Spike - Încerc - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Spike - Încerc

I'm Trying
Pe aici am fost ba cred ca ne invartim in cerc
I have been here before, I think we are going in circles
Auzi da cine-s aia si cu cine se intrec
Listen, who are those people and who are they competing with
Vad ca toti sunt la inaltime nu inteleg de ce si cum
I see that everyone is at the top, I don't understand why and how
Aici paza, receptie, aterizati acum
This is security, reception, please land now
E razboiul digital, muzica sa faca bum.
It's the digital war, let the music blow up.
Si pe tine cum te cheama vrei sa te lansezi, ai tun
And what is your name, you want to launch yourself, you have a gun
Vrei sa stii secretul sa te faca super bun
You want to know the secret to making you super good
Uite cartea mea de vizita hai suna-ma acum
Here is my business card, call me now
Alo, colegii, sunt pe frecventa gresita
Hello, friends, I am on the wrong frequency
Eu sunt ala de pe contrasens cu dacia busita
I'm the one on the wrong side with the broken Dacia
Geamurile jos, dau la maxim Meneaito
Windows down, playing Meneaito at full blast
Eu zic sa ma ocoliti ca daca nu ati belit-o
I suggest you avoid me because if you don't, you're in trouble
Si zice lumea ca-s nebun nici nu stiu ce sa le spun
And people say I'm crazy, I don't even know what to tell them
Ar fi bine piesa asta sa n-o punem pe album
It would be nice not to put this song on the album
Eu am gps-ul mort si m-am ratacit pe drum
My GPS is dead and I got lost on the way
Nici o problema, sunt aici, e totul in regula acum.
No problem, I'm here, everything is fine now.
Incerc si tot incerc dar nu stiu incotro ma indrept.
I'm trying and trying but I don't know where I'm headed.
Pe aici am fost, de aici venim, eu cred ca ne invartim in cerc. Mda locul asta pare cunoscut
I've been here before, this is where we came from, I think we're going in circles. Yeah this place seems familiar
Asta spune multe in primul rand ca ne-am pierdut
This says a lot first of all that we are lost
Nu s-a schimbat nimic arata ca la inceput
Nothing has changed, it looks like the beginning
Doar ca muzica e naspa si ca asta s-a vandut
Except that the music sucks and it sold
Pfuuuu haterii sa strige ura unde-i atitudinea tupeul si structura
Pfuuuu haters scream hate where's the attitude, audacity and the structure
Tipul asta-i naspa rap-ul lui suna aiurea
This guy sucks, his rap sounds bad
Aparent eu sunt fals m-au prins baga-mi-as p***a
Apparently I'm fake, they caught me, I'd kill myself
Asta are bani s-a jucat cu hit-uri
He has money, he played with hits
I-a luat ta-su versuri ii face ma-sa beat-uri
His dad took verses, his mom makes beats for him
Nu-i pasa de noi se gandeste doar la hit-uri
He doesn't care about us, he only thinks about hits
Se mai crede si regizor, cica face videoclipuri
He also thinks he's a director, he makes music videos
Stai, unde am ajuns despre ce vorbeam A da lumea lui Paul e si dupa cum spuneam
Wait, where did we get, what were we talking about, oh, Paul's world is also as he said
Mie imi place fata tipul e nebun asa ca noi Il are pe vino'ncoa si pe du-te-n mortii tai.
I like the girl, the guy's crazy like us He's got Come here and F off.
Incerc si tot incerc dar nu stiu incotro ma indrept.
I'm trying and trying but I don't know where I'm headed.
Pe aici am fost, de aici venim, eu cred ca ne invartim in cerc. Dati-va in p***a mea pe tooootiiiiiiiiiii, eeeeee...
I've been here before, this is where we came from, I think we're going in circles. Get the f*** out of my way, you all, yeah...
2015, aha... trupa.
2015, yeah... band.
Ba dati-mi ba drumu de aici ba.
Let me the way out of here.
Ba Skype nu m-ai lucrez ba in tara asta... moama
Skype, I don't work in this country... god dammit

Авторы: spike

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