Smoking Souls - Equilibri - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Smoking Souls - Equilibri

Encén el foc
Light the fire
Crema el cafè
Brew the coffee
I una cançó de moda
And a trendy song
En el radiocasset
On the radio
Mirem com plou
We watch the rain
Llum de cresol
Light of a lamp
Toca'm, toca'm la pell
Touch me, touch my skin
Cuidem-nos d'ells
We take care of them
Vine, que he de demanar-te un favor
Come on, I have to ask you a favor
Canta'm perquè no m'oblide
Sing to me, so I don't forget
Salva'm, salvaràs
Save me, you will save me
Dies de por, vides de dol
Days of fear, lives of pain
Si hem nascut ací és qüestió de sort
If we were born here, it's a matter of luck
Salva'm, salvaràs
Save me, you will save me
Dies de llum, vides de foc
Days of light, lives of fire
Pots comptar amb mi, tens el meu suport
You can count on me, you have my support
Oh no
Oh no
Quantes boques has besat?
How many mouths have you kissed?
Quantes hores treballat?
How many hours have you worked?
Qui es burlava ha fracassat
Who laughed has failed
Amb un sou que no li arriba
With a salary that is not enough
Qui ha volgut fer-te callar
Who wanted to make you be quiet?
Quantes nits sense ballar
How many nights without dancing?
M'he tornat a despullar i ara respire
I have undressed myself again and now I breathe
Quantes vides hem gastat sense cuidar
How many lives have we wasted without caring?
Qui ens abriga i qui ens ensenya
Who shelters us and who teaches us?
Salva'm, salvaràs
Save me, you will save me
Dies de por, vides de dol
Days of fear, lives of pain
Si hem nascut ací és qüestió de sort
If we were born here, it's a matter of luck
Salva'm, salvaràs
Save me, you will save me
Dies de llum, vides de foc
Days of light, lives of fire
Pots comptar amb mi, tens el meu suport
You can count on me, you have my support
Oh no
Oh no
Som quasi el mateix
We are almost the same
Som quasi el mateix
We are almost the same
Som quasi el mateix
We are almost the same
Som quasi el mateix
We are almost the same
Som quasi el mateix
We are almost the same
Som quasi el mateix
We are almost the same
Som quasi el mateix
We are almost the same
No som el mateix
We are not the same
Salva'm, salvaràs
Save me, you will save me
Dies de por, vides de dol
Days of fear, lives of pain
Si hem nascut ací és qüestió de sort
If we were born here, it's a matter of luck
Salva'm, salvaràs
Save me, you will save me
Dies de llum, vides de foc
Days of light, lives of fire
Pots comptar amb mi, tens el meu suport
You can count on me, you have my support
Equilibri en la balança
Balance in the scale
Amarrar, tot el que hem viscut ací
To tie up, everything we have lived here
Sols quedaves tu a la pista
You were the only one left on the dance floor
Gràcies per una cançó així
Thank you for a song like this

Авторы: Carles Cendra Caselles, Josep Bolufer Cendra, Pau Camps Escrivà

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