Suvereno - Jednoducho - Krása - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Suvereno - Jednoducho - Krása

Jednoducho - Krása
Just - Beauty
Som len kvapka rosy v oceáne
I am just a drop of dew in the ocean
A viem že celý oceán je súčasne aj vo mne
And I know that the whole ocean is also in me at the same time
Všetko je jak byť momentálne
Everything is as it should be right now
A neustále si to pripomínam, tým sa môj vývoj pohne
And I constantly remind myself of this, that's how my evolution moves
Robím čo môžem s tým čo mám na svojom poli
I do what I can with what I have on my field
ďakovať za všetko bez podmienok som si zvolil
I have chosen to thank for everything without conditions
Lebo pritiahnem iba to čo vyžiarim
Because I will only attract what I radiate
život je džin a ja si želám presne ako aladin
Life is a genie and I wish exactly like Aladdin
Preto neni jedno na čo myslíš a čo hovoríš
That's why it's not the same what you think and what you say
Bo tomu vojsť do svojej reality dovolíš
Because you allow it to enter your reality
To najcennejšie je tvoj fokus tvoja pozornosť
The most precious thing is your focus, your attention
Buď si vedomý kam zanecháš jej stopu
Be aware where you leave its trace
Stíš si bacha a pusti zvuk zbíjačky
Silence your attention and release the pneumatic drill sound
Aj to je zvuk, aj to je zvuk
That is also a sound, that is also a sound
Jedna hudba ti krídla a druhá prekážky
One music will give you wings and another obstacles
Preto neni jedno aké tóny zachytí tvoj sluch
That's why it's not the same which tones your hearing will catch
So final reason why, so final reason why,
With final reason why, with final reason why,
I'm never give up
I'm never giving up
Simply sain', I'm never give up
Simply said, I'm never giving up
Simply beauty
Simply beauty
Final reason why, so final reason why,
Final reason why, with final reason why,
I'm never give up
I'm never giving up
Simply sain', I'm never give up
Simply said, I'm never giving up
Simply beauty
Simply beauty
Svetlo, som sám sebe svetlom
Light, I am the light to myself
Vetrom, nechám unášať sa vetrom
Wind, I let myself be carried away by the wind
Som len svedkom, pozorujem v tichu všetko
I am just a witness, I watch everything in silence
Nedám sa strhnúť davom idem svojou cestou
I do not let myself be carried away by the crowd, I go my own way
Na nej snažím sa byť najlepšou verziou dňa
On it I try to be the best version of the day
Každý deň, lepšie ja znamená lepší svet
Every day, a better me means a better world
Pritom nezabúdam že všetko toto je len hra
But I don't forget that all this is just a game
V ktorej láska je voda ktorá uhasí môj smäd
In which love is the water that quenches my thirst
A veľká je cesta do jednoty
And the path to unity is great
Do zdroja v ktorom všetko raz splynie
To the source in which everything once merges
Na nej učíme sa nájsť pravé hodnoty
On it we learn to find true values
Preto nie priamo ale klukato sa vinie
That's why it doesn't go straight but meanders
A my pochádzame z hviezd, sme hviezdy
And we come from the stars, we are stars
Svietime si na vlastné cesty
We light our own path
A žiarime zo svojich domovov
And we shine from our homes
Krížom cez celý vesmír
Across the entire universe
Táto hudba je terapia
This music is therapy
Povznáša ducha a okrídluje myšlienky
It lifts the spirit and inspires thoughts
Sloboda, umenie, vedomie, energia
Freedom, art, consciousness, energy
Tu a teraz a pritom naveky
Here and now and yet forever
V spojení s jedným duchom
In connection with one spirit
V jednote je kráčať jednoducho
In unity it is easy to walk
V živote k nemu pristupovať jednoduchšie sa
It is possible to approach it more easily in life
A výsledok je jednoducho krása
And the result is simply beauty
So final reason why, so final reason why,
With final reason why, with final reason why,
I'm never give up
I'm never giving up
Simply sain', I'm never give up
Simply said, I'm never giving up
Simply beauty
Simply beauty
Final reason why, so final reason why,
Final reason why, with final reason why,
I'm never give up
I'm never giving up
Simply sain', I'm never give up
Simply said, I'm never giving up
Simply beauty
Simply beauty

Авторы: Marek Surin, Lukas Lacko, Samuel Kovacs, Marek Danko

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