Strapo - Stary pes - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Strapo - Stary pes

Stary pes
Old Dog
Cítim sa jak, cítim sa jak, cítim sa jak starý pes
I feel like, I feel like, I feel like an old dog
Som unavený zo života, unavený z práce
I'm tired of life, tired of work
Ale našťastie mám energiu uloženú v dave
But luckily I have energy stored in the crowd
A viem, že som ju daroval, no musíte ju vrátiť
And I know I gave it to you, but you have to give it back
Lebo dneska je to na vás, ľudia musíte ma nabiť.
Because today it's up to you, people you have to charge me.
Ja potrebujem energiu, ktorú mi vie dať len dav
I need the energy that only the crowd can give me
A hneď jak mi ju dáte, budem koncertovať bez obáv
And as soon as you give it to me, I'll perform without worries
A je mi jedno že či je to klub alebo festival
And I don't care if it's a club or a festival
Tak nebuď sviňa lenivá a podpor tohto debila.
So don't be a lazy bitch and support this asshole.
Toho, čo s tebou jazdí MHDčkou do práce.
The one who rides the subway to work with you.
Toho, čo s tebou po koncerte pije na bare.
The one who drinks with you at the bar after the show.
Toho, čo s vami nevyjebáva jak s ovcami,
The one who doesn't fuck with you like sheep,
Tak daj ruky hore, urob bodrel, nebuď posraný.
So put your hands up, make a mess, don't be scared.
Ukáž im komu veríš, ukáž im koho ceníš
Show them who you believe in, show them who you appreciate
Ukáž im všetkým že kto tu tu message
Show them all who has the message here
Kto stále píše texty, čo nie len prázdne kecy
Who still writes lyrics that aren't just empty talk
Kto žije na pódiu, tak ja na trávniku Messi.
Who lives on stage, so I'm Messi on the lawn.
A došiel som si pre uznanie a ne pre ten prepych
And I came for the recognition and not for the luxury
A došiel som vám všetkým povedať že dzime dzeci!
And I came to tell you all that let's go kids!
A za sebou mám DJa, ktorému proste verím
And behind me I have a DJ, whom I simply believe
Lebo ovláda ten gramofón jak komunistov Lenin
Because he controls that turntable like Lenin the communists
A na beate mám magora, ktorý sa volá Emeres
And on the beat I have a maniac named Emeres
A funguje to dokonale, šlape to jak Mercedes
And it works perfectly, it works like a Mercedes
A nemôžem si pomôcť, ale baví ma to, je to top
And I can't help it, but I'm having fun, it's top
A ďakujem každému, kto to so mnou vidí rovnako
And thank you to everyone who sees it the same way I do
A cítim sa jak starý pes.
And I feel like an old dog.
A štekám furt jak starý pes.
And I bark all the time like an old dog.
A pokiaľ ceníš tento rap,
And as long as you appreciate this rap,
Tak dávaj so mnou hore päsť!
Then give me a fist with me!
A cítim sa jak starý pes.
And I feel like an old dog.
A štekám furt jak starý pes.
And I bark all the time like an old dog.
A pokiaľ ceníš tento rap,
And as long as you appreciate this rap,
Tak dávaj so mnou hore päsť!
Then give me a fist with me!
Keď ty si nový človek, tak ja som starý pes
When you are a new person, I am an old dog
A keď začnem štekať tak sa vysereš na celý rap
And when I start barking you will shit on the whole rap
Chlastám na prednom bare so svojimi fans
I drink at the front bar with my fans
A robím hudbu pre ich hlavy a ne skurvený dance
And I make music for their heads and not fucking dance
Stále ma drží po kope, to čo ma nakoplo
I still keep it together, what kicked me off
Stále mám techniku jak v tomto kraji málo kto
I still have technique, like few in this region
A boja sa ma mega no šak kukaj na nich
And they fear me mega, but look at them
Hej! ste stále so mnou? som stále s vami!
Hey! are you still with me? I'm still with you!
A nejebem vám vaše mamy,
And I don't fuck your mothers,
Nejebem vám vaše sestry,
I don't fuck your sisters,
Nejebem vám vaše ženy,
I don't fuck your wives,
Aj keď ver, že by som mohol.
Even though believe me, I could.
Nerobím to, lebo nechcem
I don't do it because I don't want to
A ne pretože to neviem
And not because I can't
A ber to jak jeden z dôkazov o tom
And take it as one of the proofs that
že nie som kokot!
I'm not an idiot!
A bol som tam a videl som že to nestojí za nič
And I've been there and seen that it's not worth it
Nestojí to za slávu ani za tie prachy
It's not worth the fame or the money
A stojí to len za zábavu a za ten kotol
And it's only worth the fun and the boiler
A pre tieto veci som vždy robil, čo som mohol
And for these things I always did what I could
Lebo, vždycky ma bavilo kaliť a baviť ľudí
Because I always liked party and entertain people
A vždycky som si veril trochu viacej jak druhí
And I always believed myself a little more than the others
A stal sa zo mňa človek, čo ti nedáva len sľuby
And I became a man who does not just give you promises
A človek, čo zo svojej huby nevypustí bludy
And a man who will not let delusions out of his mouth
A nedá sa to poprieť, že nemôžeš sa obzrieť
And there's no denying it, you can't look around
A po okolí hľadať ľudí podobných jak ja
And look around for people like me
Lebo vždy keď v tvojom meste, urobíme bordel
Because every time we make a mess in your city,
Tak ho prekonám ja, keď sa zas vrátim k vám
I'll overcome it when I come back to you
A cítim sa jak starý pes.
And I feel like an old dog.
A štekám furt jak starý pes.
And I bark all the time like an old dog.
A pokiaľ ceníš tento rap,
And as long as you appreciate this rap,
Tak dávaj so mnou hore päsť!
Then give me a fist with me!

Авторы: strapo

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