So'Fly - LOVE AGAIN (WINTER ver.) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский So'Fly - LOVE AGAIN (WINTER ver.)

Thanks to the day I found your smile
I've been able to get stronger even when I'm feeling discouraged
No matter what happens in the future
Let's keep singing our love songs together
Shhhhh it's gettin' late now
Shhhhh it's gettin' late now
二人で歩く 雪のじゅうたん
The two of us walking on a snowy carpet
白く染まった街をaround & around
Surrounded by white around and around
We walkin' a town and i hold u down
We're walking the town, and I'm cuddling you up
二度と離さないyour hands
I'll never let go of your hands
遠く離れたこの街で もっと多くを
Far away in this city I want to share even more
キミと 分かち合いたい
With you
Lets' s do it one more time
Let's do it one more time
We had a hard time でももう一回
We had a hard time, but let's try again
やり直そう 辛い思いはここに置いてこう
Let's start over and leave the pain behind
With the wishes we have for each other, I want to reach the stars
And i wanna hold u tight
And I wanna hold you tight
この愛 もう壊さない
I won't break this love again
U can count on me
You can count on me
誓いを立てようこの冬の空にfor life
Let's make this vow in this winter sky for life
カリヨンのチャイム 聞きながら
As we listen to the chimes of the carillon
キミと繋いだ手 もう放さない
I'll never let go of the hand I'm holding with you
壊れかけた 絆を
Let's reconnect the bond that was broken
もう一度 赤い糸で繋ごう
With a red thread, one more time
And i always will love u 君だけを
And I will always love you, only you
夜空を この 愛で埋めよう
Let's fill the night sky with this love
Thanks to the day I found your smile
I've been able to get stronger even when I'm feeling discouraged
No matter what happens in the future
Let's keep singing our love songs together
I wont let u down
I won't let you down
キミと毎晩 してきたねケンカ 本当もう沢山
I can't believe all the fights we've had, night after night
I can hear the sound of screams
I can hear the sound of screams
胸の中ではi was giving up this love
Inside, I was giving up on this love
傷つけあう だけの二人
We're just hurting each other
Why are we continuing this relationship?
Back in a days いつだって繋いだ手と手
Back in the day, we were so connected, hand in hand
疑いも無く we connected 赤い糸で
Without a doubt, we were connected by a red thread
きっと あの時に戻りたいだけ あの時のキミと話したいだけ
I just want to go back to that time, talk to you like we used to
だからlet's spend a day
So let's spend a day
星を眺めながら we can start over この場所で
Gazing at the stars, we can start over here
Shhhhh まずはstart with a kiss
Shhhhh first, let's start with a kiss
壊れかけた 絆を
Let's reconnect the bond that was broken
もう一度 赤い糸で繋ごう
With a red thread, one more time
And i always will love u 君だけを
And I will always love you, only you
夜空を この 愛で埋めよう
Let's fill the night sky with this love
The starlight that shines on us
夜空に浮かび出すmoon light
Moonlight appears in the night sky
二人の鼓動が響き渡るinto the sky
The beat of our hearts resonates into the sky
The starlight that shines on us
たった二人きりだよ この世界
Just the two of us in this world
このままきっと二人はforever in love
I believe that the two of us will be forever in love
I want u back... i want u back...
I want you back... I want you back...
And i want u back...
And I want you back...
二人またback in time just like that
The two of us back in time, just like that
Thanks to the day I found your smile
I've been able to get stronger even when I'm feeling discouraged
No matter what happens in the future
Let's keep singing our love songs together
壊れかけた 絆を
Let's reconnect the bond that was broken
もう一度 赤い糸で繋ごう
With a red thread, one more time
And i always will love u 君だけを
And I will always love you, only you
夜空を この 愛で埋めよう
Let's fill the night sky with this love

Авторы: Giorgio Cancemi, Giorgio13

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