Strapo - Pomotana hlava - feat. Supa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Strapo - Pomotana hlava - feat. Supa

Pomotana hlava - feat. Supa
Confused Head - feat. Supa
Keď som bol malý chalan, malá pomotaná hlava,
When I was a little boy, a little confused head,
Dospelí ma cenili, no rovesníci na mňa srali.
Adults appreciated me, but my peers shit on me.
Keď som bol malý fagan,
When I was a little kid,
často som sa sám hrával zavretý sám v izbe len so svojimi predstavami.
I often played by myself locked up in my room alone with my imagination.
Ostatné malé deti nechceli a nechápali
Other little kids didn't want to and didn't understand
A hrali sa so mnou keď to rodičia prikázali.
And played with me only when their parents ordered them to.
Doba sa ale mení a dnes aj tie malé deti pochopili,
But times change and today even those little kids have understood,
že to pokazili, keď ma obchádzali.
that they messed up when they avoided me.
V škole ma šikanovali a vysmievali sa mi,
In school I was bullied and made fun of,
istí čo ešte teraz bývajú u svojej mamy.
By the same people who still live with their mom now.
istí ktorým som jebával sestry na koncertoch,
The same people I fucked their sisters at concerts,
A istí čo doteraz furt nevedia, že kto je kto.
And the same people who still don't know who is who.
A to ma teší to ma neskutočne baví,
And that makes me happy, that makes me really happy,
Možno iba vďaka tomu nie ste do dnes všetci podrezaní.
Maybe only because of that you are not all cut today.
A prajem vám, aby ste vychovali takých jak ja,
And I wish you would raise children like me,
Bodaj by ste všetci urobili dieru do sveta.
I hope you all make a hole in the world.
No to sa nestane, minimálne dneska ne,
But that will not happen, at least not today,
Chvíľu to trvá, než ľudom jebať prestane.
It takes a while for people to stop fucking around.
Musia to vidieť a zažiť na vlastných deťoch,
They have to see it and experience it on their own children,
Je to rovnaké jak keď feťák musí zažiť detox.
It's the same as when a junkie has to go through detox.
A keď sa spamätáte prajem veľmi veľa šťastia,
And when you come to your senses I wish you all the best,
Dúfam, že čoskoro všetci pochopíte kde je pravda.
I hope you will soon all understand where the truth is.
Kebyže sa modlím, tak sa každý deň modlím za vás,
If I prayed, I would pray for you every day,
Bičujem sa, mučím sa a dávam otčenáš a Zdravas.
I would whip myself, torture myself, and say Our Father and Hail Mary.
Aj keď sa ľudia ku mne chovali jak hovadá,
Even though people treated me like an idiot,
Aj tak im všetkým prajem všetko najlepšie.
I still wish all of them all the best.
Aj keď sa ľudia stále nedokážu ovládať,
Even though people still can't control themselves,
Aj tak furt dúfam, že je to len dočasné.
I still hope that it is only temporary.
Aj keď sa ľudia k sebe správajú jak jebnutí,
Even though people behave like idiots towards each other,
Aj tak im všetkým prajem nech v pohode.
I still wish them all to be okay.
Aj keď sa k sebe všetci chovajú jak hyeny,
Even though they all behave like hyenas towards each other,
Aj tak furt dúfam, že to dobre dopadne.
I still hope that it will turn out well.
Facka v jedálni a tvár sa kúpe v polievke,
A slap in the cafeteria and your face is bathing in the soup,
Voda v botách je tak vtipná, keď je na školskom dvore sneh.
Water in shoes is so funny when there's snow in the schoolyard.
Peračník z okna a keď si ho zbieraš knihy tiež,
The pencil case out the window and when you collect it books too,
Do školy sa neponáhľaš, máš sa ako zbitý pes.
You don't rush to school, you feel like a beaten dog.
A ten kto sa ťa zastane môže byť zbitý tiež,
And the one who stands up for you can be beaten too,
A kludne môžeš bonzovať, potom si ťa chytíme.
And you can snitch, then we'll catch you.
Sáčeme ťa v kruhu jak špinavé prádlo, máme začo,
We're bagging you in a circle like dirty laundry, we have a reason,
Lebo si sa robil múdry na hodine, práve zato.
Because you were acting smart in class, that's why.
Nikto ťa nechce na telesnej v tíme,
Nobody wants you on the team in gym,
Dojebeš každú loptu, v šatni ti to vysvetlíme.
You fuck up every ball, we'll explain it to you in the locker room.
Hráme basket s tvojím oblečením, kôš za tri body,
We're playing basketball with your clothes, three-point basket,
Poď von dám ti novú vizáž, len nezačni smokliť.
Come out I'll give you a new look, just don't start sniveling.
Si mamin malý maznák a to sa trestalo vždy najviac,
You're mommy's little darling and that was always punished the most,
Je mi ľúto ak si po škole kvôli nám doma plakal.
I'm sorry if you cried at home because of us after school.
Deti bývajú jebnuté a poriadne kruté,
Children are fucking crazy and really cruel,
Môžu z toho vyrásť jak ja alebo ostať tupé.
They can grow out of it like me or stay stupid.
Aj keď sa ľudia ku mne chovali jak hovadá,
Even though people treated me like an idiot,
Aj tak im všetkým prajem všetko najlepšie.
I still wish all of them all the best.
Aj keď sa ľudia stále nedokážu ovládať,
Even though people still can't control themselves,
Aj tak furt dúfam, že je to len dočasné.
I still hope that it is only temporary.
Aj keď sa ľudia k sebe správajú jak jebnutí,
Even though people behave like idiots towards each other,
Aj tak im všetkým prajem nech v pohode.
I still wish them all to be okay.
Aj keď sa k sebe všetci chovajú jak hyeny,
Even though they all behave like hyenas towards each other,
Aj tak furt dúfam, že to dobre dopadne.
I still hope that it will turn out well.

Авторы: strapo

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