Smoking Souls - Vosaltres - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Smoking Souls - Vosaltres

Ja que no puc volar més alt
I know I can't fly any higher
Acabe d'acceptar la meua condició
I have just come to terms with my condition
Quan més amunt m'enlaire
The higher I rise
Més gran és la por
The greater the fear
Si el cel li pertany al vent, violent
If the sky belongs to the wind, violent
Tenia un gran discurs
I had a great speech
Que s'ha quedat per dir
That was left unsaid
I que quan vos veig
And I know that when I see you
Tinc ganes d'aplaudir
I feel like applauding
Vivim de l'experiència i el clamor
We live on experience and clamor
No distingisc els crits
I can't tell the difference between the screams
D'alegria i dolor
Of joy and pain
Adore l'entusiasme
I adore the enthusiasm
De qui entén l'amor
Of those who understand love
Tot allò que busque
Everything I seek
Cap a les butxaques
Into my pockets
I m'enganye perquè tinc
And I deceive myself because I have
Ambicions èpiques
Epic ambitions
Mostrar-me vulnerable
Show myself vulnerable
Dins l'incendi d'aigua
In the water fire
M'he allunyat de molta gent preciosa
I have distanced myself from many precious people
He jugat amb la més perillosa
I have played with the most dangerous
I ara no on vaig, però ja d'on vinc
And now I don't know where I'm going, but I know where I come from
Ja tinc els peus a terra
My feet are on the ground
No vull guanyar la guerra
I don't want to win the war
Vull cuidar als meus
I want to take care of my own
Escoltar les seues veus
Listen to their voices
Baix la lluna plena
Under the full moon
Ja tinc els peus a terra
My feet are on the ground
No vull guanyar la guerra
I don't want to win the war
Vull cuidar als meus
I want to take care of my own
Escoltar les seues veus
Listen to their voices
Baix la lluna plena
Under the full moon
Hi ha calma en la nit freda
There is calm in the cold night
Un sol radiant que crema
A radiant sun that burns
I en aquest teatre que jo m'he inventat
And in this theater that I have invented for myself
He fallat, m'he apartat
I have failed, I have withdrawn
De qui sempre ha estat
From who has always been
Inventar-se una eixida
Inventing a way out
Qui no està a la deriva?
Who is not drifting?
I en aquest teatre que jo m'he inventat
And in this theater that I have invented for myself
M'he ensenyat que he trobat
I have taught myself that I have found
La cura al vostre costat
The cure by your side
Ja tinc els peus a terra
My feet are on the ground
No vull guanyar la guerra
I don't want to win the war
Vull cuidar als meus
I want to take care of my own
Escoltar les seues veus
Listen to their voices
Baix la lluna plena
Under the full moon
Ja tinc els peus a terra
My feet are on the ground
No vull guanyar la guerra
I don't want to win the war
Vull cuidar als meus
I want to take care of my own
Escoltar les seues veus
Listen to their voices
Baix la lluna plena
Under the full moon
Resistiré i sabré
I will resist and know
Que sempre vos tindré
That I will always have you
No hi haurà res més
There will be nothing more
Saber que esteu i escoltar-vos
Knowing that you are well and listening to you
Resistiré i sabré
I will resist and know
Que sempre vos tindré
That I will always have you
No hi haurà res més
There will be nothing more
Saber que esteu
Knowing that you are well

Авторы: Carles Sendra Caselles, Josep Bolufer Sendra, Pau Camps Escrivà

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