Strapo feat. Martin Císar - Sprava - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Strapo feat. Martin Císar - Sprava

Pamätám si len je oči
I remember only her eyes
Ako tam stojí a prosí,
As she stood there and begged,
Oči jak lad, čo šíria ten chlad jak sneh na bosé nohy
Eyes like ice, spreading that coldness like snow on bare feet
Viem, vedela ako to skončí
I know, she knew how this would end
No, nechcela prijať ten pocit
But, she didn't want to accept that feeling
Tak, skočila po nich a kvôli nej mám dnes milión
So, she jumped after them and because of her I now have a million
Bezsenných nocí
Sleepless nights
Ani ten čas čo letí jak vo vetre vlas mi nepomáha
Even the time that flies like hair in the wind does not help me
Čo spojilo nás to vydrží viac no silu to nedodáva
What connected us, will last longer, but it doesn't give strength
No odvahu áno a vôbec nie málo
But courage, yes, and not at all little
Myslím,že na celý život
I think, for my whole life
Na každé ráno
For every morning
Pre celý tábor
For the whole camp
Ďakujem, stále nás to nezlomilo
Thank you, it still hasn't broken us
Chcel by som ti len povedať, že viem
I would just like to tell you, that I know
Že tvoj príbeh význam
That your story has meaning
Mám, v hlave len spomienok pár
I have, in my head just a few memories
čo boli vždy môj prístav
That were always my harbor
K tvojim činom sa vždy vrátim
I will always return to your actions
Lebo viem
Because I know
že ukážu smer, keď sa stratím
That they will show me the way when I get lost
Alebo cieľ
Or the goal
Viem,že tvoj príbeh význam
I know, your story has meaning
A vždy sa k nemu vrátim
And I will always return to it
Otec mi hovoril, aby som nehasil to čo ma nepáli
My father told me not to fan the flames of something that doesn't burn me
Žil v inej dobe
He lived in a different time
V dobe, kde nevadí, keď s davom neladíš a
In a time, where it didn't matter when you didn't fit in with the crowd and
To je teraz problém
That is a problem now
Chcel by som poslať správu
I would like to send that message
Každému kto tu bol so mnou stále
To everyone who was here with me always
You understand
Bohužiaľ mám iba pravdu
Unfortunately I only have truth
A to je vážne stále menej jak nádej
And that is seriously less and less like hope
Dúfam, že to dopadne dobre
I hope, that it will work out well
Aj keby mám mať na konci pohreb
Even if I have to have a funeral at the end
Hrdinu nikdy nezlomí systém
A hero will never be broken by the system
Ak pochopí,čo mu bolesť
If he understands, what pain brings him
Život je fakt iba protest
Life is really just a protest
A hodnotu udáva človek
And a person gives value
A preto
Because of that
Myslím na teda stále
I think about you still
Spomínam na teba dodnes
I remember you to this day
Chcel by som ti len povedať, že viem
I would just like to tell you, that I know
Že tvoj príbeh význam
That your story has meaning
Mám, v hlave len spomienok pár
I have, in my head just a few memories
čo boli vždy môj prístav
That were always my harbor
K tvojim činom sa vždy vrátim
I will always return to your actions
Lebo viem
Because I know
že ukážu smer, keď sa stratím
That they will show me the way when I get lost
Alebo cieľ
Or the goal
Viem,že tvoj príbeh význam
I know, your story has meaning
A vždy sa k nemu vrátim!
And I will always return to it!

Strapo feat. Martin Císar - Sprava - Single (feat. Martin Císar) - Single
Sprava - Single (feat. Martin Císar) - Single
дата релиза

1 Sprava

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