(Refrén) Milion hrivien, tomu kto mi povie čo mi chýba.
(Chorus) A million hryvnias to the one who tells me what I'm missing.
Takú má cenu, dovod prečo hľadám negatíva.
That's the price, the reason I'm searching for negatives.
Sleduj tu dobu každý žere svoje sedatíva, nefandím tomu lebo kukať na to nebaví ma.
Watch these times, everyone's popping their sedatives, I'm not a fan of it because it bores me to watch.
Milion hrivien, tomu kto mi povie čo mi chýba.
A million hryvnias to the one who tells me what I'm missing.
Takú ma cenu dovod prečo hľadám negatíva.
That's the price, the reason I'm searching for negatives.
Sleduj tu dobu, každý žere svoje sedatíva, nefandím tomu lebo kukať na to nebaví ma.
Watch these times, everyone's popping their sedatives, I'm not a fan of it because it bores me to watch.
Nevidím nikoho kto by mi povedal prečo sa tu pomaly nedá dýchať, pozerám okolo seba a vačšinu dňa si len hovorím to sa mi sníva.
I see no one who can tell me why it's getting hard to breathe here, I look around and most of the day I just tell myself I'm dreaming.
Mal by som konečne už sekať latinu, smiať sa na ľudoch a pestovať čísla, sám proti všetkým však to nemá význam, povedz mi prosím ťa že čo mi chýba.
I should finally cut the crap, laugh at people and grow my numbers, alone against everyone, but it's pointless, please tell me what I'm missing.
Chcem sa vyvaliť pri vode, v pohode, v prírode, lebo tu tlak mi to dvýha.
I want to chill by the water, relaxed, in nature, because the pressure here is raising my blood pressure.
Nemám rád ľudí čo letia jak supy za nami, no bohužiaľ tak už to býva.
I don't like people who fly like vultures after us, but unfortunately, that's how it is.
Za nami chalani, barani, za vami, chalani, fagani, ktorý to cítia možno aj rovnako silno jak naši, no stále ma straší že niečo tam chýba.
Behind us, guys, rams, behind you, guys, fags, who feel it maybe even as strongly as ours, but it still scares me that something is missing there.
Máme čo jesť, a máme čo piť, a máme aj hop, a máme aj hip, a davy tých ľudí čo kričia to meno, a pre toto som vždy chcel žiť, chcel byť taký jak oni, hviezdy čo sledoval vo dne aj v noci.
We have what to eat, and we have what to drink, and we have hop, and we have hip, and crowds of people who scream that name, and for this I always wanted to live, wanted to be like them, stars that I watched day and night.
Kto som, kto si a povedz mi prosím že čo mi chýba a prečo sa bojím.
Who am I, who are you, and please tell me what I'm missing and why I'm afraid.
(Refrén) Milion hrivien, tomu kto mi povie čo mi chýba.
(Chorus) A million hryvnias to the one who tells me what I'm missing.
Takú má cenu, dovod prečo hľadám negatíva.
That's the price, the reason I'm searching for negatives.
Sleduj tu dobu každý žere svoje sedatíva, nefandím tomu lebo kukať na to nebaví ma.
Watch these times, everyone's popping their sedatives, I'm not a fan of it because it bores me to watch.
I see the half-full glass, I see the half-empty, you're not living a perfect scenario, I feel half-truths.
Mrvíš sa na mieste a citíš že ti niečo chýba.
You crumble in place and feel like you're missing something.
More a pláž a pole a dážď a pome sa pásť jak ostatný a preto ma nebaví milion želaní ktoré se nemali alebo nedali splniť a keď sme si želali aby nás nechali, aby nepredali, aby to sekali s nami jak katany, aby sa pratali všeci tý šakaly, aby nezavadzali našej slobode, aby nezhadzovali to na konope, aby tu fašisti nepochodovali po meste, ja nechcem náckov na svojom koncerte, mne to tu nechýba, mne to sem nenoste.
Sea and beach and field and rain and let's go graze like the others and that's why I'm not interested in a million wishes that couldn't or wouldn't come true and when we wished they would leave us alone, not sell out, not cut it with us like katanas, for all those jackals to get lost, for them not to hinder our freedom, for them not to blame it on weed, for fascists not to march through the city, I don't want Nazis at my concert, I don't need that here, don't bring it here.
Nechápem kde to sme a ani prečo sme dovolili v tomto okolí toto.
I don't understand where we are or why we allowed this in this neighborhood.
Však počkaj si na to keď dojdú ťa rozkopať, možno ma budú chcieť za toto dobodať, do vtedy pojdem toto furt dokola.
But wait for it when they come to kick you down, maybe they'll want to stab me for this, until then I'll keep going over this again and again.
(Refrén) Milion hrivien, tomu kto mi povie čo mi chýba.
(Chorus) A million hryvnias to the one who tells me what I'm missing.
Takú má cenu, dovod prečo hľadám negatíva.
That's the price, the reason I'm searching for negatives.
Sleduj tu dobu každý žere svoje sedatíva, nefandím tomu lebo kukať na to nebaví ma.
Watch these times, everyone's popping their sedatives, I'm not a fan of it because it bores me to watch.
Milion hrivien, tomu kto mi povie čo mi chýba.
A million hryvnias to the one who tells me what I'm missing.
Takú ma cenu dovod prečo hľadám negatíva.
That's the price, the reason I'm searching for negatives.
Sleduj tu dobu, každý žere svoje sedatíva, nefandím tomu lebo kukať na to nebaví ma.
Watch these times, everyone's popping their sedatives, I'm not a fan of it because it bores me to watch.
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