Strapo - Neni Málo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Strapo - Neni Málo

Neni Málo
It's Not Enough
Keď som bol malý, tak som chcel byť to, čo teraz som,
When I was a kid, I wanted to be what I am now,
Nemyslím raper, ale človek s vlastným názorom.
I don't mean a rapper, but a person with my own opinion.
Ďakujem za to, že som dostal toto právo,
I'm grateful that I was given this right,
Robím čo ma baví a vraví to stále menej mladých,
I do what I enjoy, and fewer young people say that,
Teší ma, že patrím medzi nich, aj keď som prijbebaný,
I'm glad I'm one of them, even if I'm a bit crazy,
Primeraný údel mám, letím k vám jak Superman,
I have a decent share, I fly to you like Superman,
A to vôbec neni málo!
And that's not little at all!
Som pánom svojho času a to sa tu často nenosí,
I am the master of my time, and that's not often worn here,
Neni pre mňa novinka, že moje hovno nevoní,
It's not news to me that my shit doesn't smell good,
No aj tak ma nikdy neporazili moji démoni,
But even so, my demons never defeated me,
A to vôbec neni málo!
And that's not little at all!
Moje slovo platí vždycky, keď som ti ho dával triezvy,
My word always holds true when I gave it to you sober,
Nemám problém prestať páliť, ale je to trošku nezvyk,
I have no problem quitting smoking, but it's a bit of a habit,
Zdravím homosexuálov, cením všetky sexy lezby,
Greetings to homosexuals, I appreciate all sexy lesbians,
Takých nikdy neni málo!
There's never enough of them!
Pijem o desiatej ráno, pálim legendárne pávo,
I drink at ten in the morning, I smoke the legendary peacock,
Spotrebujem denne šišku obrovskú jak avokádo,
I consume a huge cone every day like an avocado,
Celý život Desperado, hľadám svoje Eldorádo,
Desperado all my life, I'm looking for my Eldorado,
A to vôbec neni málo!
And that's not little at all!
Nenechám si dojebať náladu vašou depresiou,
I won't let your depression fuck up my mood,
Radšej budem jebať vaše mozgy našou recesiou,
I'd rather fuck your brains with our recession,
Nezabúdam na to, že ste obdarení demenciou,
I don't forget that you are gifted with dementia,
A to vôbec neni dávno!
And that's not long ago at all!
Všetci chceli iba robiť niečo, čo ich bude baviť,
Everyone just wanted to do something they would enjoy,
Neskôr pochopili, že to proste musí robiť prachy,
Later they realized that it just has to make money,
A takto začali kurvy, nech to môže platiť nájmy,
And that's how the whores started so they could pay the rent,
A to vôbec neni Strapo!
And that's not Strapo at all!
Neni málo!
It's not enough!
Všetko bude ako byť a my ideme jak páni, lebo sme to zase zvládli.
Everything will be as it should be, and we're going like gentlemen because we managed it again.
Neni málo!
It's not enough!
Hlavne, že všetci šťastní, každému sa všetko páči a silný slabého chráni.
The main thing is that everyone is happy, everyone likes everything, and the strong protect the weak.
Neni málo!
It's not enough!
Všade počujem len radosť, každý je šťastný na kosť a nikto neni slaboch.
I only hear joy everywhere, everyone is happy to the bone, and no one is a weakling anymore.
Neni málo!
It's not enough!
Eufória trvá stále, všade len usmiate tváre jak po tej najlepšej tráve.
The euphoria lasts forever, only smiling faces everywhere like after the best weed.
Neni málo! Neni málo!
It's not enough! It's not enough!
Neni málo! Toto vôbec neni ...
It's not enough! This is not ... at all
Čakali že sa to povie, že sa tu furt robí bodrel,
They expected it to be said that there's always a hustle going on here,
že bez prachov sa nepohne ani jeden tento človek,
That without money, not a single one of these people will move,
Ale keď treba lóve darovať, tak to je problém,
But when it comes to donating money, that's a problem,
Vtedy, keď je vážne málo, tak ti nikto nepomôže.
When there's really not enough, no one will help you.
Keď máš talent na športy, no nenarodil si sa dobre,
If you have a talent for sports, but you weren't born well,
život si ťa pekne ohne a na kokot ťa nabodne,
Life will bend you nicely and screw you over,
Neni málo platiť stravu, neni málo platiť školné,
It's not enough to pay for food, it's not enough to pay for school,
Neni málo, že v hlavnej zostave hrajú nešikovné.
It's not enough that the main team is playing clumsy.
Deti zazobaných rodičov a tie čo chudobné,
Children of rich parents and those who are poor,
Pozerajú spoza plotu na tie kurvy naničhodné,
They look from behind the fence at those useless whores,
Zabili ste jejich talent, nechcete im hodiť drobné,
You killed their talent, you don't want to throw them a dime,
Neni málo, že zrovna ja repujem o našom športe.
It's not enough that I'm rapping about our sport.
Nedostaneš support ani pokiaľ chceš byť u nás filmár,
You won't get support even if you want to be a filmmaker here,
Nedostaneš z fondu ani kokot, je to známa firma,
You won't get shit from the fund, it's a well-known company,
Nedovolia ti zajebať, pokiaľ nie si jejich piča,
They won't let you fuck up unless you're their bitch,
Sleduj aké podporujú filmy a čo na to divák!
Watch what movies they support and what the viewer thinks about it!
Neskutočné hromady peňazí, v kine ani noha,
Incredible piles of money, not a foot in the cinema,
Jebú na tie mladé hlavy jak na bubny Valihora,
They fuck those young heads like Valihora's drums,
Pokiaľ nedáš úplatky, tak nenatočíš nič smola,
If you don't pay bribes, you won't shoot anything - bad luck,
Aj keby si bol Tarantino alebo Francisco Pola.
Even if you were Tarantino or Francisco Pola.
Neni málo, že máš málo, aj keď málo nemáš mať,
It's not enough that you have little, even though you shouldn't have little,
Neni málo za to viniť štát, viniť svoju vlasť,
It's not enough to blame the state, blame your homeland,
Lepšie jak tam stáť a tváriť sa, že vy nič, však?
Better than standing there and pretending you're nothing, right?
Keď máš odhodlanie, tak musí v tebe jak vinič rásť!
If you have the determination, it must grow in you like a vine!
Neni málo!
It's not enough!
Všetko bude ako byť a my ideme jak páni, lebo sme to zase zvládli.
Everything will be as it should be, and we're going like gentlemen because we managed it again.
Neni málo!
It's not enough!
Hlavne, že všetci šťastní, každému sa všetko páči a silný slabého chráni.
The main thing is that everyone is happy, everyone likes everything, and the strong protect the weak.
Neni málo!
It's not enough!
Všade počujem len radosť, každý je šťastný na kosť a nikto neni slaboch.
I only hear joy everywhere, everyone is happy to the bone, and no one is a weakling anymore.
Neni málo!
It's not enough!
Eufória trvá stále, všade len usmiate tváre jak po tej najlepšej tráve.
The euphoria lasts forever, only smiling faces everywhere like after the best weed.
Neni málo! Neni málo!
It's not enough! It's not enough!
Neni málo! Toto vôbec neni ...
It's not enough! This is not ... at all

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