Smoking Souls - Alcohol i sal - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Smoking Souls - Alcohol i sal

Alcohol i sal
Alcohol and Salt
He desdejunat i he digerit
I've had breakfast and digested
Les misèries que he viscut
The miseries I've lived
He comptat els escalons
I've counted the steps
Que he trepitjat i em ric de mi
I've stepped on and I laugh at myself
De les mil maneres
Of the thousand ways
Que hagués pogut sortir del pou
I could have gotten out of the pit
Per poder agafar aire
To be able to catch my breath
Per poder tornar amb tu
To be able to come back to you
He recalculat la direcció
I've recalculated the direction
La distància és la nostàlgia
The distance is the nostalgia
Que l'essència és l'abundancia
That the essence is the abundance
Dels moments més íntims
Of the most intimate moments
He desmantellat el nostre fred
I have dismantled our cold
Tu cremaves els papers
You burned the papers
Incendiàrem l'amanéixer gris
We set fire to the gray dawn
Amb el plaer
With the pleasure
Arrimar-nos l'un a l'altre
Moving closer to each other
Iniciant una tempesta
Starting a storm
Caminant entre les flames
Walking through the flames
Torne a caure en l'espiral
I fall back into the spiral
He aprés a estimar el meu país
I have learned to love my country
Quin color i quin sabor el paradís
What color and what flavor is paradise
Em refugie entre els teus pits i dic:
I take refuge between your breasts and say:
Quin sabor la victoria?
What does victory taste like?
Quina és la dolça força
What is the sweet force
Que ens ha fet cridar
That has made us shout
Que ens ha fet pensar en el que...
That has made us think about what...
Som els que vénen de baix
We are the ones who come from below
Vigilen el monstre
Watch the monster
Pot ser s'escape del calaix
Maybe it will escape from the drawer
No anem a fer-te esperar
We're not going to make you wait
Relaxa't i mira'ns
Relax and look at us
Desfem el dogma més viral
We are undoing the most viral dogma
Arrimar-nos l'un a l'altre
Moving closer to each other
Iniciant una tempesta
Starting a storm
Caminant entre les flames
Walking through the flames
Torne a caure en l'espiral
I fall back into the spiral
D'arena i mar
Of sand and sea
De foc vermell
Of red fire
Del cant de l'ocell
Of the bird's song
De terra fèrtil
Of fertile land
D'alcohol i sal
Of alcohol and salt
De dies llargs
Of long days
De somnis valents
Of brave dreams
Del teu cabell obscur
Of your dark hair
Som els que vénen de baix
We are the ones who come from below
Vigilen el monstre
Watch the monster
Pot ser s'escape del calaix
Maybe it will escape from the drawer
No anem a fer-te esperar
We're not going to make you wait
Relaxa't i mira'ns
Relax and look at us
Desfem el dogma més viral
We are undoing the most viral dogma
Arrimar-nos l'un a l'altre
Moving closer to each other
Iniciant una tempesta
Starting a storm
Caminant entre les flames
Walking through the flames
Torne a caure en l'espiral
I fall back into the spiral
D'arena i mar
Of sand and sea
De foc vermell
Of red fire
Del cant de l'ocell
Of the bird's song
De terra fèrtil
Of fertile land
D'alcohol i sal
Of alcohol and salt
De dies llargs
Of long days
De somnis valents
Of brave dreams
Del teu cabell obscur
Of your dark hair

Авторы: Smoking Souls

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