Smoking Souls - La lluna - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Smoking Souls - La lluna

La lluna
The Moon
Callar, sentir a dins
To be quiet, to feel inside
Com moren sempre
As they always die
Les nostres paraules
Our words
Volíem explicar-nos
We wanted to explain ourselves
Cansats de naufragar dins l′ocea
Tired of being shipwrecked in the ocean
De gent afortunada
Of lucky people
Voliem abraçar-nos
We wanted to embrace each other
Cremar per diversió
To burn for fun
Els nostres cossos joves plens de rabia
Our young bodies full of rage
Volíem escapar-nos
We wanted to escape
Mirarem les imperfeccions
We will look at the imperfections
Que ens han tocat a cadascú
That have touched each one of us
Les mostrarem que vegen que son nostres
We will show them that they are ours
I estan plenes de magia
And they are filled with magic
I tornarem a mirar en la distància la lluna
And we will look again in the distance at the moon
I que ens ajude a tornar, tornar de la deriva
And may it help us return, return from the drift
Ens tornarem a abraçar si la marea ens crida
We will embrace again if the tide calls us
Descobriré la raó amb tu
I will discover the reason with you
Perduts aillats de tot
Lost isolated from everything
I sempre despreciem el que ens envolta
And we always despise what surrounds us
Podríem estimar-nos
We could love each other
Parlarem amb la sensació d'haver perdut el nord i així ens agradarem
We will speak with the sensation of having lost our way and thus we will like each other
Mai més podrem admetre que ens tanquen dins la gàbia
Never again will we be able to admit that they lock us in the cage
I tornadem a mirar en la distància la lluna
And we return to look in the distance at the moon
I que ens ajude a tornar, tornar de la deriva
And may it help us return, return from the drift
Ens tornarem a abraçar si la marea ens crida
We will embrace again if the tide calls us
Descobriré la raó per entendre aquesta vida
I will discover the reason to understand this life
I tornarem a mirar en la distància la lluna
And we will look again in the distance at the moon
I que ens ajude a tornar, tornar de la deriva
And may it help us return, return from the drift
Ens tornarem a abraçar si la marea ens crida
We will embrace again if the tide calls us
Descobriré la raó amb tu
I will discover the reason with you
Ens quedarà per fer tot el que vulgues
We will have left to do everything you want
Tan sols hem d′acceptar que som així i som qui som
We just have to accept that we are like this and that we are who we are
I cada volta que ens miren, sabran
And each time they look at us, they will know
Que hem abraçat el nostre infern i som més grans
That we have embraced our hell and we are greater

Авторы: Smoking Souls

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