Struka - Dobrodosli u Beograd - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Struka - Dobrodosli u Beograd

Dobrodosli u Beograd
Welcome to Belgrade
Dobri ljudi, dobrodošli u Đavolju Varoš
Good people, welcome to the Devil's Town
U Prokletu avliju među prokleti narod
To the Cursed Courtyard among the cursed people
I od svega srca želimo vam ugodan boravak
And from the bottom of our hearts, we wish you a pleasant stay
Ovde svi odavno čekaju drugi Isusov dolazak
Everyone here has been waiting for the second coming of Jesus
Obavezno posetite sve gradske muzeje
Be sure to visit all the city museums
Al' izbegavajte mračna mesta gde ortaci bleje
But avoid the dark places where the boys are bleating
I tvrđave i spomenici mnogo toga vidiš
And the fortresses and monuments you see a lot
Onda splavovi i klubovi mora da ti se svidi
Then the rafts and clubs you have to like
Jer noćni život u Beogradu stvarno je najbolji
Because Belgrade's nightlife really is the best
Pod uslovom da noćni život ne postane zagrobni
Provided that the nightlife does not become the afterlife
Pratite vodiča samo držite se grupe
Follow the guide, just stay with the group
I šta god da se desi ne skrećite sa maršute
And whatever happens, don't deviate from the route
Kad se mesec digne tada zlo na scenu stupa
When the moon rises, evil takes the stage
Ne obraćajte pažnju na obezglavljena trupla
Ignore the decapitated bodies
Nema potrebe za panikom svi smo malo nervozni
No need to panic, we're all a little nervous
Verujte na reč, ovde ste više nego bezbedni
Believe me, you're more than safe here
Ovde živi tama i svetlo
Here lives dark and light
I glamur i geto
And glamor and ghetto
I grobari i delije i ovaj hladan beton
And gravediggers and delirious and this cold concrete
(To je BG, BG, yu)
(That's BG, BG, yu)
(To je BG, BG, BG, yu)
(That's BG, BG, BG, yu)
Ovde žive anđeli, demoni
Here live angels, demons
I svetski šampioni
And world champions
Ološ i elita, pioni i masoni
Trash and elite, pawns and masons
(To je BG, BG, yu)
(That's BG, BG, yu)
(To je BG, BG, BG, yu)
(That's BG, BG, BG, yu)
Ne propustite da obiđete beogradske blokove
Don't miss out on the Belgrade blocks
I fine restorane kad se spustite na dokove
And fine restaurants when you go down to the docks
Nije preporučljivo po gradu da se kurčis
It is not recommended to hang around the city
Tu su grobari i delije pa radovci, Zemunci
There are gravediggers and delirious, and then rowers, Zemun people
Deprimirate sivilo i socirealizam
You are depressing grayness and social realism
Ovde niče novi svet na ruševini komunizma
Here a new world emerges on the ruins of communism
Divna zemlja, divan narod, prirodna bogatstva
Wonderful country, wonderful people, natural resources
Ratovi su davno prošli, spremni smo za nova bratstva
The wars are long gone, we are ready for new brotherhoods
Nova jedinstva i nove bogove i vođe
New unities and new gods and leaders
I za novu veru, nova Sveta Pisma
And for a new faith, new Holy Scriptures
Ljubićemo dupe da se ukine ta viza
We will love the butt to get rid of that visa
I za novi priliv prokletih zapadnjačkih deviza
And for a new influx of damned Western currency
Kupi knjigu o mom gradu imaš gratis DVD
Buy a book about my city, you get a free DVD
Naš reklamni spot vrti i BBC
Our commercial is also on the BBC
Vreme je isteklo, nažalost stigli smo do kraja strofe
Time is up, unfortunately we have reached the end of the verse
Valjda ste se lepo proveli, dođite nam opet
I hope you had a good time, come visit us again
Ovde živi tama i svetlo
Here lives dark and light
I glamur i geto
And glamor and ghetto
I grobari i delije i ovaj hladan beton
And gravediggers and delirious and this cold concrete
(To je BG, BG, yu)
(That's BG, BG, yu)
(To je BG, BG, BG, yu)
(That's BG, BG, BG, yu)
Ovde žive anđeli, demoni
Here live angels, demons
I svetski šampioni
And world champions
Ološ i elita, pioni i masoni
Trash and elite, pawns and masons
(To je BG, BG, yu)
(That's BG, BG, yu)
(To je BG, BG, yu)
(That's BG, BG, yu)
Mora da si stranac u kraju
You must be a stranger in the area
Sakri taj lanac pod maju
Hide that chain under your shirt
Sedam posto sedam svih se navukli na plaju
Seven percent, seven, all got screwed on the beach
Ra ta ta ta ta za monopol gledam geto profitere
Ra ta ta ta ta for a monopoly, I see ghetto profiteers
A a a kraj tvoje karijere
A a a end of your career
(To je BG, BG, yu)
(That's BG, BG, yu)
(To je BG, BG, BG, yu)
(That's BG, BG, BG, yu)
(To je BG, BG, yu)
(That's BG, BG, yu)
(To je BG, BG, BG, yu)
(That's BG, BG, BG, yu)

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