Sud Sound System - Nu be na carta te bruciare - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sud Sound System - Nu be na carta te bruciare

Nu be na carta te bruciare
You can't burn this
Lassa cu te cuntu quanta e bella la terra mia
Let me tell you how beautiful my land is
Egnu de lu salentu moi a quai su questa melodia
I'm from Salento, and this is my melody
La terra mia la bacia lu sule
My land is kissed by the sun
Benedetta de l'acqua de mare
Blessed by the sea water
Brillante de luce e d'amore
Shining of light and love
Ti invito a provare st'emozione speciale
I invite you to experience this special emotion
La terra mia ete spettacolare
My land is spectacular
A tutti benvenutu ni sape dare
It welcomes everyone
Tra li paisi o subbra mare
No matter if you're in the countryside or by the sea
Pe tie tene sempre quarche cosa de speciale
It always has something special for you
Nu be na carta ca pueti bruciare
You can't burn it like a piece of paper
Nu be na pezza ca pueti terare
You can't tear it like a piece of cloth
Megliu la tratti cchiu piglia valore
The more you take care of it, the more it grows in value
Basta la guardi e te nde inche lu core
Just take a look at it and you'll feel it in your heart
Aqquai se decia ca nu nce nienti de buenu
Some say there's nothing good here
E ca se ulimme fatia tocca puru ne scimme
That you have to suffer to get by
Amu cresciuti sutta nu cielu serenu
We grew up under a clear sky
Cu tutta la ricchezza de sta terra ca gia tenimme
All the richness of this land we already have
Quarche d'unu nu sapia ce tinia a manu
Some don't appreciate what they have
E a pensatu sulamente cu vinne
And only think about money
Ma per fortuna ncete ancora ci capisce
But fortunately there are still those who understand
E quiddhru ca tene cerca cu se difende
And those who have it try to defend it
Comu n'albero allu ientu
Like a tree in the wind
Taccatu a quiddhre ca suntu le radici soi
Attached to its roots
Ca se lu cotuli no nu lu scotuli
If you don't shake it, you won't break it
No nu lu tiri no nu lu scueddhri
You won't pull it up, you won't tear it down
No nu lu spianti de ddhrai
You won't uproot it
Nu be na carta ca pueti bruciare
You can't burn it like a piece of paper
Nu be na pezza ca pueti terare
You can't tear it like a piece of cloth
Megliu la tratti cchiu piglia valore
The more you take care of it, the more it grows in value
Basta la guardi e te nde inche lu core
Just take a look at it and you'll feel it in your heart
Sta terra e nu piccinnu ca serve a stu mundu
This land is a child that serves this world
E giurnu dopu giurnu nu se stracca mai
And day after day it never gets tired
De ste meraviglie tanta gente accoglie
So many people welcome these wonders
Intorno tante gioie ca nu lassu cchiui
Around so many joys that I won't let go
Sta terra e na carusa
This land is a girl
Bella coraggiosa
Beautiful and courageous
E frisca comu rosa
And fresh like a rose
E t'innamorerai
And you'll fall in love
Dei suoi bei sorrisi l'ecchi soi gioiosi
With her beautiful smiles, her joyful eyes
De ddhri beddhri musi sempre cchiui ne uei
Of those beautiful notes I always want more
Pe quistu nui la sta difendimu
That's why we defend it
Ci ole la sfrutta ne lu cacciamu
Whoever wants to exploit it, we drive them out
Decidenu li figli mei ci sa salpare de sta terra
My children will decide if they want to leave this land
E cosi sarà si cosi sarà
And so it will be, if so it will be
Nu be na carta ca pueti bruciare
You can't burn it like a piece of paper
Nu be na pezza ca pueti terare
You can't tear it like a piece of cloth
Megliu la tratti cchiu piglia valore
The more you take care of it, the more it grows in value
Basta la guardi e te nde inche lu core
Just take a look at it and you'll feel it in your heart

Авторы: Fabio Miglietta, Federico Valio, Fernando Blasi

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