Stepz - Præcis - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Stepz - Præcis

"Er du stoppet med at lav' musik, Stepz?"
"Have you stopped making music, Stepz?"
"Er der sket noget siden du tit væk?"
"Has something happened since you're often away?"
"Passer det, din bil den er ikk' købt?"
"Is it true, your car isn't actually bought?"
"Mener du det? Er dit tøj ogs' bar' fake shit?"
"Are you serious? Are your clothes all just fake too?"
"Passer det, din konto den er helt nede?"
"Is it true, your account is completely empty?"
"Okay, sygt - sygt nok, havde jeg ikk' forventet"
"Okay, crazy - crazy enough, I didn't expect that"
"Men hvordan? dig i Louis ud med ti poser"
"But how? I saw you at Louis Vuitton walking out with ten bags"
"Laver du penge ved siden af, Stepz? Er du kriminel?"
"Are you making money on the side, Stepz? Are you a criminal?"
Brormand, jeg kastede en million
Brother, I threw a million
Den kom tilbage som jeg kastede en boomerang
It came back like I threw a boomerang
I 2017 sagde jeg, jeg havde sikret mig selv
In 2017, I said I had secured myself
jeg ligeglad med at boom og ram'
So I don't care about booming and crashing
Lige snart at jeg duftede, du ikk' er dig selv
As soon as I sensed you weren't yourself
det "Salam, klokken er sent og mange"
It was "Peace, it's late and there are many"
Og baby, jeg sværger, jeg ogs' gern' vil se dig
And baby, I swear, I really want to see you too
Men sværger ogs' på, at min uge er lange
But I also swear my week is long
DnD, forstyr ikk'
Do Not Disturb, don't interrupt
Stepz er tilbage og er lyrisk
Stepz is back and is lyrical
De troede, jeg havde mistet min styring
They thought I had lost my control
Men drikker ikk' mer', og ryger ikk'
But I don't drink anymore, and I don't smoke
Ferragam ligger en fitty
Ferragamo costs a fifty
Hva' kigger de på, hva' vil de?
What are they looking at, what do they want?
Ferragam ligger en fitty
Ferragamo costs a fifty
Hva' kigger de på, hva' vil de? (hva' vil de?)
What are they looking at, what do they want? (what do they want?)
Det sygt, hvordan de folk de snakker, og de tager fejl
It's so crazy how those people talk, and they're so wrong
Hva' ved de om de møder, der bli'r holdt derned' i Schweiz
What do they know about the meetings being held down in Switzerland
Fokusér dit, min bror - hvorfor fokuser mig?
Focus on yours, my brother - why focus on me?
Hva' ved de om de møder, der bli'r holdt derned' i Schweiz
What do they know about the meetings being held down in Switzerland
"Er du stoppet med at lav' musik, Stepz?"
"Have you stopped making music, Stepz?"
"Er der sket noget siden du tit væk?"
"Has something happened since you're often away?"
"Passer det, din bil den er ikk' købt?"
"Is it true, your car isn't actually bought?"
"Mener du det? Er dit tøj ogs' bar' fake shit?"
"Are you serious? Are your clothes all just fake too?"
"Passer det, din konto den er helt nede?"
"Is it true, your account is completely empty?"
"Okay, sygt - sygt nok, havde jeg ikk' forventet"
"Okay, crazy - crazy enough, I didn't expect that"
"Men hvordan? dig i Louis ud med ti poser"
"But how? I saw you at Louis Vuitton walking out with ten bags"
"Laver du penge ved siden af, Stepz? Er du kriminel?"
"Are you making money on the side, Stepz? Are you a criminal?"
Jeg vil bar' stable længe, der nok til familien
I just want to stack as long as there's enough for the family
Er alt andet fint med mig
Everything else is fine with me
Du er først rig, når du har købt noget
You're only rich when you've bought something
Gået ud af døren, og glemt alt om hva' prisen var
Walked out the door, and forgotten all about what the price was
Positiv, negativ - jeg er seriøs
Positive, negative - I'm serious
Al' har sin' grunde, ikk' lav fis med mig
Everything has its reasons, don't mess with me
Hver mand til sit, alle for sig selv
Every man for himself, everyone for themselves
Ender ikk' inde i en kiste med mig
You won't end up in a coffin with me
Brormand, jeg troede, at du vidste
Brother, I thought you knew
Alt' herind' er sket her for længst
Everything in here happened a long time ago
Derfor vi spendere de penge
That's why we spend that money
Prøv på, tankerne væk
Try to get your mind off things
Brormand, vi var kun nogen små børn ude de fliser
Brother, we were just some little kids out on those tiles
Savner de brødre, der inde, uden beviser
I miss those brothers inside, without evidence
Fuck den forbandelse, der kaldes: "Indicier"
Fuck that curse called: "Evidence"
Vi ekstra stresset, men du ser, vi smiler
We're extra stressed, but you see, we're smiling

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