ni jedan nema muda,
And without a badge and a gun, no one has the balls,
I bez drukare ne bi rešili ni jedan slučaj!
And without a precinct, they wouldn't solve a single case!
Od onog što je dobro uvek ima bolje nešto, '
There is always something better than what is good, '
Mesto punog džepa bolje ranac napunjen sa kešom.
Instead of a full pocket, a backpack filled with cash is better.
Od onog što je dobro uvek ima bolje nešto,
There is always something better than what is good,
Mrtav pandur je dobar, al' je bolji mrtav spektor!
A dead cop is good, but a dead spook is better!
Od onog što je dobro uvek ima bolje nešto, '
There is always something better than what is good, '
Mesto punog džepa bolje ranac napunjen sa kešom.
Instead of a full pocket, a backpack filled with cash is better.
Od onog što je dobro uvek ima bolje nešto,
There is always something better than what is good,
Mrtav pandur je dobar, al' je bolji mrtav spektor!
A dead cop is good, but a dead spook is better!
Šta je pičko ćelava, izvaljen si pandur,
What's up, bald cunt, you're busted, cop,
Podig'o si pendrek, ja podižem štanglu.
You raised your baton, I raise the bar.
U pozorištu mupa, dobio si tačku,
You got a point in the theater of the muppet,
Vežbaš pred ogledalom kako da vadiš značku. '
You're practicing in front of the mirror how to pull out your badge. '
Stani ili pucam'-svaki pandur kaže,
Stop or I'll shoot'- every cop says,
Ti si tu da privodiš, ja sam tu da lažem.
You're here to arrest, I'm here to lie.
Nemoj da me biješ,
Don't hit me,
Bolje isprazni šaržer, Nestalog pandura niko ne može da nađe.
Better empty the magazine, no one can find a missing cop.
Cimaš me zbog gandže, cimaš me zbog pljačke,
You harass me for weed, you harass me for robbery,
Cimaš me zbog krađe, kažem jebeš zakon jačeg!
You harass me for theft, I say fuck the law of the strongest!
Pišam vam na plate, na sudije, advokate,
I piss on your salaries, on judges, lawyers,
Ovim putem svakom panduru jebem mater, Gangster, ko te jebe,
I hereby fuck every cop's mother, Gangster, who gives a fuck about you,
Ne možeš mi ništa, Da ti mama nije dala ne bi znao šta je pička!
You can't do anything to me, If your mom hadn't given it to you, you wouldn't know what a pussy is!
O tome pričam, patroliraj do sutra,
That's what I'm talking about, patrol until tomorrow,
Nema više cinkara, svaka kroz Ibar pluta.
There are no more snitches, each one floats through Ibar.
Mrtav-nije propev'o i nikad neće,
Dead - he didn't sing and never will,
Odletećeš u vazduh ako moja krv proteče.
You'll blow up if my blood flows.
Mrštiš se iz plavih kola, misliš da si šmeker,
You grin from the blue car, you think you're a hotshot,
Samo mi nije jasno šta ćeš sutra kad me sretneš!
I just don't understand what you're going to do tomorrow when you meet me!
Od onog što je dobro uvek ima bolje nešto, '
There is always something better than what is good, '
Mesto punog džepa bolje ranac napunjen sa kešom.
Instead of a full pocket, a backpack filled with cash is better.
Od onog što je dobro uvek ima bolje nešto,
There is always something better than what is good,
Mrtav pandur je dobar, al' je bolji mrtav spektor!
A dead cop is good, but a dead spook is better!
Od onog što je dobro uvek ima bolje nešto, '
There is always something better than what is good, '
Mesto punog džepa bolje ranac napunjen sa kešom.
Instead of a full pocket, a backpack filled with cash is better.
Od onog što je dobro uvek ima bolje nešto,
There is always something better than what is good,
Mrtav pandur je dobar, al' je bolji mrtav spektor!
A dead cop is good, but a dead spook is better!

Авторы: Vladimir Cauchemar, Romeo Johnny Van Laeken, Pierre Hadrien Trigano, Samuel Taieb, Pierre Bertrand

Smoke Mardeljano feat. Mrak - Ep 2012
Ep 2012
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