Sorane - Girl (feat. Kojikoji) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sorane - Girl (feat. Kojikoji)

Girl (feat. Kojikoji)
Girl (feat. Kojikoji)
Hi, it's Catherine.
I'm busy right now and can't answer the phone.
Please leave a message.
馬鹿な真似はよして 今は大人しくしていなよ
Stop fooling around and be quiet for now.
Cupid honey ギターもベースも
Cupid honey, both guitar and bass,
君の愛に Tuning 合わし
Tuning my love in accordance with you.
朝はパンじゃなくて やっぱ 白いご飯 味噌汁
In the morning, instead of bread, it's still white rice and miso soup.
君に会い 休日代わりのたわいない 街ぶらり
Meeting you, a day off instead of a wandering walk around town.
"ふっとした時に 狂わしい素振りみせるあたり
"The way you occasionally act crazy,
ずるいよなって見とれていたよ 今のさっきまで"
it's unfair, I was watching you until just now."
(Oh baby darling ah)
(Oh baby darling ah)
靴を買ったよ 高い服も買ったよ
I bought shoes, I bought expensive clothes,
メイク上手くいったよ 全部気付かないでしょ
My makeup turned out well, you probably won't notice any of it.
手を繋いでいる時 口癖が多くなる
When I hold your hand, I start stuttering a lot,
実は焦ってんでしょ 密なSummer vacation
Aren't you actually nervous, too, in this intense summer vacation?
"何が気に食わないの 口にしないなら分からないよ
"What's wrong with you? If you don't say it, I won't know,
そんな毎日だけど 2人で居たいから"
Even though it's like this every day, I want to be with you."
(Even with such a whim tonight)
There are things to forget,
and there are things to not forget.
人が俗に言う 運命と
What people commonly call fate,
トキメキは また別の物なの
and falling in love are two different things.
Wherever you are right now,
it's none of my business,
一言二言 言いなさいよ
But say a word or two.
アレだよ アレ (Hugging with love)
That is it, that (Hugging with love)
"私事ですが" なんてセリフは もう聞き飽きてる
"This is personal," I'm tired of hearing such lines,
Wedding dress をきっと王子様 持ってくる (Hi!!)
A prince will surely bring me a wedding dress (Hi!!)
きっと僕ら大人になり お互いに別々の幸
Surely we'll grow up and each find separate happiness,
門出に花を添えるまで 死ねないのよね
I can't die until I've celebrated your departure.
高い服も新品の靴も 上手くいったメイクさえも
Expensive clothes and brand new shoes, even well-done makeup,
君の目に留まらないなら 死んだと同じ
If they don't catch your eye, it's the same as being dead.
"不安材料は揃ったし 料理でも作ろうかな
"I've got everything I need, I think I'll cook something,
うろ覚えの手つきでも 貴方を唸らせる"
Even with my clumsy hands, I'll make you moan."
(That's the way to go)
"'You're nothing but excuses," I should say that,
なんて言えたらいいけど 飲み込んでる
but I swallow it.
いつも極端な話よ 人生は
Life is always an extreme, isn't it?
我慢する人と 我慢させている人
People who endure and people who make others endure.
救いようのない今でさえ 愛してる
Despite this hopeless situation, I love you,
だからもう無責任は やめにしな Baby
So stop being so irresponsible, Baby.
(Just kidding)
There are things to forget,
and there are things to not forget.
人が俗に言う 運命と
What people commonly call fate,
トキメキは また別の物なの
and falling in love are two different things.
Wherever you are right now,
it's none of my business,
一言二言 言いなさいよ
But say a word or two.
アレだよ アレ (Hugging with love)
That is it, that (Hugging with love)
Hi キャサリン マイケルだよ
Hi Catherine, it's Michael.
前からあの キャサリンとご飯行きたいなって思ってたんだけど
I've been thinking about it for a while now, but would you want to have dinner with me sometime?
Are you free today? Are you free today?
Are you free tomorrow? Are you free tomorrow?
来週とか再来週は?どっちも空いてない あそう
What about next week or the week after? Neither of those days work? Oh.
Are you free next year? Next year
あ、来年まで予定埋まってるんだ 大変だね あそう
Oh, so your schedule is full until next year. That's tough. Oh.
んー あのー ピットも大体いるけど三人で
Hmm - oh - well - with Pitt around most of the time, maybe the three of us...
Oh, so you don't like three people or two people? Oh.
うん そっか あーうーん あっうっあっ そっか...
Yeah, okay. - well - oh, a little bit - uh - oh, okay...

Авторы: 空音

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