Stress - Ma Suisse - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Stress - Ma Suisse

Ma Suisse
My Switzerland
Liabi schwiiz, liabi fründa vo graubünda, i khuma vo khur obanaba zum eui d'botschaft verkünda jublend alli mini puura, städter, agglo friisura miar händ d'regiarig verschleppt und in d'alpa igmuuret.
Darling Switzerland, lovely friends from Graubünden, I come from Chur to announce the news to you, cheering all my farmers, city dwellers, and suburban hairstyles, we've kidnapped the government and walled it up in the Alps.
Innaminister isch etz neu dr beat schlatter, wirtschaftschef dr bernhard rappaz, ussaministerin jubaira bachmann, - als fachmaa fürs fiira, i am funk partys schmiissa schiissemer uf dr paragraphawahn vo alta ziita.
The interior minister is now Beat Schlatter, the economic head is Bernhard Rappaz, the family minister is Jubaira Bachmann, - as an expert for the party, I throw mean parties at the old paragraph houses.
I bin für freipiar in bars, absynth und spass d'schwiiz isch doch verklemmter als am chrigi sis arsch. Das isch so kamikaze staatsstreich yamakazi wahnsinn do luagsch blöd us dr wösch wia dr adriano tomasi.
I am for free beer in bars, absinthe, and fun. Switzerland is more uptight than Chrigi's behind. This is such a kamikaze coup, yamakazi madness, there you look stupid as a wash, like Adriano Tomasi.
Mama helvetia, miar bruuchend meh z'kiffa und mach dia altersfalta glatt, gohn mol go facelifta, mach di gschmeidig wia shapes shifta, oder i pagga mina wilhelm tell us zum in dini gröschti brauerei pissa.
Mama Helvetia, we need to smoke more weed and smooth out those wrinkles, let's go get a facelift, make yourself supple like a shape-shifter, or I'll pack my Wilhelm Tell and piss in your biggest brewery.
Das wär denn feldschlössli, aber das bruucht calanda power. Wia anara after after afterhour - after afterhour. Machend beamti sauer, wiana aggressiva bsoffna wenn khunnt endli dia statua für dr albert hoffmann?
That would be Feldschlössli, but that needs Calanda power. Like at an after-after-after-hour - after-after-hour. Make officials sauer, like an aggressive drunk, when will we finally get the statue for Albert Hoffmann?
Ma Suisse n'est pas neutre, elle se bat pour ce qu'elle croit.
My Switzerland is not neutral, it fights for what it believes in.
Elle n'a pas peur de dire tout haut ce que tous pensent tous bas.
She is not afraid to say out loud what everyone is thinking.
Elle voit son avenir dans la multi-culturalité.
She sees her future in multiculturalism.
Voit pas de menace musulmane dans la construction de minarets.
Sees no Muslim threat in the construction of minarets.
Au conseil fédéral pas de conflits d'intérêts.
Also, no conflicts of interest in the Federal Council.
Et Blocher n'y fait pas la propagande de l'UDC.
And Blocher does not do propaganda for the SVP there.
Ma Suisse pense futur, changements, ouverture.
My Switzerland thinks about the future, changes, and openness.
Elle pense Europe, culture et pas qu'aux grosses coupures.
She thinks about Europe, culture, and not just about the big money.
Elle ne fait pas un drame d'la naturalisation.
She doesn't make a fuss about naturalization.
Surtout si on a participé à sa construction.
Especially if you have participated in its construction.
Ma Suisse est fière et pas que durant la coupe du monde.
My Switzerland is proud, and not just during the World Cup.
Elle se mélange et à coup d'Absolut se dévergonde.
She mixes herself up and becomes shameless with a shot of Absolut.
Dans ma Suisse, on se met pas à 12 mecs sur une fillette, tout en parlant de respect.
In my Switzerland, we don't put 12 guys on a little girl, while talking about respect.
Prends ce coup de tête-balayette. Si tu respectes pas les femmes, tu respectes pas ta mère.
Take this head-broom kick. If you don't respect women, you don't respect your mother.
Si tu respectes pas ta mère. Tu mérites pas qu'on te respecte.
If you don't respect your mother. You don't deserve to be respected.
Mini schwiiz isch ä luxus, schlampe uf sinkendem luxus, dampfer us biuigem schmuck us plastig,
My Switzerland is a luxury, a slut on a sinking luxury, a steamer made of cheap jewelry made of plastic,
Bangt si um ihre guet rueff a zit - mini schwiiz isch papierchrieg dunkli beiz,
She worries about her reputation for a while - my Switzerland is a paper war, a dark pub,
Stumm bi paar bierli jungs bruche unbedingt papierli u junks schlafe futz druf im tram i mini schwiiz isch so
Dumb with a few beers, young people absolutely need papers and junkies sleep dead drunk on the tram, my Switzerland is like that
Zwüsche augeblick us beton wüeschti so zwüsche weder glaube no gwüsse chole, schaffe, glücklech,
Between moments of concrete, I wish it were between believing or knowing for sure, work, happiness,
Chole macht ke fründe. Mini schwiiz isch ä gartezuun u nachbarshund risst der der arsch uf buure lege ihri sippe
Bile doesn't make friends. My Switzerland is a garden fence and a neighbor's dog tears your butt up, farmers lay their tribe
Miter pump um wöusi flippe uf der insle am abgrund.
With the pump to flip out crazy on the island at the abyss.

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