Sud Sound System - N'aura crociata - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sud Sound System - N'aura crociata

N'aura crociata
Another Crusade
Treble-Terron Fabio- Don Rico
Treble-Terron Fabio- Don Rico
Rico Nu benire cu me tici ca e? giustu
Rico: You come and tell me what is right?
Ca seno? poi ieu mpacciscu
What if not? Then I get confused
Se nc? era Roma alli tiempi te cristu
If there was Rome in the time of Christ
Timme qual? ete oce l? imperu funestu
Tell me what is this ominous empire?
RIT.: Ancora n? aura fiata
CHORUS: It still hasn't ended
Nci su le guerre per l? egoismu te ci abusa
There are wars for the egoism of those who abuse
Ancora n? aura fiata
It still hasn't ended
Troppa gente innocente rimane ccisa
Too many innocent people remain killed
Ancora n? aura fiata
It still hasn't ended
A mie me pare sulu na folle causa
To me it seems only a mad cause
Ancora n? aura fiata, n? aura fiata, n? aura crociata
It still hasn't ended, hasn't ended, another crusade
Fabio A mie me pare sbagliatu, esageratu
Fabio: It seems wrong to me, exaggerated
Ca la gente ete costretta cu vive cussi?
That people are forced to live like this?
Me parenu fore te capu, nu aggiu capitu
They seem crazy to me, I haven't understood
Se interessanu li sordi o qualche vita te chiui
If they are interested in money or someone's life
Annu ntorna ncignatu, sttamu puntu da capu
Years go by designed, we are back to square one
Stannu addrai belli pronti cu lu curtieddhru mulatu
They are there ready with the sharpened knife
Ma moi iddri conbattenu ci fiaccu ritenenu
But now they fight against those they consider weak
Quandu sapimu tutti quanti quiddru ca olenu
When we all know what they want
Rico timme percé nu annu fermatu Chiraq
Rico: Tell me why they didn't stop Iraq
Quandu a sciutu a Mururoa cu se prova l? atomica
When they went to Mururoa to test the atomic bomb
Ponnu scire intra tuttu lu munnu
They can go anywhere in the world
E a tutti imponenu la loro legge economica
And impose their economic law on everyone
Oce fannu nttorna guerra a Saddam
Why are they going back to war with Saddam
Cu la scusa ca tene qualche arma chimica
With the excuse that he has some chemical weapons
Nu hannu mancu ziccatu Bin Laden
They haven't even caught Bin Laden
E già hannu distruttu mienzu Afganistan
And they have already destroyed half of Afghanistan
Treble Ca la guerra nu l? unica
Treble: That war is not the only one
La guerra nu l? unica
War is not the only one
Strada ca tenimu pe costruire nu futuru.
Way we have to build a future.
Ca na terra ete libera, ma quannu ete libera
That a land is free, but when is it free
De l? interessi dei potenti che colonizzano.
From the interests of the powerful who colonize.
Percene le risorse le consumane
Because they consume resources
E le consumane senza cu se ne futtune
And they consume them without caring
Senò, lu livellu comu lu mantenune
Otherwise, how do they maintain the level
? Nce la miseria ma nu bolenu cu la guardane.
There is misery but they don't want to look at it.
Rico fannu la guerra pe lu potere te lu commerciu te lu petrolio
Rico: They wage war for the power of the oil trade
Quiddru ca l? interessanu su le risorse te lu territoriu
What they are interested in are the resources of the territory
Ci sfrutta l? oru neru cumanda ddaveru lu mundu interu
Whoever exploits black gold truly commands the whole world
Perche babilonia domina tuttu cullu denaru
Because Babylon dominates everything with money
Ma se l? energia era solare nu se putia fare a denaru
But if the energy was solar, it couldn't be done with money
Se l? energia era eolica nu se putia fare a danaru
If the energy was wind, it couldn't be done with money
L? energia pulita impoverisce il loro impero
Clean energy impoverishes their empire
Favoriscenu la sporca con ogni mezzo necessario
They favor the dirty by any means necessary
Ci face la guerra e parla te pace,
Whoever makes war and speaks of peace,
Crea sulu odiu e follia intra l? umanita
Creates only hatred and madness within humanity
Lu terrorismu ete lu male creatu dall? egoismu
Terrorism is the evil created by selfishness
Te ci tuttu quantu ole cu domina
Of those who want to dominate everything
Fabiu Allora tecimu basta, nu nce? guerra giusta
Fabio: So let's say enough, there is no just war
Quandu se impedisce a nu populu cu crisca.
When a people are prevented from growing.
Allora tecimu basta, nu nce? guerra giusta
So let's say enough, there is no just war
Quandu ci ete fiaccu e de bene se lustra.
When there are weak and good people are polished.
Ancora tecimu basta, nu nce? guerra giusta
Again we say enough, there is no just war
Quandu tante vittime innocenti iddra costa.
When it costs so many innocent victims.
Nui tecimu basta, nu nce? guerra giusta
We say enough, there is no just war
Pe ci nu tene nienti ete na fiacca proposta!
For those who have nothing, it is a weak proposal!
Treble Ca la guerra nu be? l? unica
Treble: That war is not the only one
La guerra nu be? l? unica
War is not the only one
Strada ca tenimu pe costruire nu futuru.
Way we have to build a future.
Ca na terra ete libera, ma quannu ete libera
That a land is free, but when is it free
De l? interessi dei potenti che colonizzano.
From the interests of the powerful who colonize.
Ogne popolu lu dirittu lu tene
Every people has the right
Quiddru ca se chiama autodeterminazione
What is called self-determination
E nui lu tenimu scrittu sulla costituzione
And we have it written on the constitution
Cu la guerra nu se risolve nuddra questione.
That war does not solve any issue.
Rico Nu benire cu me tici ca e? giustu
Rico: You come and tell me what is right?
Ca seno? poi ieu mpacciscu
What if not? Then I get confused
Se nc? era Roma alli tiempi te cristu
If there was Rome in the time of Christ
Timme qual? ete oce l? imperu funestu.
Tell me what is this ominous empire?

Авторы: Federico Vaglio, Fabio Miglietta, Antonio Salvatore Petrachi

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