Strapo - Strečing - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Strapo - Strečing

A nebudú mi hovoriť, že kedy to mám dať von,
And they won't tell me when to release it,
Nedokážu pochopiť, že v tomto svete ja som.
They can't understand that I'm in this world.
Ten čo rozhoduje o tom, kedy začne hardcore,
The one who decides when the hardcore starts,
Mal by si sa pripraviť a upozorniť tábor.
You should prepare yourself and warn the camp.
Svojich kolegov na to že, môžu zažiť nápor,
Your colleagues that they might experience an onslaught,
Vypálim tie baktérie, silou ako zázvor.
I'll fire those bacteria with the strength of ginger.
Ja mám piči koľko stojí, za tebou tých bláznov,
I don't give a fuck how many fools are behind you,
Idem stále svoje podľa seba, lebo mám to!
I'm always doing my own thing because I got it!
Na veľa veciach to závisí,
It depends on many things,
Ale na dobré veci sa čaká vždy.
But good things are always worth waiting for.
Nové CD, ale starý spis,
New CD, but old file,
Starý pes, ale nový trik.
Old dog, but new trick.
Nemôžem čakať, posúvam level,
I can't wait, I'm pushing the level,
Nebudem spať, lebo neni čas,
I won't sleep, because there's no time,
Legenda jak vizionár,
Legend like a visionary,
Johann Sebastian Bach!
Johann Sebastian Bach!
Kde boli kokoti keď som im hovoril, že to tu urobím znovu?
Where were the assholes when I told them I'd do it again?
Nemali vkus, nemali čas, nemali č, nemali rozum.
They had no taste, no time, no dick, no brains.
Nevadí oni skapali, takže o nich sa dneska nebudeme baviť,
It doesn't matter, they died, so we won't talk about them today,
Môžeš ich zabaliť, zapáliť, zakopať do piče, do zeme, do lesa v Hradči.
You can wrap them up, set them on fire, bury them in the pussy, in the ground, in the forest in Hradcany.
Počúvaj to! Nemôžeš čo? Môžeš všetko, lebo som tu,
Listen to this! You can't? You can do anything because I'm here,
Berem to na seba, fakt bro, kľudne to zval na moju hudbu.
I'm taking it on myself, really bro, feel free to blame it on my music.
Lebo na to tu je a nadopuje každého kto si ju zamiluje,
Because that's what it's here for and it boosts everyone who falls in love with it,
Pusti ju žene a povedz jej že je odo mňa, uvidíš zaboduješ. (poď!)
Play it for your woman and tell her it's from me, you'll see you'll score. (come on!)
Treba to povedať nahlas a treba to povedať tebe aj nemu,
It needs to be said out loud and it needs to be said to you and him,
(Zlo!) útočí na nás a ide nám pojebať hlavu, aj celú scénu.
(Evil!) is attacking us and is going to fuck up our heads, and the whole scene.
(Som!) Tu ale pre vás a stačí mi iba keď povieš, že mám ísť po nich,
(I am!) Here for you and it's enough for me if you just say I should go after them,
(Kto?) zastaví teraz toho čo nemá strach vypustiť bomby?
(Who?) will stop now the one who's not afraid to drop bombs?
V jednej ruke odvaha a v druhej ruke energia,
Courage in one hand and energy in the other,
Stačí len tlesknúť a píše sa história.
Just clap your hands and history is being written.
Ideme ďalej, tak zvyšujem kritériá,
We're moving on, so I'm raising the criteria,
Keď si to čakal, tak čaká ťa eufória.
If you've been waiting for this, then euphoria awaits you.
Šírim sa touto džunglou jak malária,
I'm spreading through this jungle like malaria,
Dávno som dokázal, že nejsom malá ryba.
I've proven long ago that I'm not a small fish.
keď som vyskočil z vašeho akvária,
When I jumped out of your aquarium,
Zdraví ťa Slovenská rapová anarchia.
The Slovak rap anarchy greets you.
A nebudú mi hovoriť, že kedy to mám dať von,
And they won't tell me when to release it,
Oni nedokážu pochopiť, že v tomto svete ja som,
They can't understand that in this world I am,
Ten čo rozhoduje o tom kokot, kedy začne hardcore,
The one who decides, that asshole, when the hardcore starts,
Brácho mal by si sa pripraviť a upozorniť tábor,
Bro, you should prepare yourself and warn the camp,
Hlavne svojích kolegov na to, že môžu zažiť nápor,
Especially your colleagues that they might experience an onslaught,
Lebo ja vypálim tie baktérie silou ako zázvor,
Because I'll fire those bacteria with the strength of ginger,
Ver mi že ja mám piči koľko je za tebou tých bláznov,
Believe me, I don't give a fuck how many fools are behind you,
Idem len stále svoje podlá seba, lebo mám to,
I'm just doing my own thing, because I got it,

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