Stereo Luchs - Balkon - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Stereo Luchs - Balkon

Ich glaub ich bliib hüt uf em Balkon
I think I'll stay on the balcony today
Und lueg hüt nume chli in Hof
And just look out into the courtyard
Und du häsch völlig recht, wenn seisch
And you're absolutely right to say
Machemer e Fläsche uf
Let's open a bottle
Mir bliibed uf em Balkon
We'll stay on the balcony
Und lueged nume chli in Hof
And just look out into the courtyard
Mir händ no bitzli vo dem Kush da
We still have a bit of that Kush left
Schicked Wulche ue id Luft
Let's blow smoke clouds up into the air
Sie händ de Früehlig, mir händ d'Blüete
They have spring, we have the blossoms
Sie händ de Wecker, mir händ d'Ziit
They have their alarm clocks, we have the time
Mir händ d'Liebi, sie wänd chriege
We have love, they're waging wars
Fräg mi nöd a was es liit
Don't ask me what's wrong
Ich han kei Lösig hüt für gar nüt, nei wüki nöd
I don't have any solutions for anything today, no way
Sueche nume - funny Gsichter ide Wulche
Just looking for - funny faces in the clouds
Du seisch was lustigs usem nüt, ich
You say something funny out of nowhere, I
Mues so fest lache dass ich hueste
Have to laugh so hard that I cough
Und all sind unterwegs
And everyone's out and about
Und mached öpis gschids hüt
And doing something productive today
Ich bin mer zimli sicher
I'm pretty sure
Irgendwer eroberet d'Welt hüt, aber mir nöd
Someone's conquering the world today, but not us
Das isch zimli sicher
That's pretty sure
Ich glaub ich bliib hüt uf em Balkon
I think I'll stay on the balcony today
Und lueg hüt nume chli in Hof
And just look out into the courtyard
Und du häsch völlig recht, wenn seisch
And you're absolutely right to say
Machemer e Fläsche uf
Let's open a bottle
Mir bliibed uf em Balkon
We'll stay on the balcony
Und lueged nume chli in Hof
And just look out into the courtyard
Mir händ no bitzli vo dem Kush da
We still have a bit of that Kush left
Schicked Wulche ue id Luft
Let's blow smoke clouds up into the air
D'Welt hät scho gnueg Songs
The world has enough songs
Es brucht kei neui meh
It doesn't need any more
D'Welt hät scho gnueg Songs
The world has enough songs
Mir losed eusi playlists
We'll listen to our playlists
Ich schrib hüt sicher kein neue meh
I'm definitely not writing any new ones today
Gange maximal ad Tankstell hüt
Maybe go to the gas station at most
Die hät immer off
It's always open
Hol Papier und was usem Chüelregal
Get some paper towels and something from the fridge
Und abgseh devo
And apart from that
Ich glaub ich bliib hüt uf em Balkon
I think I'll stay on the balcony today
Und lueg hüt nume chli in Hof
And just look out into the courtyard
Und du häsch völlig recht, wenn seisch
And you're absolutely right to say
Machemer e Fläsche uf
Let's open a bottle
Mir bliibed uf em Balkon
We'll stay on the balcony
Und lueged nume chli in Hof
And just look out into the courtyard
Mir händ no bitzli vo dem Kush da
We still have a bit of that Kush left
Schicked Wulche ue id Luft
Let's blow smoke clouds up into the air

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