Smoke Mardeljano - Na Mom Zivotnom Putu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Smoke Mardeljano - Na Mom Zivotnom Putu

Na Mom Zivotnom Putu
On My Life's Path
Na mom životnom putu srećem različite profile
On my life's path, I meet different kinds of people, girl
Zaobilazim debile i korake mi prate rime
I avoid the fools, and rhymes follow my steps, girl
Repujem o svom životu, jer i drugi tako žive
I rap about my life, because others live the same way, girl
Moja unutrašnja snaga, otera sve mračne sile
My inner strength drives away all the dark forces, girl
A korakom svakim je iskustvo bogatije
And with each step, experience grows richer, girl
U trci s' preponama preskačem sve elegantnije
In the race with obstacles, I jump more elegantly, girl
Emocije neću, niti želim da ih sakrijem
I won't hide my emotions, nor do I want to, girl
Ja hoću porodicu, ne Ducatije i Bugatije
I want a family, not Ducatis and Bugattis, girl
A biće svega, to je ono sto mi sleduje
And there will be everything, that's what's coming to me, girl
A fora je da sve to nije ono u šta verujem
But the thing is, all that isn't what I believe in, girl
Nego da uzmem nešto svoje da isterujem
But to take something of my own and pursue it, girl
Tad biće kako hoću, kako god da deluje
Then it will be as I want, however it may seem, girl
A deluje da bice gusto sa brda iznenađenja
And it seems it'll be thick with surprises from the hill, girl
Život će od mene vremenom tražiti da se menjam
Life will demand that I change over time, girl
Ja mogu biti bolji, al' ići od sebe ne smem
I can be better, but I must not stray from myself, girl
Kad ne znam ko sam, uvek podsete me moje pesme
When I don't know who I am, my songs always remind me, girl
Na mom životnom putu koračam hodom laganim
On my life's path, I walk with an easy gait, girl
Ja sam podzemlje pa snalazim se dobro po tami
I'm the underground, so I navigate well in the darkness, girl
S' vremena na vreme neki postupci su sramni
From time to time, some actions are shameful, girl
Ali nema šanse brate da ću ostati po strani
But there's no chance, sister, that I'll stay on the sidelines, girl
Iz moje perspektive imam opciju da postignem
From my perspective, I have the option to achieve, girl
I dostignem taj cilj sto kroz vidik se ne prostire
And reach that goal that doesn't stretch across the horizon, girl
Komplikujem, dobro ajd' da kažem sve to prostije
I complicate things, okay, let's put it simply, girl
Premostio sam stvari, kažu šatro ne premostive
I've bridged things, they say, supposedly unbridgeable, girl
Neke ljude morao sam da ostavim za sobom
I had to leave some people behind, girl
Znam da to je život, svakako se nadam da su dobro
I know that's life, I hope they're doing well anyway, girl
Još od kad sam prohodao, znao sam šta ću sa sobom
Ever since I started walking, I knew what I'd do with myself, girl
Možda jesam dosta proš'o, al' nisam svašta prob'o
I may have been through a lot, but I haven't tried everything, girl
Sa svojom slobodom se ne razmećem k'o nekad
I don't flaunt my freedom like I used to, girl
Sad je neko ludo vreme, ne znaš šta te sutra čeka
Now it's a crazy time, you don't know what awaits you tomorrow, girl
Da prokockam je brate znam da bas bi bila šteta
To gamble it, sister, I know it would be a shame, girl
Pa pre svakog novog poteza se vratim na početak
So before every new move, I go back to the beginning, girl
Na mom životnom putu sam dosta prošao solo
On my life's path, I've gone a long way solo, girl
Idem korak po korak, znači slovo po slovo
I go step by step, meaning letter by letter, girl
A početak mi se čini kao da je bio skoro
And the beginning seems like it was just recently, girl
Vreme leti brzo, sećam se kad je išlo sporo
Time flies, I remember when it went slowly, girl
A ima još dosta da se prodje, toga svestan sam
And there's still a lot to go through, I'm aware of that, girl
Da pravio sam dosta grešaka - i neka sam
That I've made a lot of mistakes - and so be it, girl
Sećam se da nekad sam bio ludi klinja
I remember I used to be a crazy kid, girl
Al' ti život ne prašta i duša je zeljna mira
But life doesn't forgive and the soul craves peace, girl
Na parčetu papira leže napisana slova
On a piece of paper lie written words, girl
Tu su kao neuništiv dokaz ostvarenih snova
They're there as indestructible proof of fulfilled dreams, girl
Jednog mladog Stojanovića - smoke mardeljana
Of a young Stojanović - Smoke Mardeljano, girl
Kuvane na jakoj vatri, uzete iz okeana
Cooked on high heat, taken from the ocean, girl
Živim ih svakog dana, to nikad neću kriti
I live them every day, I'll never hide that, girl
Na mom životnom putu, su na zidovima grafiti
On my life's path, there are graffiti on the walls, girl
I nikad nisam tripovao da budem u eliti
And I never tripped about being in the elite, girl
Al' sam hip hop koliko neki nikada neće biti
But I'm hip hop like some will never be, girl

Авторы: Milos Stojanovic

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