Sopa De Cabra - De Poc a Molt - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sopa De Cabra - De Poc a Molt

De Poc a Molt
From Little to Much
Va alçar-se d′un jaç a la vorera
I got up from a bed on the sidewalk
Els ulls plens de nit i els cabells de foc
My eyes full of night and my hair on fire
Em va dir que no era d'enlloc, que no tenia nom
She told me she was from nowhere, that she had no name
No desitjava res, amb poc en feia prou
She desired nothing, with little she had enough
Qui no sembra no tindrà, només reps allò que dons
He who does not sow will not have, you only receive what you give
El cel es tornarà del color que dus al cor
The sky will turn the color you carry in your heart
S′acosta la tempesta
The storm is approaching
Fugint pots caure i perdre't
Fleeing, you can fall and get lost
Si et mulles com fa l'herba
If you get wet like the grass does
El sol després t′asseca
The sun will dry you later
Vaig anar-me′n tot sol amb l'alba negra i un amor
I left alone with the black dawn and a love
Quan el blau desperta i la terra dorm
When the blue awakens and the earth sleeps
Més lluny que el destÌ, tirant la meva sort
Farther than destiny, casting my luck
A cada pas collint cançons com si fossin flors
At every step, gathering songs as if they were flowers
Si s′acosta la tempesta
If the storm approaches
Fugint puc caure i perdre'm
Fleeing, I can fall and get lost
Si et mulles com fa l′herba
If you get wet like the grass does
El sol m'asseca i creixo sense pressa
The sun dries me and I grow without haste
Sense pausa i sense por
Without pausing and without fear
Com la llum que brilla
Like the light that shines
M′aniré escampant pel món
I will spread myself around the world
Si no sembres no tindràs, només reps allò que dons
If you do not sow, you will not have, you only receive what you give
El cel es tornrà del color que dus al cor
The sky will turn the color you carry in your heart
Recorda la tempesta
Remember the storm
Fugint pots caure i perdre't
Fleeing, you can fall and get lost
Si et mulles com fa l'herba
If you get wet like the grass does
El sol t′asseca i creixes
The sun dries you and you grow
S′acosta la tempesta
The storm is approaching
Fugint pots caure i perdre't
Fleeing, you can fall and get lost
Si et mulles com fa l′herba
If you get wet like the grass does
Després el sol t'asseca
Then the sun dries you

Авторы: Francesc Lisicic

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