Crucified, without a cross, neither laws nor state.
No respondo ante nadie, mentiré en el estrado.
I answer to no one, I will lie on the stand.
Mis bros enganchados, jodidos...
My bros hooked, fucked up...
Y yo persiguiendo latidos.
And I'm chasing beats.
Ya está decidido, si no vuelves me tiro.
It's already decided, if you don't come back I'll throw myself.
Volver a empezar buscando un principio mejor
Starting over looking for a better beginning
Volver a empezar y arreglar el error
To start over and fix the error
No se de Karma
I don't know about Karma
Salvad mi alma, que no se de amor.
Save my soul, I don't know about love.
100 pecados... Oh lord, te juro que no he cambiado... Tengo pecados con tu nombre y black money en el sobre para comprarte lo que no compra el money
100 sins... Oh Lord, I swear I haven't changed... I got sins with your name and black money in the envelope to buy you what money doesn't buy
1000 pecados... Y no, ven acércate a mi lado. Tengo el tejado lleno de pecados y de gatos negros maullándole al barrio
1000 sins... And no, come closer to me. I've got the roof full of sins and black cats meowing at the neighborhood
Y yo aqui llorando ron, dales el recado a los que me quisieron lapidado, atado de pies y manos solo por estar a tu lado. Solo por haberte robado un pedazo de corazón (Sus novios hablan de Risaico)
And I'm here crying Ron, give the message to those who wanted me stoned, bound hand and foot just for being by your side. Just for having stolen a piece of your heart (Her boyfriends talk about Risaico)
Y hablar a mentes de barro, al camello, al expresidiario, a los chicos de caras largas y culos lindos del barrio. Mastico la vida pecado a pecado, bocado a bocado, ensayo y error; yo yo!
And talking to mud minds, to the drug dealer, to the ex-prisoner, to the guys with long faces and cute asses in the neighborhood. I chew life sin by sin, bite by bite, trial and error; yo yo!
No soy Warhol pero estoy hecho un cuadro, ma, dámelo. Te cambio un bocado por un pecado o dos.
I'm not Warhol but I'm made a painting, Ma, give it to me. I'll trade you a bite for a sin or two.
Chicos drogados, marionetas del barrio... Maniatados por el ansia de probarlo... How long? how long? despacio...
Stoned kids, neighborhood puppets... Maniacated by the urge to try it... How long? how long? slowly...
Chicos drogados, marionetas del barrio... Extraños que antes eran mis bros... Benz Benz Benz Recycled
Stoned kids, neighborhood puppets... Strangers who used to be my bros... Benz Benz Benz Recycled
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