Stress - Fuck Blocher (feat. Greis & Bligg) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Stress - Fuck Blocher (feat. Greis & Bligg)

Fuck Blocher (feat. Greis & Bligg)
Fuck Blocher (feat. Greis & Bligg)
Verwärfig us arroganz vergässe ds vouk verpennt. 25.09. ds debaku itz fougt d¹abwehr.
Perverted out of arrogance, forgetting the people, postponing 25.09. The debacle now follows the defense.
Was e muchorb dir erfindet fakte zur schonig. Vo newcomer naziskin organisatione.
What a choir is inventing for you, facts to protect. Of newcomer Nazi skin organizations.
Zahle bloss wider chere dass si fauschi bescholdige. Wahr isch, es git würklech en astig vo brun.
Just pay dearly again that they falsely accuse. The truth is, there really is a branch of brown.
Wi wen mörder gäute aus liebi bürger. Wasch scho so gstört wi ne etter duude i öire fraktion.
Like when murderers claim out of love citizens. Wash already so disturbed like a snake dead in your faction.
Wenn ignoranz und gier familie nähre. Wirdi gärn im richste land regiert vo millionäre.
If ignorance and greed feed the family. I would like to be ruled in the richest country by millionaires.
Boue woustand uf usländische arbeitschräft. Itz si si rych auso guet, was itz, aus mues wägg?
Building prosperity on foreign workers. Now they are rich so good, what now, out must go?
Dank svp frömdehass wider salonfähig. Guet de wotti aber o ke zürcher meh ha in bern.
Thanks to SVP, xenophobia is socially acceptable again. Good, but you wouldn't want any more Zurich people in Bern.
Was hert, figg jede wo sech nid drgäge wehrt. Übergang fliessend, übrigens, figg o dr merz.
What hears, fucks everyone who doesn't defend themselves against it. Transition fluid, by the way, fuck Merz too.
Switzerland Switzerland mais qu'est-ce qui se passe? Blocher et l'UDC se sont mis en place.
Switzerland Switzerland, but what's happening? Blocher and the SVP have taken their places.
À coup de terreur ont uni les masses. Oh Switzerland mais qu'est-ce qui se passe?
By terror they united the masses. Oh Switzerland, but what's happening?
Switzerland Switzerland mais qu'est-ce qui se passe? Blocher et l'SVP se sont mis en place.
Switzerland Switzerland, but what's happening? Blocher and the SVP have taken their places.
Faut que les jeunes votent pour qu'ils s'effacent. Oh Switzerland mais qu'est-ce qui s'passe?
Young people have to vote to make them disappear. Oh Switzerland, what's happening?
Finies les politesses vis-à-vis des politiques. Finies les langues de bois messieurs,
No more politeness towards politicians. No more double talk, gentlemen,
Quitte à créer la polémique. J'ai honte du résultat des votations de septembre.
Even if it creates controversy. I am ashamed of the outcome of the September votes.
La naïveté a cédé à l'UDC et à sa propagande. Bin Laden en poster, dites-moi est l'imposteur.
Naivety gave way to the SVP and its propaganda. Bin Laden on a poster, tell me where the impostor is.
Ce pays si prospère a voté pour la peur.
This prosperous country voted for fear.
Comment un pays aussi multiculturel que la Suisse accepte au conseil fédéral Blocher ce raciste.
How can a country as multicultural as Switzerland accept Blocher, this racist, to the Federal Council?
Le blem c'est que les jeunes ça les botte pas donc ils ne votent pas.
The problem is that young people don't give a damn, so they don't vote.
Greis, Stress et Bligg faut qu'on stoppe ça. Faut qu'on passe d'observateur à acteur.
Greis, Stress and Bligg, we have to stop this. We have to go from observer to actor.
C'est nous contre ces conservateurs et nos détracteurs. Qui n'ont rien pour le futur,
It's us against these conservatives and our detractors. Who have nothing for the future,
Sauf leur sénilité, leur stérilité héréditaire en toute sérénité,
Except their senility, their hereditary sterility in all serenity,
Foutons l'UDC dehors à coup de pompes dans les balls. On est la voix du futur alors prenons la parole.
Let's kick the SVP out with a kick in the balls. We are the voice of the future, so let's speak out.
Switzerland Switzerland mais qu'est-ce qui se passe? Blocher et l'UDC se sont mis en place.
Switzerland Switzerland, but what's happening? Blocher and the SVP have taken their places.
À coup de terreur ont uni les masses. Oh Switzerland mais qu'est-ce qui se passe?
By terror they united the masses. Oh Switzerland, but what's happening?
Switzerland Switzerland mais qu'est-ce qui se passe? Blocher et l'SVP se sont mis en place.
Switzerland Switzerland, but what's happening? Blocher and the SVP have taken their places.
Faut que les jeunes votent pour qu'ils s'effacent. Oh Switzerland mais qu'est-ce qui s'passe?
Young people have to vote to make them disappear. Oh Switzerland, what's happening?
Wo sind eui Stimmzättel mini liebe Mitbürger? Die lüüt wo ich känne faltet drus Papierflüger.
Where are your ballots, my dear fellow citizens? The people I know fold paper airplanes out of them.
Nöd öppe will sie sich nöd integriert fühled. Will sie d'Frässe voll händ vo däne Manipulier-Lüge.
Not because they don't feel integrated. Because they are fed up with those manipulation lies.
Yeah Herr Blocher. Yeah Christopher. Ich läb i dem Land und fühl mich sehr betroffe.
Yeah Mr. Blocher. Yeah Christopher. I live in this country and feel very concerned.
Bin weder SVP no Wehrpflicht Opfer. Mich chasch weder mit Poster no mit Redä locke.
I am neither an SVP nor a conscription victim. You can't lure me with posters or speeches.
Ich bin ideal. Mängisch ilegal. Oh jah dini Meinig isch mir piip-egal.
I am ideal. Sometimes illegal. Oh yeah, your opinion doesn't matter to me.
Ich mach Politik in Form vo Rap. Pronto pronto. Red d'Sprach vo de Schwizerjugend und Secondos.
I make politics in the form of rap. Pronto pronto. I speak the language of Swiss youth and secondos.
Rassismus? -Stop. Faschissmus? -Stop. Schliesslich mached d'Usländer Jobs wo niemert wott.
Racism? -Stop. Fascism? -Stop. After all, foreigners do jobs that nobody wants.
Du ghörsch kein MC du ghörsch en Diener vo Gott. Doppel G Partei operiert wie en Doc.
You don't hear an MC, you hear a servant of God. Double G party operates like a Doc.
Switzerland Switzerland mais qu'est-ce qui se passe? Blocher et l'UDC se sont mis en place.
Switzerland Switzerland, but what's happening? Blocher and the SVP have taken their places.
À coup de terreur ont uni les masses. Oh Switzerland mais qu'est-ce qui se passe?
By terror they united the masses. Oh Switzerland, but what's happening?
Switzerland Switzerland mais qu'est-ce qui se passe? Blocher et l'SVP se sont mis en place.
Switzerland Switzerland, but what's happening? Blocher and the SVP have taken their places.
Faut que les jeunes votent pour qu'ils s'effacent. Oh Switzerland mais qu'est-ce qui s'passe?
Young people have to vote to make them disappear. Oh Switzerland, what's happening?

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