Sopa De Cabra - No tinc peles - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sopa De Cabra - No tinc peles

No tinc peles
I Have No Money
No tinc peles, no tinc feina
I have no money, no job
Ni lloc on anar a dormir
And no place to go to sleep
No tinc peles, no tinc feina
I have no money, no job
Ni lloc on anar a dormir.
And no place to go to sleep.
Espero que tu, nena, em diguis vine a viure amb mi.
I hope you, baby, tell me to come live with you.
A casa no m'hi volen, diuen que no foto res
At home they don't want me, they say I'm a good-for-nothing
A casa no m'hi volen, diuen que no foto res
At home they don't want me, they say I'm a good-for-nothing
Però tu ets de casa bona, nena, et sobren els calés.
But you're from a good home, baby, you have money to spare.
Si de veritat m'estimes, m'hauràs de mantenir
If you really love me, you'll have to support me
Si de veritat m'estimes, m'hauràs de mantenir
If you really love me, you'll have to support me
Si de veritat m'estimes, nena m'has de muntar un pis.
If you really love me, baby, you have to buy me an apartment.
El meu amor és car, nena, i tu me'l pots pagar
My love is expensive, baby, and you can afford it
El meu amor és car, sí, i tu me'l pots pagar
My love is expensive, yes, and you can afford it
Amb pasta a la butxaca, sí, estic enamorat.
With money in my pocket, yes, I'm in love.
No tinc peles, no tinc feina
I have no money, no job
Ni lloc on anar a dormir
And no place to go to sleep
No tinc peles, no tinc feina
I have no money, no job
Ni lloc on anar a dormir.
And no place to go to sleep.
Espero que tu, nena, em diguis vine a viure amb mi.
I hope you, baby, tell me to come live with you.

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