Sud Sound System - Brigante - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sud Sound System - Brigante

Nu aggiu crisu mai a quiddhru ca dici
I never believed what they say
Nu aggiu crisu mai a quiddhru ca faci (sciamu moi aqquai)
I never believed what they do (we know the truth)
Iou suntu nu guerrieru ca lotta intra la notte
I am a warrior who fights in the night
E statte attentu ca lu core me batte
And be careful, because my heart beats
Iou suntu nu brigante
I am a brigand
Iou n'aggiu iste tante
I have endured so much
Pe quistu ormai la gente stae de la parte mia
That's why the people are now on my side
Ieu suntu nu brigante
I am a brigand
Me ne hannu fatte tante
They have done so much to me
Per quistu ormai la gente se sente comu a mie
That's why the people now feel like me
Moi sta sienti nu brigante
Now you are listening to a brigand
Ieu insieme a tanta gente
Together with many people
Combattimu stu sistema ladru, luridu e indecente
We fight this system, thieving, dirty, and indecent
Però lu politicante
But the politician
De bucie ne dice tante
Says so many lies
Aiutatu de la mafia lu mantenenu potente
Helped by the mafia, they keep him powerful
Sta distruggenu l'ambiente
They are destroying the environment
Sta controllanu la mente
They are controlling the minds
Costringendu ogne giovane cu denta nu emigrante
Forcing every young person to become an emigrant
Ma la crisi è dilagante
But the crisis is rampant
Percé aqquai lu statu è assente
Because here the state is absent
Però a fiate è megghiu percé è pesciu se è presente
But sometimes it's better because it's worse if it's present
Me dicenu ca tuttu quantu aquai a scire stuertu
They tell me that everything here is wrong
Telegiornali dicenu ca aquai tuttu è distruttu
News reports say that everything here is destroyed
Decidenu ca pe tie ormai nu ncè nienti de fare
They decide that there is nothing left to do for you
La storia de sta terra è nu continu naufragare
The history of this land is a continuous shipwreck
Ma iou nu su mai stancu
But I am never tired
Ancora nu me mmennu
I still don't give up
Iou pe la terra mia ogne energia tegnu cu spendu
For my land, I keep and spend every ounce of energy
Continu cu bau annanzi
I keep moving forward
Pe quistu me la spunnu
That's why I succeed
Felicemente continuo a sorridere
Happily, I continue to smile
Percé su nu brigante
Because I am a brigand
Iou n'aggiu iste tante
I have endured so much
Pe quistu ormai la gente stae de la parte mia
That's why the people are now on my side
Ieu suntu nu brigante
I am a brigand
Me ne hannu fatte tante
They have done so much to me
Per quistu ormai la gente se sente comu a mie
That's why the people now feel like me
Tegnu l'identikit de nu veru deliquente
I have the identikit of a true delinquent
Me trattanu de ladru e puru de nullafacente
They treat me like a thief and a good-for-nothing
Tocca me scunnu comu sia ca su nu latitante
I have to hide like I am a fugitive
Per tutti suntu ieu la rovina de la gente
For everyone, I am the ruin of the people
De l'arroganza toa suntu iou lu risultatu
I am the result of your arrogance
Faci buenu cu me timi percé odiu ha seminatu
It's good that you fear me because you have sown hatred
Tocca faci li conti cu l'orgogliu e la rivalza
You have to deal with pride and revenge
Iou suntu ddhru brigante ca tranquillu nu te lassa (chiaru)
I am that brigand who will not leave you alone (clear)
La gente è cu mie ca dicu sempre ce pensu
The people are with me because I always say what I think
Senza cu pensu se tegnu consensu
Without thinking if I have consensus
O se me meritu nu compensu
Or if I deserve compensation
Ma sulu percé cercu busu buon sensu
But only because I seek common sense
Ca è quiddhru ca smaschera sti governanti
That is what unmasks these rulers
Ca se affaticanu diventanu potenti
Who strive to become powerful
Ma ca pe la gente nu fannu mai nienti
But who never do anything for the people
Lunga vita a tutti li bri-bri-bri-briganti
Long live all the bri-bri-bri-brigands
Percé su nu brigante
Because I am a brigand
Iou n'aggiu iste tante
I have endured so much
Pe quistu ormai la gente stae de la parte mia
That's why the people are now on my side
Ieu suntu nu brigante
I am a brigand
Me ne hannu fatte tante
They have done so much to me
Per quistu ormai la gente se sente comu a mie
That's why the people now feel like me
Iou suntu nu brigante
I am a brigand
Iou n'aggiu iste tante
I have endured so much
Pe quistu ormai la gente stae de la parte mia
That's why the people are now on my side
Ieu suntu nu brigante
I am a brigand
Me ne hannu fatte tante
They have done so much to me
Per quistu ormai la gente se sente comu a mie
That's why the people now feel like me

Авторы: Blasi Fernando, Fabio Miglietta, Federico Vaglio, Garofalo Alessandro

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