Sonora Skandalo - Tendencias - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sonora Skandalo - Tendencias

Si la miran por ahí
If you see her out there
Por las calles caminar
Walking the streets
Dirán que es una mujer
They will say that she is a woman
Lo podrías asegurar
You could be sure
Por su andar tan ambicioso
For her so eager way of walking
Y su forma de mirar
And her way of looking
Y ese cuerpo de modelo
And that model's body
Que te hace delirar
That makes you rave
Si la miran por ahí
If you see her out there
De pelo largo natural
With long natural hair
Zapatillas, falda corta
Sneakers, short skirt
Intentando provocar
Trying to provoke
Que los hombres que la vean
That the men who see her
No la puedan evitar
Can't help but avoid her
Despertar la envidia en ellas
Wake up the envy in them
lo que quiere lograr
I know what she wants to achieve
Fíjate bien, fíjate bien
Look closely, look closely
Tal vez no sea ella, tal vez sea él
Maybe it's not her, maybe it's him
Al que le gustó desde niño vestirse de mujer
Who liked to dress up as a woman since he was a child
Al que su familia niega por ser como es
Who his family denies for being who he is
que Dios no se equivoca
I know God doesn't make mistakes
Pero algo pasa en él
But something happened to him
Que cambió su tendencia
That changed his tendency
De ser hombre a ser mujer
From being a man to being a woman
Si la miras por ahí
If you see her out there
Tomando un trago en algún bar
Having a drink at a bar
Y se te acerca amablemente
And she approaches you kindly
Y algo te quiere invitar
And wants to invite you something
Notarás que hay algo extraño
You will notice that there is something strange
En su forma de mirar
In her way of looking
Que en su voz hay algo raro
That there is something weird in her voice
Que a ti te hace dudar
That makes you doubt her
Fíjate bien, fíjate bien
Look closely, look closely
Tal vez no sea ella, tal vez sea él
Maybe it's not her, maybe it's him
Al que le gustó desde niño vestirse de mujer
Who liked to dress up as a woman since he was a child
Al que su familia niega por ser como es
Who his family denies for being who he is
que Dios no se equivoca
I know God doesn't make mistakes
Pero algo pasó en él
But something happened to him
Que cambió su tendencia
That changed his tendency
De ser hombre a ser mujer
From being a man to being a woman

Авторы: Zamora Alejandro Arriaga

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