Steve Kali - Luftballon - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Steve Kali - Luftballon

Du hesch ä Platz i mim Härz gfunde - U du weisch, i hüete mis Glück
You found a place in my heart - And you know, I cherish my happiness
I ha di ine glah u gli scho mau dr Schlüssu verschlückt
I let you in and almost immediately swallowed the key
Denn wi du weisch, geiht Liebi dürre Mage
Because as you know, love goes through the stomach
Doch Liebling, du bisch gange - U deshaub isch mir Übu bis hüt
But darling, you left - And that's why I'm still sick to this day
Und i gspürre, wi's drückt, wöu z'meischte macht mir no z'schaffe
And I feel the pressure, because most of it still bothers me
I sött eignlech da hie scho schlafe
I should actually be asleep by now
Villech isch's ja z'Monschter ungerem Bett oder z'Monschter im Schrank
Maybe it's the monster under the bed or the monster in the closet
Doch leider bini nid müed u d'Chleider hani no anne - (the)
But unfortunately I'm not tired and I still have my clothes on - (the)
Auso säg mir, was isch los, Babe
So tell me, what's wrong, babe
Nimm Aspirin i dr Hoffnig, dass mir ändlech usem Chopf geisch
I take Aspirin hoping you'll finally get out of my head
Ha wöue wüsse, was so machsch u das mehreri Mau
I wanted to know what you were doing, and that several times
Doch säge ging, we me mi fragt - Lug, da'sch mir doch egau
But I'd say, when asked - Lie, because I don't care
Denn i bine schlächte Lügner u das weisch du
Because I'm a bad liar and you know that
Hesch ja aagfange wäge Type uf dim Facebook
You started because of some guy on your Facebook
U das isch ja totau behindert
And that's totally stupid
Doch isch haut defür gmacht, dasses soziau verbindet
But today is made for social connections
I weiss, du hesch scho lang vorgha, mi z'betrüge
I know you've been planning to cheat on me for a long time
Du bisch äs Rätsu - Verlür mi i dir
You're a riddle - I lose myself in you
Doch wettsch vo mir ä Antwort ha, müessti lüge
But if you want an answer from me, I'd have to lie
Wi schaffeni das - Du chasch mi verlah
How do I do this - You can leave me
Doch Wow, du chasch ja ganz spontan überzüge
But wow, you can really overreact spontaneously
Du bisch ä Ängu, doch nümme für mi
You're an angel, but not for me anymore
Denn chönntsch du mini Hang loslah, würdsch du flüge - Drum ha di lah gah
Because if you could let go of my hand, you would fly - That's why I let you go
Ha di lah gah so wine Luftballon
I let you go like a balloon
Und i wärde mir äs Single-Läbe gönne
And I'm going to treat myself to a single life
Dini Biuder wärde brönne
Your pictures will burn
Ha dir denn zwar no gseiht gha - Mit dir isches am schönschte
I did tell you - It's the most beautiful with you
Ha aber nume gmeint - Es isch schöner, aus mit irgendäre Frömde
But I only meant - It's nicer than with some stranger
Wosch, dass di eifach öper aaluegt
You want someone to just look at you
Aber Schönheit muess lide, drum bisch bereit, dir öpis aaz'tueh
But beauty must suffer, so you're willing to hurt yourself
Doch ha nid gwüsst, dass sone Spinner bisch
But I didn't know you were such a freak
Und um mi Name z'schribe, irgendsone Klinge nimmsch
And to write my name, you take some blade
Du machsch ä guete Schnitt da u ä guete Schnitt hie
You make a good cut here and a good cut there
Nur um z'vergässe, doch dini Hut vergisst nie
Just to forget, but your skin never forgets
Iz isch aues vouer Bluet - I ha doch geng gmeint
Now everything is full of blood - I always thought
Dr Tüfu chäm im Füür u nid im rote Chleid
The tofu would come in fire and not in a red dress
U d'isch werum ig dir mis Härz nüm cha verschänke
And that's why I can't give you my heart anymore
Chasch's o nüm di nächschte Jahr erkämpfe
You can't fight for it for the next few years either
I weiss, dass di ds truurig macht - (truurig macht)
I know it makes you sad - (makes you sad)
Doch ha nid vergässe, wär du bisch, nur vergässe, a di z'dänke
But I haven't forgotten who you are, just forgotten to think about you
I weiss, du hesch scho lang vorgha, mi z'betrüge
I know you've been planning to cheat on me for a long time
Du bisch äs Rätsu - Verlür mi i dir
You're a riddle - I lose myself in you
Doch wettsch vo mir ä Antwort ha, müessti lüge
But if you want an answer from me, I'd have to lie
Wi schaffeni das - Du chasch mi verlah
How do I do this - You can leave me
Doch Wow, du chasch ja ganz spontan überzüge
But wow, you can really overreact spontaneously
Du bisch ä Ängu, doch nümme für mi
You're an angel, but not for me anymore
Denn chönntsch du mini Hang loslah, würdsch du flüge - Drum ha di lah gah
Because if you could let go of my hand, you would fly - That's why I let you go
Ha di lah gah so wine Luftballon
I let you go like a balloon
Und aues isch verlore
And everything is lost
Ds Ganze wird mir z'bunt, aber grau isch wieder Mode
The whole thing is getting too colorful for me, but gray is back in fashion
Doch steue mir vor, du wärsch ä Luftballon
But imagine you were a balloon
Denn d'Gfahr, dass du wägflügsch, bhautet mi am Bode
Then the danger of you flying away haunts me to the core
Trotzdäm isch's für mi ä chaute Winter worde
Nevertheless, it's been a cold winter for me
Bi näbe dir allei gsi und aube ging erfrore
I was alone next to you and almost froze to death
Doch steue mir vor, du wärsch ä Luftballon
But imagine you were a balloon
Hole eifach mau ä nöie, wöu de aut, isch verfloge
I'll just get a new one, because the old one has flown away
I weiss, du hesch scho lang vorgha, mi z'betrüge
I know you've been planning to cheat on me for a long time
Du bisch äs Rätsu - Verlür mi i dir
You're a riddle - I lose myself in you
Doch wettsch vo mir ä Antwort ha, müessti lüge
But if you want an answer from me, I'd have to lie
Wi schaffeni das - Du chasch mi verlah
How do I do this - You can leave me
Doch Wow, du chasch ja ganz spontan überzüge
But wow, you can really overreact spontaneously
Du bisch ä Ängu, doch nümme für mi
You're an angel, but not for me anymore
Denn chönntsch du mini Hang loslah, würdsch du flüge - Drum ha di lah gah
Because if you could let go of my hand, you would fly - That's why I let you go
Ha di lah gah so wine Luftballon
I let you go like a balloon

Авторы: Stefan Brülhart

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