Struka feat. Bane Mvp - Poljubi nebo (feat. Bane MVP) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Struka feat. Bane Mvp - Poljubi nebo (feat. Bane MVP)

Poljubi nebo (feat. Bane MVP)
Kiss the sky (feat. Bane MVP)
Pozitivne misli uz lake korake
Positive thoughts with easy steps
Tvoja ljubav diže me u oblake
Your love lifts me to the clouds
Kol'ko dugo sam vreb'o
For how long have I been waiting
Priliku da raširim krila i poljubim nebo
For the opportunity to spread my wings and kiss the sky
Daj mi dupli džoni s ledom sada povod je za slavlje
Give me a double Johnnie with ice, now is a reason to celebrate
Činjenica da smo živi i da guramo dalje
The fact that we are alive and that we push further
Zato rolam, rolam sine živim svoje snove
That's why I roll, roll baby, I live my dreams
Odavno sam već shvatio da nije sve do love
I realized long ago that it's not all about money
Kad je divan dan, nebitno da li rolaš benca ili peglicu
When it's a beautiful day, it doesn't matter if you roll a Porsche or a bicycle
Nebitno da li imaš kesu ili vrećicu
It doesn't matter if you have a bag or a pouch
Aj samo srolajte to granje
Let's roll up that weed
Rek'o sam da prestajem, al' dodajte to sranje
I said I was quitting, but add this shit
Danas pravim izuzetak
I'm making an exception today
I znam da nisam Kris Taker brate, al' je danas ipak petak
And I know I'm not Chris Tucker bro, but today is Friday
I nema razloga da bude negativa
And there's no reason to be negative
Samo pogledam u nebo i shvatim da je život divan
I just look at the sky and realize that life is beautiful
Raširi krila, poljubi nebo
Spread your wings, kiss the sky
Dal čuješ pesmu
Can you hear the song
Tako je dobro kad noć me vuče
It feels so good when the night pulls me
U pravom smeru
In the right direction
Došlo je to vreme i da Sigi zasija
The time has come for Sigi to shine
Paranoišem se svaki put kada vidim beli Fiat
I get paranoid every time I see a white Fiat
Nije rija, to je dobro jer isuviše sam pijan
It's not a hustle, it's good because I'm too drunk
Mada pre ili kasnije uvek im dolijam
Although sooner or later I always refill them
Neko zove, to je Dada, sine reci koja 'kcija
Someone's calling, it's Dada, baby tell me what's the action
Znaš da možemo do ambisa il' možemo do Fija
You know we can go to the abyss or we can go to the Fiat
Šta god, kako god, makro govor, makro hod
Whatever, whatever, macro speech, macro walk
Brate cim, cim, dodam, poljubim nebeski svod
I kiss the celestial vault, brother cim, cim, add
Kao svemirski brod, kao jebeni Supermen
Like a spaceship, like a fucking Superman
Ljubomorne čke bi da ka meni prste upere
Jealous bitches want to point fingers at me
Ali ti znaš da ne jebem ni dva posto
But you know I don't give a damn
Vozim se s ekipom, lagano klizimo mostom
I drive with the team, we slide smoothly over the bridge
Vrlo prosto, danas nisam ovde poslom
Very easy, today I'm not here on business
A veče mi obećava sto posto zadovoljstvo
Tonight promises me a hundred percent satisfaction
Iako ponoć je, na mostu gužva ubija
Although it's midnight, the traffic on the bridge is killing
Kad ti treba, tad je nema to ti je ta murija
When you need it, it's not there, that's the madness
Raširi krila, poljubi nebo
Spread your wings, kiss the sky
Dal čuješ pesmu
Can you hear the song
Tako je dobro kad noć me vuče
It feels so good when the night pulls me
U pravom smeru
In the right direction
Volim da džipom menjam trake u Kneza Miloša
I love to change lanes with my jeep in Knez Miloš
Da spustim prozor pa pustim ziku u stilu đilkoša
To roll down the window and play music in the style of a pimp
Da stanem tu kod trafike po rizle i kondome
To stop at the kiosk for rizla and condoms
Pošto ne znam da rolam, mala mi pomaže u tome
Because I don't know how to roll, the girl helps me with that
Ortak smrdi na tu gandžu, miriše na Mijaki
My partner stinks of that ganja, smells of Mijaki
Imam bombu k'o Hirošima i Nagasaki
I have a bomb like Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Rekli su mi kul klinci nikada ne umiru
They told me cool kids never die
Pa moje pesme novim klincima puteve utiru
So my songs pave the way for new kids
Mi smo duša grada, urbana scena Beograda
We are the soul of the city, the urban scene of Belgrade
U ovoj džungli od betona i žičanih ograda
In this jungle of concrete and barbed wire fences
I osećam se dobro kad sam svestan svega toga
And I feel good when I'm aware of all this
Dok kolica klize slavnim bulevarom grada Boga
While the car glides down the famous boulevard of the city of God
Soliteri blistaju, devojčice su lepe
Solitaires shine, girls are beautiful
Pa spustim gučicojnere kad svetla me zaslepe
So I roll down the windows when the lights blind me
Jer tata ima novu vreću, ovog puta malo veću
Because daddy has a new bag, this time a little bigger
Osećaš je kad miriše, ne treba imam treću
You can feel it when it smells, I don't need it, I have a third
Raširi krila, poljubi nebo
Spread your wings, kiss the sky
Dal čuješ pesmu
Can you hear the song
Tako je dobro kad noć me vuče
It feels so good when the night pulls me
U pravom smeru
In the right direction

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