Steve Kali - Maskebau - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Steve Kali - Maskebau

Aber isches de o, was mer sueche
But is this what we're looking for, girl?
Nei, meischtens weih si meh
No, mostly they want more
Dini Maske isch so ächt, dass me meint, me heig di gseh
Your mask is so real, I thought I'd seen you before
Weisch du meh - (weisch du meh)
Do you know more - (do you know more)
Mir lade ii zum MaskeBau - (Yeah)
I invite you to the Masquerade - (Yeah)
We mir witer ine Schatte luege
When we look further into the shadows
Wirsch du d'Geischter leider gseh
You'll see the ghosts, unfortunately
Drum Maske uf, Blind-Date, zeig nid einisch meh - (niemaus)
So mask on, blind date, don't show yourself again - (to anyone)
Blinddate uf anonymem Karnevau
Blind date at an anonymous carnival
Chumm, i lad di iih, fürne churze Tanz
Come, I invite you in, for a short dance
Aus blibt anonym, öb Mah oder Frou, s'isch androgyn
It stays anonymous, whether man or woman, it's androgynous
Nurno Hass derbii, wöu ne bruchsch im Kampf
Only hate is involved, because you need it in the fight
Bisch du guet im Tanz, s'isch ä Akt vo Gwaut
If you're good at dancing, it's an act of violence
Bsuech isch privat bi däm MaskeBau
The visit is private at this Masquerade
D'Tanzflächi isch äs Schachbrätt
The dance floor is a chessboard
Vore d'Puppe, hinger dä, wo drüber d'Macht hätt
In front, the puppets, behind, the one who holds the power
S'isch de König, wo di Fäde i dr Hang häbt
It's the king who pulls the strings
Auso tanzet - Är seiht tanzet
So dance - He watches you dance
Dihr sitt gfange, wöu dir wartet, was derbii passiert
You are trapped because you wait to see what happens
Doch beschränket nech uf Schach, das isch chlikarriert
But don't limit yourself to chess, that's small-minded
Öii Wäut het ä vorgsehni Loufzit
Your world has a predetermined lifespan
Bewegt me sech dert inn, wird meh so gseh nie Tschoud si
If you move within it, you'll never be seen as free
Aber isches de o, was mir sueche
But is this what we're looking for
Z'Läbe tot läbe u sis Grab verflueche
To live life dead and curse your grave
Mir lade ii zum Maskebau
We invite you to the Masquerade
Blinddate uf anonymem Karnevau
Blind date at an anonymous carnival
We mir witer ine Schatte luege
When we look further into the shadows
Wärdes soz'säge aues schwarzi Blueme
It will all become, so to speak, black flowers
Mir lade ii zum Maskebau
We invite you to the Masquerade
Blinddate uf anonymem Karnevau
Blind date at an anonymous carnival
Wiich us
Give way
Du machsch ä Zug und i gliich us
You make a move and I equalize
Du bisch gfange zwüsche 64 Fäuder
You're trapped between 64 squares
Aues schwarzwiiss macht ja gar ke Sinn
Everything black and white makes no sense
Liecht us
Lights out
Du wartisch nur, wöu du Zit bruchsch
You just wait, because you need time
Zug um Zug, mir si nid gliich uf
Turn by turn, we're not on the same level
We dir da nur Schach blibt, wirsch ja Farbeblind
If all you have is chess, you'll become colorblind
Di Move cha nid cho, denn du dänksch nid sicher
Your move can't come because you're not thinking clearly
D'Figur a dr Front het beschränkti Schritte
The piece at the front has limited steps
Doch kämpfsch di bis a jenes Ändi witer
But if you fight your way to that end
Schlöh si di ja när zum Ritter
They'll knight you
Drum dänk di nid wäg, nur wöu's längwilig hättsch
So don't think yourself away, just because you're bored
Ä Beförderig für di wartet am Ändi vom Brätt
A promotion is waiting for you at the end of the board
Dis Läbe, di Wärt, wosch, dass z'Gägenüber äbe isch
Your life, your values, you want the other side to be equal
U d'isch de Grund, dass du deswäge hüt mi Gägner bisch
And that's the reason why you're my opponent today
Aber isches de o, was mir sueche
But is this what we're looking for
Z'Läbe tot läbe u sis Grab verflueche
To live life dead and curse your grave
Mir lade ii zum Maskebau
We invite you to the Masquerade
Blinddate uf anonymem Karnevau
Blind date at an anonymous carnival
We mir witer ine Schatte luege
When we look further into the shadows
Wärdes soz'säge aues schwarzi Blueme
It will all become, so to speak, black flowers
Mir lade ii zum Maskebau
We invite you to the Masquerade
Blinddate uf anonymem Karnevau
Blind date at an anonymous carnival
Mir lade ii zum Maskebau
We invite you to the Masquerade
Blinddate uf anonymem Karnevau
Blind date at an anonymous carnival

Авторы: Stefan Brülhart

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