Sopa De Cabra - L'Home Estatic - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sopa De Cabra - L'Home Estatic

L'Home Estatic
The Static Man
Sol de llauna, cel de glaç
Tin sun, glass sky
Dins el calaix d′un armari
Inside the drawer of a cupboard
Draps de dona i un infant
Women's clothes and a child
Amb un regust enigmàtic
With an enigmatic aftertaste
Ve de néixer, està sorprès
He has just been born, he is surprised
uns grans ulls Modigliani
He has big Modigliani eyes
Absents, tristos, verds i oberts
Absent, sad, green and open
I una vida fins que els tanqui
And a life until he closes them
És l'home estàtic, la tristesa el corprès
He's the static man, sadness has gripped him
Les orenetes faran nius als seus cabells
Swallows will nest in his hair
Quan ja tres anys no surt
When he is three years old he does not leave
A empaitar les papallones
To chase butterflies
Quan un gos lladra no fuig
When a dog barks he does not run away
I els vestits paguen la broma
And his clothes pay the joke
Quan la neu remou el cel
When the snow stirs the sky
Ell la mira en lloc de córrer
He looks at it instead of running
I li′n queda el rostre ple
And his face is full of it
Com les estàtues de Roma
Like the statues of Rome
És l'home estàtic, la tristesa el corprès
He's the static man, sadness has gripped him
Les orenetes faran nius als seus cabells
Swallows will nest in his hair
Més grandet troba un ocell
As he grows older he finds a bird
A sobre d'ell, a dalt d′un arbre
Above him, in the top of a tree
Ell no es mou i un excrement
He does not move and an excrement
Li fa blanc a mitja cara
Makes him white half-way up his face
Troba la nina d′un ull
He finds the doll's eye
La voldria per companya
He would like it for a companion
Però no la mira ni acull
But he does not look at it or welcome it
I la nina se'n va a França
And the doll goes to France
És l′home estàtic, la tristesa el corprès
He's the static man, sadness has gripped him
Les orenetes faran nius als seus cabells
Swallows will nest in his hair
Una noia li ofereix un clavell per la solapa
A girl offers him a carnation for his lapel
Ell se'l mira però no el pren
He looks at it but does not take it
I el clavell se l′endú un altre
And another takes the carnation
Un estiu quan ell ja és gran
One summer when he is already grown
L'amor ve amb tres candidates
Love comes with three candidates
Ell les mira afalagat
He looks at them, flattered
Però l′amor pressa i marxa
But love is in a hurry and leaves
És l'home estàtic, la tristesa el corprès
He's the static man, sadness has gripped him
Les orenetes faran nius als seus cabells
Swallows will nest in his hair
Un bonic dia d'abril
One beautiful day in April
Tot són flors i ell les olora
Everything is flowers and he smells them
Però surt l′amo d′un jardí
But the owner of a garden comes out
I li fa una cara nova
And gives him a new face
Descobreix que no està
He discovers that he is not well
I vol dir-ho a una senyora
And he wants to tell a lady
La senyora no l'entén
The lady does not understand him
Perquè és mestra d′una escola
Because she's a school teacher
És l'home estàtic, la tristesa el corprès
He's the static man, sadness has gripped him
Les orenetes faran nius als seus cabells
Swallows will nest in his hair
Han passat anys, s′ha fet gran
Years have passed, he has grown old
I assegut davant la porta
And sitting in front of the door
I esperant l'enterrament
And awaiting the burial
D′aquell de la cara nova
Of the man with the new face
Cel de vidre, lluna d'or
Glass sky, golden moon
Dins d'un caixó sense potes
Inside a coffin without legs
Jeu el cos d′un home mort
Lies the body of a dead man
Ningú riu i ningú plora
Nobody laughs and nobody cries
És l′home estàtic, la tristesa l'ha matat
He's the static man, sadness has killed him
Les orenetes d′ell, mort, fred, han emigrat
His swallows, dead, cold, have emigrated

Авторы: Pau Riba

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