Smoking Souls - La llavor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Smoking Souls - La llavor

La llavor
The Seed
Vull pensar que tot estarà
I want to believe that everything will be alright
Que has pres el camí correcte
That you've taken the right path
Que no estaràs mai sol
That you'll never be alone
Si això és el que vols (És el que vols)
If that's what you want (That's what you want)
que no has tingut res massa clar
I know you haven't had anything too clear
Que tens dret a equivocar-te
That you have the right to make mistakes
Que sempre has desitjat
That you have always wished
Poder-te acceptar per a sanar
To be able to accept yourself in order to heal
Vas deixar la teua salut mental
You left your mental health
En mans de les seues exigències
In the hands of their demands
Víctima del món occidental
Victim of the western world
An accident.
No li pregue a Déu
I don't pray to God
Que em salve
To save me
Només amb els meus
Only with my own
Can I rise
Tot el que volies controlar
Everything you wanted to control
Va marxar sense avisar-te
Went away without warning you
Tan sols et va quedar
Only thing you were left with
Poder respirar, voler tornar
Was to be able to breathe, wanting to go back
No sabrem mai
We will never know
El temps que ens quedarà
What time we have left
Per què no vivim
Why don't we live
El que ara esta passant?
What is happening now?
Anticipar-nos no tindrà cap sentit (Cap sentit)
Anticipating won't make any sense (Any sense)
No li pregue a Déu
I don't pray to God
Que em salve
To save me
Només amb els meus
Only with my own
Can I rise
Del dolor em naix la llavor
From the pain is born the seed
Que guarde
That I keep
Per sembrar en mi nous valors
To sow new values into myself
Allò que em dius que et feia sentir
What you tell me that made you feel
Hui ja no està
Today is no more
Ja no existix
It doesn't exist anymore
La idea més transversal
The most transversal idea
Viure en estat provisional
Living in a provisional state
Voler traure el punyal
Wanting to pull out the knife
Que ens han clavat al nàixer
That they stabbed us with when we were born
Com sentir la llibertat
How to feel freedom
Sabent-te dependent
Knowing that you're dependent
Busques unes mans que et salven
You look for some hands to save you
Les molles que has anat deixant per fer camí
The breadcrumbs you've left behind to make a path
Són dels ocells
Are for the birds
I rise
Només amb els meus
Only with my own
Que em salven
That save me
Del dolor em naix la llavor
From the pain is born the seed
Que guarde
That I keep
Per sembrar en mi nous valors
To sow new values into myself
L'esperança és el do de qui sofreix
Hope is the gift of the one who suffers
Actes i futures conseqüències
Actions and future consequences
Equilibrista descobrint l'infinit (L'infinit)
A tightrope walker discovering the infinite (The infinite)

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