Strapo feat. Hrdlorez Boris - Návod - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Strapo feat. Hrdlorez Boris - Návod

Celkový problém našej domácej politiky spočíva hlavne v tom,
The overall problem of our domestic politics is mainly that
že vláda necíti žiadnu zodpovednosť za svoje činy, pretože nevidí
The government doesn't feel any responsibility for its actions, because it doesn't see
Primeranú odozvu od svojich občanov
An adequate response from its citizens.
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Musia sa nás báť, chápeš?!
They must be afraid of us, you understand?!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Musia sa nás báť, chápeš?!
They must be afraid of us, you understand?!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Musia sa nás báť, chápeš?!
They must be afraid of us, you understand?!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Jak pedofilných kňazov pápež!
Like the Pope fears pedophile priests!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Kurva veľa báť, pochop to!
Really fucking afraid, understand that!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Mega veľa báť, zapál to!
Mega afraid, set it on fire!
Musia sa furt báť
They must always be afraid!
Chce to strach, tak urob to!
It needs fear, so do it!
Zdvihni to, nad hlavu,
Raise it above your head,
Za všetkých zakrič to - SLOVENSKO!
Scream it for everyone - SLOVAKIA!
Zdvihni hlavu okamžite otvor oči
Raise your head, open your eyes immediately
Nesere ťa ani trochu že
Don't give a shit that
ťa jebú vo dne v noci
they're fucking you day and night
Politici zapredaní
Sold-out politicians
A my sme tu jak otroci
And we are here like slaves
Fistujú ťa do análu
They are fisting your anus
Zápalka jak hotel v soči
Matchstick like a hotel in Sochi
Nebrániš sa, sleduješ to
You don't defend yourself, you watch it
Krvácaš a miluješ to
You bleed and love it
Tampóny jak baranidlo
Tampons like a battering ram
Nepomôžu, nechápeš to
Won't help, you don't understand
Nesnažíš sa, nebojuješ
You don't try, you don't fight
Ležíš tam a simuluješ
You lie there and simulate
Skáču ti po hlave
They jump on your head
A ty nepičuješ, prikivuješ
And you don't resist, you nod
Celé to musíte urobiť inak
You have to do it all differently
Nestačí povedať, treba to prijať
It's not enough to say it, you have to accept it
Spolu za svojich, nebuď jak špina
Together for your own, don't be a dirtbag
Spojené prúty nemôžu zlyhať
United rods cannot fail
Inteligencia nepochopila
The intelligentsia did not understand
Ignorácia nevyriešila
Ignoring didn't solve it
Pochopte, že strach je sila
Understand that fear is power
Sloboda mŕtva jak "J Dilla"
Freedom is dead like "J Dilla"
Bojíš sa o svoju malú hlavu
You're afraid for your little head
Nechcete nasrať vládnu bandu
You don't want to fuck up the ruling gang
No jeb na nich, oni nevládnu
But fuck them, they don't rule
Len sľubujú, klamú a kradnú
They just promise, lie and steal
My vládneme, držíme fakľu
We rule, we hold the torch
My vládneme, kričíme FUCK YOU!
We rule, we shout FUCK YOU!
My šírime strach, keď vírime prach
We spread fear when we stir up dust
Keď bežíme tam a kričíme pravdu!
When we run there and shout the truth!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Musia sa nás báť, chápeš?!
They must be afraid of us, you understand?!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Musia sa nás báť, chápeš?!
They must be afraid of us, you understand?!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Musia sa nás báť, chápeš?!
They must be afraid of us, you understand?!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Jak pedofilných kňazov pápež!
Like the Pope fears pedophile priests!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Kurva veľa báť, pochop to!
Really fucking afraid, understand that!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Mega veľa báť, zapál to!
Mega afraid, set it on fire!
Musia sa furt báť
They must always be afraid!
Chce to strach, tak urob to!
It needs fear, so do it!
Zdvihni to, nad hlavu,
Raise it above your head,
Za všetkých zakrič to - SLOVENSKO!
Scream it for everyone - SLOVAKIA!
Chcem ti pomôcť
I want to help you
Vidím jak ti hnisá rana
I see your wound festering
Nebude to jednoduchý pôrod
It won't be an easy birth
Ale pripadá vám normálne
But it's normal for you
že mladý človek nemá prácu
That a young person doesn't have a job
Starý človek nemá stravu
An old person doesn't have food
Že si kvôli platu
That you are because of the salary
Doma lámu hlavu?
Breaking your head at home?
Nechápem, že nechápete,
I don't understand why you don't understand
že kebyže nechrápete
That if you didn't snore
A neskáčete tak jak pískajú
And didn't jump as they whistle
Tak neskapete
You wouldn't fail
Stojím na štafete
I'm standing on the baton
čakám, kým tam naskáčete
Waiting for you to jump there
Neprosíte, netápete, neplačete
You don't beg, you don't drown, you don't cry
Kľud a ruka namačete
Calm and hand you aim
Zober do ruky niečo
Take something in your hand
železo, kľudne drevo
Iron, wood calmly
čo vybereš je jedno
What you choose doesn't matter
Hlavne, že je tu niekto
The main thing is that there is someone here
Komu to niečo treba
Who needs that something
Jebnúť niekam preto lebo
To hit somewhere because
Na tieto kurvy nám
For these whores, we
Pomôže len priamy teror
Only direct terror will help
Držím, mám v ruke oheň
I'm holding, I have fire in my hand
Som obrovský jak golem
I am huge like a golem
Mám vlastný názor, takže
I have my own opinion, so
Pre túto vládu som problém
I am a problem for this government
Chcú mi odjebať koreň
They want to rip my root off
Názor zakopať pod zem
Bury my opinion underground
Vidím jak sa o seba boja
I see how they fight for themselves
No a to ja môžem!
Well, I can do that!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Musia sa nás báť, chápeš?!
They must be afraid of us, you understand?!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Musia sa nás báť, chápeš?!
They must be afraid of us, you understand?!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Musia sa nás báť, chápeš?!
They must be afraid of us, you understand?!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Jak pedofilných kňazov pápež!
Like the Pope fears pedophile priests!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Kurva veľa báť, pochop to!
Really fucking afraid, understand that!
Musia sa nás báť
They must be afraid of us!
Mega veľa báť, zapál to!
Mega afraid, set it on fire!
Musia sa furt báť
They must always be afraid!
Chce to strach, tak urob to!
It needs fear, so do it!
Zdvihni to, nad hlavu,
Raise it above your head,
Za všetkých zakrič to - SLOVENSKO!
Scream it for everyone - SLOVAKIA!
Milí diváci viac večer v televíznych novinách o 19-tej
Dear viewers, more tonight on the TV news at 7pm
Hahahahaha... nemal som to fajčiť
Hahahahaha... I shouldn't have smoked that

Авторы: Tomas Pechlak, Jan Strapec, Marek Surin, Boris Bauer

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