Suvereno feat. Dominika Mirgova - Blázni - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Suvereno feat. Dominika Mirgova - Blázni

Blázni, blá-blá-blázni, blázni, blá-blá-blázni, blázni maji svet svoj vlastný
Lunatics, bla-bla-lunatics, lunatics, bla-bla-lunatics, lunatics have their own world
od narodenia ho netrápia reči, čo vraví o ňom jeho okolie
From birth, he is not bothered by the speeches; what his surroundings say about him
A konkrétne takáto vlastnosť vám o jeho povahe tak veľa
And specifically such a trait tells you so much about his nature
Tells you
Nič pre ňho neni tak vzdialené ako vykonávať činnosti na povel
Nothing is as distant to him as carrying out activities on command
Lebo odjakživa sa mu bridilo to všetko stádové tuctové
Because he has always despised all that herd—mediocre—
Chalan vždy mal vlastnú hlavu ňou suverénne razí svoju líniu
The guy has always had his own head—assertively blazing his trail with it
To neznamená, že si nenechá poradiť, len proste jasnú víziu
It does not mean that he does not allow himself to be advised, just that he has a clear vision
Z času na čas sa zjavujú prízemné plazy, čo chceli by zničiť ju
From time to time, there appear earthly reptiles, who would want to destroy it
On s nimi ráta pošle im pá-pá tým, že viac zosilní misiu
He counts on them—sends them bye-bye by intensifying his mission
Je si vedomý, že je tým strojcom šťastia a nad svojim osudom
He is aware that he is the architect of happiness and the master of his destiny
neraz sa popálil, tak dáva pozor nech neni zas pyšným
He has burned himself many times, so he is careful not to be a proud
Pochopil tajomstvo žitia, že mať veľa znamená byť vďačný za
He has understood the secret of living, that having a lot means being grateful for
Sebazušľachťovaním brúsi diamant, kde srdce je kráľom
By self-improvement, he sharpens the diamond where the heart is king
Zapamätajte si všetci on je blázon
Remember everyone—he is a fool
Vôbec ho nezajíma ten ich obmedzený názor
He is not at all interested in their limited opinion
On ide svojou vlastnou cestou nekráča so stádom
He goes his own way, does not walk with the herd
A vie, že byť sám sebou je proste top!
And she knows that being yourself is just the top!
Blázni, blá-blá-blázni, blázni majú svet svoj vlastný
Lunatics, bla-bla-lunatics, lunatics have their own world
Blázni, blá-blá-blázni, blázni majú svet svoj vlastný
Lunatics, bla-bla-lunatics, lunatics have their own world
Ona je úplne iná než väčšina, pretože zostala svojou
She is completely different from the majority, because she has remained hers
obrovská charizma zakaždým ohromí viac ako stádo slonov
That huge charisma stuns more than a herd of elephants every time
Tak podmanivo silná hypnotizujúca vôňou
So captivatingly strong, mesmerizing with a fragrant scent
Ona proste pestré perie, disponuje širokou paletou tónov
She simply has colorful feathers, has a wide palette of tones
Zdanlivo typická ženská, no netypickým štýlom jedinečná
Seemingly a typical woman, but with an atypical style, she is unique
Krehká, nevinná, jemná a zároveň predsa tak zmyselne
Fragile, innocent, gentle, and yet so sensually
Je si však vedomá, že táto nespútanosť vie byť dvojsečná
However, she is aware that this wildness can be double-edged
Slečna, do voza - do koča, jej akčná rola je nekonečná
Lady, into the cart—into the carriage, her action role is endless
Žije si svoj vlastný sen, je zodpovedná aj rada sa blázni
She lives her own dream, is responsible, and loves to be crazy
Užíva si každý deň, bez smiechu vie, že život je prázdny
She enjoys every day, without laughter, she knows that life is empty
Je neobyčajne iná, zakaždým zameria dúhu v daždi
She is unusually different, she always focuses on the rainbow in the rain
Jej svet neni vôbec bežný, je záhadne krásny, to cíti každý
Her world is not at all ordinary, it is mysteriously beautiful, everyone feels it
Zapamätajte si všetci on je blázon
Remember everyone—he is a fool
Vôbec ho nezajíma ten ich obmedzený názor
He is not at all interested in their limited opinion
On ide svojou vlastnou cestou nekráča so stádom
He goes his own way, does not walk with the herd
A vie, že byť sám sebou je proste top!
And she knows that being yourself is just the top!
Si zapamätajte, že ona po jeho boku je tiež rovnaký
Remember, she is the same
Je totiž často tŕňom v oku, pretože nejde so stádom
For she is often a thorn in the eye, because she does not go with the herd
Tak ako navonok, tak isto vo vnútri krásna a tým pádom
As well as on the outside, so inside, beautiful and therefore
Je silnou dámou a plným právom blázon ona je top!
She is a strong lady and a fool by right—she is the top!
Ona je top, blázni, blá-blá-blázni
She is the top, lunatics, bla-bla-lunatics

Авторы: marek surin

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