SpecialBeatz feat. Pil C - 39. - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SpecialBeatz feat. Pil C - 39.

Peniaze boli aj budú nonstop
Money was, is, and will be nonstop
Kúpil som byt a ďalej rozmýšľam
I bought an apartment and am still thinking
Či Benz alebo Rolls-Royce
Whether a Benz or a Rolls-Royce
Včera som bol na Bali
Yesterday I was in Bali
A dneska letím Hong-Kong
And today I am flying to Hong-Kong
No keď som bol malý
But when I was little
Nebol som s mamou ani s otcom
I was not with my mother or father
Pri mori
At the sea
Väčšinu roka otec pracoval v zahraničí
Most of the year, my father worked abroad
Nech rodina neživorí
So that the family would not starve
A že by sme boli chudobní
And not that we were poor
Sme nemali mnohí čo mali
We did not have many things that others had
A mali to čo oni nemali
And they had what we did not have
A pól noc strieda ďalšia pól noc
And one half night replaces another half night
A vstávať do roboty o siedmej ma nebaví
And getting up to work at seven pisses me off
Tak isto ako dívať sa z vonku
As does looking from the outside
Na výklady
At display windows
A výplata len znižuje debet
And the salary only reduces the debt
Život stále bez peňazí
Life still without money
Je to len tovar
It's just goods
A keď ma naserú
And when they piss me off
Vybudujem z ničoho impérium jak Escobar
I will build an empire out of nothing like Escobar
Hovorili chlapče spomaľ
They said boy slow down
Osem rokov v robote mi pripomína každé euro každý dolár
Eight years in a job reminds me of every euro, every dollar
Ktorý zarobím
That I earn
(Ktorý zarobím)
(That I earn)
Naše životy movies
Our lives are movies
Pamätám keď sme nemali si čo dať do huby
I remember when we had nothing to eat
A teraz ideme to bad and boujee
And now we go so bad and boujee
Žereme Mango v tej jacuzzi
We eat Mango in that jacuzzi
Okolo pása mame tie medúzy
We have those jellyfish around our waists
A oni zvykli biť ma pod perinou
And they used to beat me under the blanket
Nechcem Moët ani Crystal
I don't want Moët or Crystal
Pijem Don Pérignon
I drink Don Pérignon
Na aute červený chróm
On the car, red chrome
Žereme v Londýne sushi
We eat sushi in London
Na 39. poschodí mou
On the 39th floor, girl
V sambe
In the samba
Jebem na ten outlet
I don't give a damn about that outlet
Fashion store Versace
Fashion store Versace
Toľko zlata, že sa cítim ako Azték
So much gold, I feel like an Aztec
Limitované fľaše
Limited edition bottles
No keď sme boli malí pred Tescom sme pili Sandberg
But when we were little, we drank Sandberg in front of Tesco
žebráci majú pokrčenú tvár jak sharpei.
Beggars have a face as crumpled as a shar-pei
Apple Watch na ruke
Apple Watch on my wrist
Zachvíľu je pol siedmej
It's almost half past six
MCM, peňaženka, opasok aj backpack
MCM, wallet, belt and backpack
10 litrov kokot som pustil na tom Bape-e
I spent 10 liters of money on that Bape
Preveď mi cash hneď (bež preč)
Transfer me cash now (get lost)
V Košiciach ma ohovára riaditeľka banky
In Košice, the bank manager slanders me
Zdravím pani ová
Greetings, Mrs. Ová
Aké je to s dcérou rovnakého fajčiť? Ha?
What is it like to smoke the same thing as your daughter? Huh?
Privát banking
Private banking

SpecialBeatz feat. Pil C - 39.
дата релиза

1 39.

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