Super Yei feat. Juanka, Yomo, Osquel, Towy, Gotay "El Autentiko", Sammy & Falsetto & Casper Magico - Noche de Locura - Remix - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Super Yei feat. Juanka, Yomo, Osquel, Towy, Gotay "El Autentiko", Sammy & Falsetto & Casper Magico - Noche de Locura - Remix

Noche de Locura - Remix
Night of Madness - Remix
Estoy loco por probarte, yeah-eh-eh
I'm crazy to taste you, yeah-eh-eh
Alistate que vo' a buscarte, yeah-eh-eh
Get ready to come and get you, yeah-eh-eh
Yo que también yo me voy a curar, porque desde hace tiempo te quiero dar
I know that I'm going to heal too, because I've been wanting to give you for a long time
que me prefieres, no lo voy a negar
I know you prefer me, I'm not going to deny it
Yo que buscas una noche de locura
I know you're looking for a crazy night
Y yo tengo la cura, vente vámonos de aventura
And I have the cure, come let's go on an adventure
Yo que buscas una noche de locura
I know you're looking for a crazy night
Y yo tengo la cura, vente vámonos de aventura (nosotros somos los mágicos, bebé)
And I've got the cure, come let's go on an adventure (we're the magic ones, baby)
Yo que buscas (Casper)
I know you're looking for (Casper)
Ah, lo que buscas yo lo sé, que te ponga en cuatro y por el cuello te bese
Ah, what you are looking for I know, that I put you in four and kiss you by the neck
Yo nunca me vine y me eche to'a la percocet, tu gato estaba creci'o y con el full lo enderecé
I never came and threw me to the percocet, your cat was grown up and with the full I straightened it out
Estoy controlando como si fuera un bichote, ya no compramos trama ahora de perco son los potes
I'm controlling as if I were a bug, we no longer buy plot now from perco are the pots
Te voy a llevar pa'l bote pa' que las nalgas reboten, que la puta que tenía por ti fue que yo la boté
I'm going to take you to the boat so that your buttocks bounce, that the whore I had for you was that I threw it away
siempre me buscas cuando quieres que te mate, baby por ese culo yo hago to' estos disparates
You always look for me when you want me to kill you, baby for that ass I do to' these nonsense
Le mande a comprar la Smith and negro mate pa'l que joda con la baby aprete el botón y lo retrate (prr)
I sent him to buy the Smith and matte black to fuck with the baby push the button and take a picture (prr)
eres mi favorita que chingando a me mata, antes de subirse arriba, me empepo, ella se arrebata (Yomo pa')
You're my favorite that fucking kills me, before she gets on top, I get worse, she snatches (Yomo pa')
Yo que anhela una noche sola, que está sedienta y que te descontrolas
I know she longs for a night alone, she's thirsty and you're getting out of control
Desde hace mucho no existe un macho que a ti te consola y por más que intentan no dan pie con bola
For a long time there has not been a male who consoles you and no matter how hard they try they do not give foot with ball
Soy el único que te pone a volar sin alas, es dama de día, de noche malvada
I'm the only one who makes you fly without wings, it's lady by day, by night wicked
En la cama se transforma de tal forma que no existe regla ni norma
In bed is transformed in such a way that there is no rule or norm
Enferma se entrega en cuerpo y alma, tempestad, despacio aunque solo calma
Sick gives herself body and soul, tempest, slowly but only calm
La lluvia de orgasmo que yo le provoco cuando la pillo y la toco
The shower of orgasm that I cause her when I catch her and touch her
Sin apuro, juro que su bellaquera curo en lo oscuro cuando la capturo
Without haste, I swear that her beauty healed in the dark when I captured her
Procuro saciar las ganas cuando aventuro en su cuerpo y la pego duro contra el muro (Sammy)
I try to satiate the desire when I venture into her body and hit her hard against the wall (Sammy)
me buscas a mi desde que tienes 17, no tiene grillete, no se compromete
You've been looking for me since you're 17, no shackle, no commitment
Me dice papi, eres el mejor que me mete, soy su campeón invicto buscando que alguien me rete
Daddy says to me, you're the best one who puts me in, I'm his undefeated champion looking for someone to challenge me
Ando con False y Juanka también, busca dos amigas y vámonos pa'l tres pa' tres
I'm hanging out with False and Juanka too, find two friends and let's go for three pa'l three
Estando encendi'a, loca con la fresqueria, hoy nos vamos hasta el otro día
Being on fire, crazy with the cold, today we are going until the other day
Pónteme atrevida, dale trépate encima, eres mi favorita
Get bold on me, fuck her, you're my favorite
Yo fui quien te quité, a ti lo de señorita
I was the one who took away from you, the lady
Pónteme atrevida, dale trépate encima, eres mi favorita
Get bold on me, fuck her, you're my favorite
Yo fui quien te quité, a ti lo de señorita
I was the one who took away from you, the lady
Yo que buscas (ah) una noche de locura
I know you're looking for (ah) a crazy night
Y yo tengo la cura, vente vámonos de aventura
And I have the cure, come let's go on an adventure
Yo que buscas (ah) una noche de locura
I know you're looking for (ah) a crazy night
Y yo tengo la cura, vente vámonos de aventura (la profesia)
And I have the cure, come let's go on an adventure (the profession)
Yo que buscas (Osquel)
I know that you are looking for (Osquel)
Cumple con mi requisito, y comenta que como de la Geezy, soy su chulito
He meets my requirement, and comments that as a Geezer, I'm his pimp
Practica conmigo en la cama un par de posiciones, lo lambe como helado si en la boca se lo pone
Practice with me on the bed a couple of positions, I lick it like ice cream if you put it in your mouth
Tienes que verla a esa baby que está que estilla, es especial como Alicia y sus maravillas
You have to see that baby she's so cute, she's special like Alice and her wonders
Dile super después de ésta le tumbamos la boquilla, los nuevos dueños del perreo, cabrones suelten la silla
Tell him super after this one we knock down the mouthpiece, the new owners of the doghouse, fuckers let go of the chair
Tráeme una botella de Blue, no me traigas de Vodka, yo soy ese tornillo que va pa' dentro de tu rosca
Bring me a bottle of Blue, don't bring me Vodka, I'm that screw that goes inside your thread
Nos hacemos novios baby aunque no te conozca, tengo un forty si tu novio se pone mosca
We become boyfriends baby even if I don't know you, I have a forty if your boyfriend gets fly
Me excita cuando se pone los gistros rosa, le da hasta abajo conmigo ella rompe la loza
She turns me on when she puts on the pink gist, she gives it all the way down with me she breaks the earthenware
Tiene las nalgas demasia'o de poderosa, la baby siempre se suelta y no se pone mohosa (Gotay)
Her buttocks are too powerful, the baby always gets loose and doesn't get moldy (Gotay)
Yo lo que buscas, yo que quieres, te traje unos panticitos pa' que me los modeles
I know what you're looking for, I know what you want, I brought you some panties to model them for me
En cada noche de locura hay una aventura, pero yo te prefiero mami porque estás más dura
In every crazy night there is an adventure, but I prefer you mommy because you are harder
Yo aquí tengo tu cura, la vas a pasar bien mami, cuenta y jura, la rozo suavecito por la partidura
I have your cure here, you're going to have a good time mommy, count and swear, I rub it gently by the split
Conmigo es que se ciega pa' la parte oscura porque la movie es de averdura (Towy)
With me it is that the dark part is blinded because the movie is from averdura (Towy)
No si tiene grillete pero pa' verse conmigo fulanita se compromete
I don't know if she has a shackle but to meet with me so-and-so gets engaged
Anda suelto el caballo sin jinete, después de mi no vas a querer usar más nunca juguetes
The horse is loose without a rider, after me you won't want to use toys anymore
Calientita, lubrica, también palpita, lo rica que te ves cuando mi nombre grita
Warm, lubricates, also throbs, how rich you look when my name screams
Si te pica solamente solicita, que yo te acepto el request y voy a hacer que me repitas
If you get itchy just request, that I accept the request and I'm going to make you repeat me
Acomódate y respira hondo mientras te lo escondo, duro hasta el fondo
Settle in and take a deep breath as I hide it from you, hard all the way
Si te duele aunque te queje' mami no respondo, yo siempre te meto pero con condo
If it hurts even if you complain ' mommy I don't respond, I always put you in but with condo
Acomódate y respira hondo mientras te lo escondo, duro hasta el fondo
Settle in and take a deep breath as I hide it from you, hard all the way
Si te duele aunque te queje' mami no respondo, yo siempre te meto pero con condo
If it hurts even if you complain ' mommy I don't respond, I always put you in but with condo
Yo que buscas una noche de locura
I know you're looking for a crazy night
Y yo tengo la cura, vente vámonos de aventura
And I have the cure, come let's go on an adventure
Yo que buscas una noche de locura
I know you're looking for a crazy night
Y yo tengo la cura, vente vámonos de aventura
And I have the cure, come let's go on an adventure
Yo que buscas
I know that you are looking for
Senda dagadicta, en la cama sigue invicta, en el sexo es estricta
Path dagadicta, in bed she remains undefeated, in sex she is strict
Dicen que ha corrido toda la seca y la meca pero ella misma dice que te coge y te achueca
They say that she has run all the dry and mecca but she herself says that she picks you up and makes you
Ésto es pa' que baile, bellaca con bellaco, dile al pana tuyo, loco evítate un atraco
This is for you to dance, bitch with bitch, tell your corduroy, crazy avoid a robbery
Aquí prendemos moña no cambiamos de saco, oi'te guasamaco, evítate un problema bien verraco
Here we turn on a bun we don't change our jacket, oi'te guasamaco, avoid a problem well boar
Pónteme atrevida, dale trépate encima, eres mi favorita
Get bold on me, fuck her, you're my favorite
Yo fui quien te quité, a ti lo de señorita (Juanka)
I was the one who took away from you, the lady thing (Juanka)
Empezamos desde abajo, ahora subimos de nivel, salgo pa' la calle cuando empieza a oscurecer
We started from the bottom, now we level up, I go out to the street when it starts to get dark
Bajando por las palmas de camino a Medellín, vestido de negro con la pippen Supreme
Walking down Las Palmas on the way to Medellin, dressed in black with the pippen Supreme
Yo vivo la vida minuto a minuto, por si la plata que hice mañana no me disfruto
I live life minute by minute, in case the money I made tomorrow I don't enjoy myself
Mientras yo respire, con putas me muero, me cuida el de arriba y mi cuatro-cero
As long as I breathe, with whores I die, the one above takes care of me and my four-zero
Hago que tu sistema se acelere, si quieres pasarla bien pues baby coopere
I make your system speed up, if you want to have a good time then baby cooperate
Yo conozco cada punto que te debilita, estás calentita, dudo que otra contigo compita
I know every point that weakens you, you're hot, I doubt another one with you will compete
Te volviste loca cuando te rocé, llama a tu amiga y nos vamos a jugar los tres
You went crazy when I sprayed you, call your friend and the three of us are going to play
Yo soy el que las escojo, el que te echa pa' la'o ese pantisito rojo
I'm the one who chooses them, the one who throws that red panty at you
Follow me now, this is the remix
Follow me now, this is the remix
Ven déjate llevar, no lo pienses tanto
Come let yourself go, don't think about it so much
Te lo digo porque...
I'm telling you because...
Yo que buscas una noche de locura
I know you're looking for a crazy night
Y yo tengo la cura, vente vámonos de aventura
And I have the cure, come let's go on an adventure
Yo que buscas una noche de locura
I know you're looking for a crazy night
Y yo tengo la cura, vente vámonos de aventura
And I have the cure, come let's go on an adventure
Yo que buscas
I know that you are looking for
Mera dime Super Yei
Mera tell Me Super Yei
Where are my baby?
Where are my baby?
Tu problematik bebé, Juanka
Your problematik baby, Juanka
Gotay "El Autentiko" (Gotay)
Gotay "The Authentic" (Gotay)
Sammy y Falsetto (Casper)
Sammy and Falsetto (Casper)
Osquel (Yomo)
Osquel (Yomo)
Towy (Super, Super, Super Yei)
Towy (Super, Super, Super Yei)
Jone Quest
Jone Quest
Nosotros somos superiority (forever)
We are superiority (forever)
Real hasta la muerte (where my nigga?) (Authentic music), (Hebreo) (Flow la movie)
Real hasta la muerte (where my nigga?) (Authentic music), (Hebrew) (Flow la movie)
¿Quién contra nosotros pa'? (ajá)
Who is against us pa'? (uh-huh)
A ti te gusta ma', a ti te gusta ma', nosotros somos más, mucho más que los demá'
You like ma', you like ma', we are more, much more than the others'
Ellos no son capa' de darte una escapa', conmigo sabes ma' que te queda' atrapa'
They are not able to 'give you an escape', with me you know ma' that you have 'catch'

Super Yei feat. Juanka, Yomo, Osquel, Towy, Gotay "El Autentiko", Sammy & Falsetto & Casper Magico - Noche de Locura
Noche de Locura
дата релиза

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