Stamu bueni nui doi, c'e' calore assai ogni giurnu de chiui, ieu me sentu ca stai intra de mie.
We are good together, there's so much warmth every day, I feel like you're inside of me.
Comu a tie una sula nu mbe nisciuna aura
There's no one like you
Puru ca giri n'aura meju nu troi.
Even if I search, I won't find better.
Unu te dice stai a quai e tie invece te n' hai
Someone tells you to stay here and you leave instead
Se 'ncete problemi percene nu bieni
If there are problems, why don't you come
A 'nanzi a mie moi?
In front of me?
Unu te fissa cu sape bonu quiddhru ca oi
Someone stares at you, knowing well what I want
Ma lu ghiacciu nu se squaglia de intra l'occhi toi.
But the ice doesn't melt from within your eyes.
Sai me piaci tie forsi nu te l' aggiu ditta mai
You know I like you, maybe I never told you
Te piensi ca stai a sula e te sienti triste e smarrita
You think you're alone and you feel sad and lost
Ma tieni sempre na luce
But you always have a light
Ca te illumina la capu e lu core
That illuminates your head and your heart
Quistu se nu la sai e' l'amore ca ieu provu pe tie.
This, if you don't know, is the love I feel for you.
A mie me piace quannu me dici nca a mie ci tieni
I like it when you tell me that you care about me
Ca pe comu suntu nu te faci mai problemi
That you never worry about how I am
Ca l'importante pe tie, e' cu stamu sempre vicini quantu te minu do baci e si pronta cu me ami sciamunne tutti e doi ca mo stamu a quai
That the important thing for you is that we are always close, as soon as I give you kisses and you're ready, let's both leave, because now we're here
L'uecchi toi intra l'uecchi mei
Your eyes in my eyes
Ieni ieni moi a quai dimme quiddrhru ca uei de chiui
Come, come here, tell me what else you want
Ca su prontu cu esaudiscu tutti li desideri toi.
Because I'm ready to fulfill all your desires.
Statte moi
Stay now
Lu sule se sta scunne e ieu te ogghiu vicina nui doi sapimu quiddru ca ulimu e addu l'imu cercare l'uecchi toi su chini de dre cose ca nu me sai spiegare pero' moi stamme vicinu nu me lassare mai
The sun is setting and I want you close, we both know what we want and we will go look for it, your eyes are full of things that I can't explain, but now stay close, don't ever leave me
Ma tie me dici ca cieddri po capire ce boi
But you tell me that those who understand what they want
Se unu le cose le minte a ci e' ca sbagli de chiui
If someone keeps things to themselves, they make more mistakes
Unu te dice ca poi ae bonu lo stressu la sai
Someone tells you that you can handle stress, you know
Basta ca stamu vicini e nu ne lassamu mai
As long as we are close and never leave each other
Comu a tie una sula no,
Like you, there's only one,
Nu nci n'ete n'aura puru ca giri n'aura meju nu troi.
There's no other, even if I search, I won't find better.
La vita te minte alla prova
Life puts you to the test
Giurnu pe giurnu menutu pe menutu
Day by day, minute by minute
E quandu a fiate pierdi la speranza
And when you sometimes lose hope
Scopri intra lu core na potenza
You discover a power within your heart
Na forza chiu rossa de tie
A force stronger than you
Scopri nu sentimentu cautu e forte
You discover a cautious and strong feeling
Ca comu nu ientu te trascina
That like a wind drags you
La notte denta matina.
From night to morning.
Pe tie, sulu pe tie moi a ncapu tegnu fantasie
For you, only for you, I have fantasies in my head
E ieni se ci tieni cu me ami
And come if you care, let's leave together
Quiddru ca uei lu truei intra de mie
What you want, you will find within me
Ogne carezza ca me faci
Every caress you give me
Sempre de chiui lu core me presci
My heart beats faster and faster
Quantu chiui suntu li baci
The more kisses there are
Tantu chiui le cose ca me dici
The more things you tell me
E allora sentu veramente ca tie a mie ci tieni
And then I truly feel that you care about me
Quannu stamu insieme tutta quanta te scateni
When we are together, you completely let loose
Vicini vicini corpu a corpu intra tie stessa me ami.
Close together, body to body, within yourself you love me.
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