Smoking Souls - Conclusió fatal - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Smoking Souls - Conclusió fatal

Conclusió fatal
Fatal conclusion
I qui sap si eres capaç,
And who knows if you are capable,
I qui sap si arribaràs,
And who knows if you'll arrive,
I qui sap si algú et voldrà.
And who knows if anyone will love you.
El teu cor una presó.
Your heart a prison.
I qui sap estimar-te,
And who knows how to love you,
I qui sap mirar-te,
And who knows how to look at you,
Si has plorat avui o dissabte.
If you cried today or Saturday.
Que serà de tu i de mi, qui sap.
What will become of you and me, who knows.
I qui sap comunicar,
And who knows how to communicate,
I qui sap alliberar,
And who knows how to liberate,
I qui sap com governar.
And who knows how to govern.
Home blanc irracional.
Irrational white man.
I qui sap castigar,
And who knows how to punish,
I qui sap la veritat,
And who knows the truth,
I acusar i jutjar.
And accuse and judge.
El meu cos la meua llar.
My body my home.
He anat a buscar vides al raval
I went looking for lives in the Raval
I una resposta, i una resposta.
And an answer, and an answer.
T'he trobat allí, conclusió fatal.
I found you there, fatal conclusion.
Estranya eufòria, estranya eufòria.
Strange euphoria, strange euphoria.
I qui sap callar-s'ho,
And who knows how to shut up,
I qui sap aconsellar-te
And who knows how to advise you,
I apagar el canal,
And turn off the channel,
Omplir el got d'alcohol i sal.
Fill the glass with alcohol and salt.
I qui sap besar-te,
And who knows how to kiss you,
I qui sap follar-te.
And who knows how to fuck you.
Cauen els amants, els pactes
Lovers fall, pacts
I ens utilitzem.
And we use each other.
He anat a buscar vides al raval
I went looking for lives in the Raval
I una resposta, i una resposta.
And an answer, and an answer.
T'he trobat allí, conclusió fatal.
I found you there, fatal conclusion.
Estranya eufòria, estranya eufòria.
Strange euphoria, strange euphoria.
Just allí, just allí,
Right there, right there,
Buscaré un punt de fuga i cridaré.
I will look for a vanishing point and shout.
Just allí, retrobar-nos.
Right there, to find each other again.
Si no queden dies grans
If there are no more great days
Ni una prova del delicte,
Nor proof of the offense,
Qui són bons i qui dolents?
Who are good and who are bad?
Qui por i qui és valent?
Who is afraid and who is brave?
Qui és capaç de no intentar-ho?
Who is capable of not trying?
Declarem-nos innocents.
Let us declare ourselves innocent.

Авторы: Carles Cendra Caselles

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