Subze - La Verdad - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Subze - La Verdad

La Verdad
The Truth
Ponme una de arena y de postre dos de cal
Serve me one of sand and two of lime for dessert,
Ya que siempre empiezo bien, pero todo lo acabo mal
Since I always start well, but end everything badly.
Heridas que ni el whisky me ha logrado sanar
Wounds that even whiskey hasn't managed to heal,
Solo rompo la botella y así vuelvo a sangrar
I just break the bottle and bleed again.
El mal se adueña de la gente y nos da igual
Evil takes hold of people and we don't care,
Pensamos que eso es algo difícil de evitar
We think it's something hard to avoid.
Es más fácil resignarse que pararse a pensar
It's easier to resign yourself than to stop and think,
Prefieren ser felices que saber la verdad
They prefer to be happy than to know the truth.
Yo ando solo como aquél que no sabe a dónde va
I walk alone like someone who doesn't know where he's going,
Porque vaya a donde vaya, nadie me va a esperar
Because wherever I go, no one will be waiting for me.
Son malos tiempos para un loco en la era digital
These are bad times for a madman in the digital age,
Donde solo se preocupan si hay wifi en el local
Where they only care if there's wifi in the place.
Valoras más los likes es esa red social
You value the likes on that social network more,
Que alguien que no se marchó cuando lo pasaste mal
Than someone who didn't leave when you had a hard time.
Yo noto que la vida no está hecha pa'
I notice that life isn't made for me,
Si cada noche tiro de pastillas para poder dormir
If every night I take pills to be able to sleep.
Y me destrozo por dentro, para crear mi obra
And I destroy myself inside, to create my work,
Mis canciones se componen de momentos que me sobran
My songs are made up of moments I have left over.
No es un cuento de hadas, solo te cuento mi historia
It's not a fairy tale, I'm just telling you my story,
Pedazos de la mierda que me viene a la memoria
Pieces of the shit that come to my memory.
Y la cagué en el rap, la cagué en el amor
And I fucked up in rap, I fucked up in love,
Y nunca en mi vida me he sentido peor
And I've never felt worse in my life.
Perdóname cariño si te causo dolor
Forgive me darling if I cause you pain,
Pero te juro por mi vida que te doy lo mejor que tengo
But I swear on my life that I give you the best I have.
eres mi religión
You are my religion,
Quizás fuera to' mejor si creyera en algún Dios
Maybe everything would be better if I believed in some God.
Sería más feliz sin hacer tantas preguntas
I would be happier without asking so many questions,
Y disfrutara de las cosas aunque fueran absurdas
And I would enjoy things even if they were absurd.
Me arranco el corazón, está escribiendo por
I tear out my heart, it's writing for me,
Contándole al papel de aquello que no me atreví
Telling the paper what I didn't dare.
Un poeta no es aquel que escribe pa' adolescentes
A poet is not someone who writes for teenagers,
Un poeta escribe porque lo tortura su mente
A poet writes because his mind tortures him.
Y tropiezo, me levanto, tropiezo de nuevo
And I stumble, I get up, I stumble again,
Ya no me levanto, no me sale de los huevos
I don't get up anymore, I don't have the balls.
He pasado tanto tiempo jugando con el fuego
I've spent so much time playing with fire,
Que acabe quemado en el infierno de mis miedos
That I ended up burned in the hell of my fears.
Si me subo a la luna y me enfrío en el sol
If I climb to the moon and cool off in the sun,
Y me seco en tu mar, bailo con el dolor
And I dry myself in your sea, I dance with the pain.
Estoy gritando en silencio, estoy callando aunque cuesta
I'm screaming in silence, I'm shutting up even though it's hard,
Porque a veces el silencio es la mejor de las respuestas
Because sometimes silence is the best answer.
Si me cierren una puerta la echo abajo
If they close a door on me, I knock it down,
Mi vida es constancia, trabajo y más trabajo
My life is perseverance, work and more work.
Si me tratan con desprecio, nunca me rebajo
If they treat me with contempt, I never lower myself,
Porque el karma siempre vuelve y se ocupa de los despojos
Because karma always comes back and takes care of the remains.
Andando por los prados de mi miedo a morir
Walking through the meadows of my fear of dying,
En verdad lo que da miedo es el dejar de existir
In truth, what's scary is to stop existing.
Que las palabras que escribo se esfumen como ceniza
That the words I write vanish like ash,
Y que mis huellas se borren como borré mis sonrisas
And that my footprints are erased like I erased my smiles.
Siempre tuve miedo a soñar
I was always afraid to dream,
Por si nunca se hacía realidad
In case it never came true.
Quizás por eso siempre pensé
Maybe that's why I always thought,
Que nunca lo podría lograr
That I could never achieve it.
Aquello que erizaba mi piel
That which made my skin crawl,
Aquello que me hacía especial
That which made me special,
Le di mil ostias a la pared
I punched the wall a thousand times,
Siempre me sale todo mal
Everything always goes wrong for me.
La vida me enseñó a pensar antes de actuar
Life taught me to think before I act,
A que quien te envidia solo quiere tu lugar
That the one who envies you only wants your place.
Quien nunca te falla se llama papá y mamá
The one who never fails you is called mom and dad,
Y que si quieres algo luches, pues nadie te ayudará
And that if you want something, fight, because no one will help you.
Pondrán piedras en tu camino, tienes que apartarlas
They will put stones in your path, you have to push them aside,
El tiempo pone a cada uno en su lugar
Time puts everyone in their place.
Que si alguien te jodió tranquilo, le llegará el karma
That if someone screwed you over, don't worry, karma will come to them,
Y que si te hizo daño no merece lágrimas
And that if they hurt you, they don't deserve tears.
Siempre tuve miedo a soñar
I was always afraid to dream,
Por si nunca se hacía realidad
In case it never came true.
Quizás por eso siempre pensé
Maybe that's why I always thought,
Que nunca lo podría lograr
That I could never achieve it.
Aquello que erizaba mi piel
That which made my skin crawl,
Aquello que me hacía especial
That which made me special,
Le di mil ostias a la pared
I punched the wall a thousand times,
Siempre me sale todo mal
Everything always goes wrong for me.
Siempre tuve miedo a soñar
I was always afraid to dream,
Por si nunca se hacía realidad
In case it never came true.
Quizás por eso siempre pensé
Maybe that's why I always thought,
Que nunca lo podría lograr
That I could never achieve it.
Aquello que erizaba mi piel
That which made my skin crawl,
Aquello que me hacía especial
That which made me special,
Le di mil ostias a la pared
I punched the wall a thousand times,
Siempre me sale todo mal
Everything always goes wrong for me.

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