Soly - Real - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Soly - Real

Hace tiempo aprendí, que los labios que te besan
Long ago I learned, the lips that kiss you,
Son los mismos que te escupen, cuando ya no les interesas
Are the same ones that spit on you, when they no longer care for you.
Que la vida es solo una, dicen que tienes que vivirla
That life is only one, they say you have to live it,
Pero cada vez son menos los que desean compartirla
But fewer and fewer want to share it.
Que te aman, que te quieren, lo ponen en las redes
That they love you, that they want you, they put it on the networks,
Si en verdad los necesitas, encontrarlos nadie puede
If you really need them, nobody can find them.
Que respetes su punto de vista es casi obligatorio
That you respect their point of view is almost mandatory,
Si no piensas como ellos, te reprenden los demonios
If you don't think like them, the demons reprimand you.
El amor es opcional, nadie se quiere doblegar
Love is optional, nobody wants to bend,
Son muchos que predican, pero les falta moral
There are many who preach, but they lack morals.
Los confrontas, les preguntas y te mandan a orar
You confront them, you ask them, and they send you to pray,
Mientras que videos de sus malos actos se vuelven viral
While videos of their bad deeds go viral.
No se pueden justificar, están mal y lo saben
They can't justify themselves, they're wrong and they know it,
Voy a decir toa la verdad, que ya en el pecho no me cabe
I'm gonna tell the whole truth, it doesn't fit in my chest anymore,
No me importa su opinión si Dios me dijo dale
I don't care about their opinion if God told me to give it,
No canto para religiosos, yo canto pa' la calle
I don't sing for the religious, I sing for the streets.
Los que me piden que zumbe, con to y que no me calle
Those who ask me to buzz, even though I don't shut up,
Aunque suena parecido, no somos iguales
Even though it sounds similar, we are not the same,
Porque no les vendo el cuento, soy la voz en el desierto
Because I don't sell them the story, I'm the voice in the wilderness,
Mis rimas suenan duras, pero en verdad son ungüento
My rhymes sound harsh, but they're really ointment.
Digan lo que digan seguiré siendo real
Say what they say, I'll keep it real,
La verda con la mentira no se puede mezclar
The truth cannot be mixed with lies,
Voy hablar las cosas como son y no hay mas na
I'm gonna talk things the way they are and there's nothing else,
Si no me quiere escuchar, pues arranque pa ya, arranque pa ya
If you don't want to listen to me, then get out of here, get out of here.
Bienvenido al grupo, todos los que se cansaron
Welcome to the group, all those who got tired,
Los que fueron en busca de amor y el odio encontraron
Those who went looking for love and found hate,
Les prometo que Jesús no es así, el si brega al palo
I promise you that Jesus is not like that, he really works hard,
Que con el todas las cosas viejas en realidad pasaron
That with him all old things really passed away.
No me llame, no me busque para decirme que estoy mal
Don't call me, don't look for me to tell me I'm wrong,
Porque he visto la verdad y no me la pienso callar
Because I've seen the truth and I'm not going to shut up about it,
Falsa humildad y las mentiras están en venta
False humility and lies are for sale,
Enojece conmigo, mientras me como una menta
Get mad at me, while I eat a mint.
Les mienten en la cara y maltratan a mi gente
They lie to their faces and mistreat my people,
Serán brutos que no entienden, que Dios es diferente
They must be brutes who don't understand that God is different,
Escucho lo que dices, pero el amor no se siente
I hear what you say, but I don't feel the love,
Dices amar a Jesús, pero no amas a tu gente
You say you love Jesus, but you don't love your people.
Que Dios multiplique todo lo que me deseas
May God multiply everything you wish me,
Y que nos ayude a todos a continuar carrera
And may he help us all to continue the race,
Que enderecé nuestros pasos, porque se andan torcidos
May he straighten our steps, because they are crooked,
Que nos de sabiduría para criar a nuestros hijos
May he give us wisdom to raise our children.
He vivido muchas cosas, y muchas me han dolido
I've lived through a lot, and a lot of it has hurt me,
La verdad no la he vendido, tengo cientos de enemigos
I haven't sold the truth, I have hundreds of enemies,
Y dos o tres colegas que no grabarían conmigo
And two or three colleagues who wouldn't record with me,
Mi meta es llegar al cielo, aunque llegue sin amigos
My goal is to get to heaven, even if I get there without friends.
Digan lo que digan seguiré siendo real
Say what they say, I'll keep it real,
La verda con la mentira no se pue mezclar
The truth cannot be mixed with lies,
Voy hablar las cosas como son y no hay mas na
I'm gonna talk things the way they are and there's nothing else,
Si no me quiere escuchar, pues arranque pa ya, arranque pa ya
If you don't want to listen to me, then get out of here, get out of here.

Авторы: Soly

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