Smoking Souls - Ara - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Smoking Souls - Ara

Jo no si tinc país
I don't know if I have a country
Tinc el meu poble
I have my village
Jo no si tinc camí
I don't know if I have a path
Tinc el meu caminar
I have my walk
Jo no entenc la llibertat
I don't understand freedom
Si no em sent lliure
If I don't feel free
Jo no per què tinc veu
I don't know why I have a voice
Si no m'escolten
If I'm not being heard
Mai he estat tan alt
I've never been so high
Mai he estat tan alt
I've never been so high
Tota la por del món
All the fear of the world
Per la borda
Over the edge
Mai he estat tan alt
I've never been so high
Mai he estat tan alt
I've never been so high
He mirat les bèsties a la cara
I looked the beasts in the face
I ara què tinc?
And now what do I have?
Dis-me què tinc
Tell me what I have
Torne a gaudir
I enjoy again
Torne a sentir
I feel again
Ara que ha sanat el cor
Now that the heart has healed
La nit m'escolta
The night listens to me
És més meu el que he somiat
What I have dreamed is more mine
Que el que he tocat
Than what I have touched
Amb la palma de la
With the palm of my hand
Ara sembla familiar el precipici
Now the precipice seems familiar
Hi ha un silenci aclaridor
There is an illuminating silence
Al carrer dels teus principis
On the street of your principles
Mai he estat tan alt
I've never been so high
Mai he estat tan alt
I've never been so high
Tota la por del món
All the fear of the world
Per la borda
Over the edge
Mai he estat tan alt
I've never been so high
Mai he estat tan alt
I've never been so high
He mirat els monstres a la cara
I looked the monsters in the face

Авторы: Carlos Sendra Caselles, Pau Camps Escriva, Jose Maria Bolufer Sendra

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