No bo kazdy juz na full poczul bol i te meki, kiedy idziesz droga pod prad ciezko nie dostrzec tej reki.
Because everyone has already felt the pain and agony to the fullest when you go against the flow it's hard not to notice that hand.
Kazdy na bank nadal lubi isc z melanzem
Everyone still enjoys going out surely
A nastepny dzien przeznacza na zaloby nad tym hajsem
And the next day is spent mourning over that money
Taka codziennosc gdy znow meczysz sie z kacem no i kazdy w swoja strone szkole praca kradziesz handel
Such everyday life when you're once again hungover and everyone goes their own way school work stealing dealing
Ty masz krzeslo bez oparcia ten frajer ma kanape siedzisz w wagonie przeciwko a on cisnie kadirakiem czasy sie zmienily kiedys plules w skrzydla swe jak braty kiedys przedles swa milosc a dzis ktos je z twego talerza x2
You have a chair without a back that lucky guy has a sofa you sit in a wagon facing him while he drives a Cadillac times have changed you used to fly with your wings like brothers you used to share your love and today someone eats it off your plate x2
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