Sr. Chen feat. Lildami & Emotional G - Xmi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sr. Chen feat. Lildami & Emotional G - Xmi

La història de l′Alba i el Miquel va començar com tot
The story of Alba and Miquel started like everything
Per un amic a una festa de rebot
Through a friend at a rebound party
I van dormir junts, van despertar plegats
And they slept together, they woke up together
Coses de la vida, no t'adones i t′has enamorat
Things in life, you don't realize and you've fallen in love
I quan t'enganxes a algú i sents aquesta addició
And when you get hooked on someone and you feel this addiction
Se't fa impossible negar-te i dir que no
It becomes impossible to deny yourself and say no
Has canviat els teus plans, quasi la forma de ser
You've changed your plans, almost your way of being
Collegues de sempre per gent que no et diu res
Lifelong colleagues for people who don't tell you anything
Fa setmanes que no prens algo amb els amics al bar
It's been weeks since you've had a drink with your friends at the bar
Total ja no contestes i no t′envien WhatsApps
Anyway, you don't answer anymore and they don't send you WhatsApps
Quina putada canviar per agradar algú
What a bummer to change to please someone
L′Alba i el Miquel estaven sols però junts
Alba and Miquel were alone but together
I no hi ha res més sa que saber estimar
And there's nothing healthier than knowing how to love
Però si això et fa mal doncs deixa-ho estar
But if it hurts you, then let it go
No-no-només queda una sortida
No-no-there's only one way out
No t'ho pensis més i pira′t
Don't think about it anymore and get the hell out
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
La història de la parella que t'havia explicat
The story of the couple I told you about
Ho van acabar deixant, tot una caducitat
They ended up breaking up, everything has an expiration date
Busquen algo nou per sentir-se com abans
They're looking for something new to feel like before
Però la felicitat està només a les teves mans
But happiness is only in your hands
Un sentiment estrany, estàs al pou alliberat
A strange feeling, you're at the bottom of the well, liberated
Recordes coses bones i altres et fan dubtar
You remember good things and others make you doubt
L′Alba i el Miquel estan millor separats
Alba and Miquel are better off apart
Si no sortien de festa pel que podien pensar
If they didn't go out to party because of what they might think
Les onades esborren les teves passes al caminar
The waves erase your footsteps as you walk
I toca passar pàgina
And it's time to turn the page
Tu fes la teva vida i el temps dirà
You do your life and time will tell
Que si vol que canviïs potser no li agrades tant
That if he wants you to change, maybe he doesn't like you that much
I no hi ha res més sa que saber estimar
And there's nothing healthier than knowing how to love
Però si això et fa mal doncs deixa-ho estar
But if it hurts you, then let it go
No-no-només queda una sortida
No-no-there's only one way out
No t'ho pensis més i pira′t
Don't think about it anymore and get the hell out
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
I no hi ha res més sa que saber estimar
And there's nothing healthier than knowing how to love
Però si això et fa mal doncs deixa-ho estar
But if it hurts you, then let it go
Només queda una sortida
There's only one way out
No t'ho pensis més i pira't
Don't think about it anymore and get the hell out
No t′ho pensis més i pira′t
Don't think about it anymore and get the hell out
No t'ho pensis més i pira′t
Don't think about it anymore and get the hell out
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you
No ho faré per tu
I won't do it for you

Авторы: Damià Rodríguez, Martí Mora

Sr. Chen feat. Lildami & Emotional G - Viatge en espiral
Viatge en espiral
дата релиза

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