Suvereno - Motto - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Suvereno - Motto

Oh, skopávali ma na zem
Oh, they knocked me down to the ground
Vraveli že to nedokažem
They said I couldn't do it
Po skoku vypustili bazén
They drained the pool after I jumped
Na dne prijal som sebakazeň.
At the bottom, I embraced self-reproach.
Vstal som, oprašil kolena
I got up, dusted off my knees
Postavil základ na ich polenach
Built a foundation on their logs
Flinta do žita nevhodena
The shotgun's not thrown into the rye
Oh, vytrvalosť vrodena.
Oh, perseverance is inborn.
Rozbeh postupnym krokom
Run-up with a gradual step
Uspech bol hnací motor
Success was the driving force
Neuspech formoval ososbnosť
Failure shaped my personality
V hlave nosil som toto motto:
In my head, I carried this motto:
R: Máš moc byť niečim viac,
R: You have the power to be more than
Než len produktom svojho okolia
Just a product of your environment
Ked budeš vytrvalo makať
When you work hard and persevere
Tie dvere sa pred tebou otvoria
Those doors will open for you
Uvidiš svet očami plnymi poznania
You will see the world through eyes full of knowledge
Staneš sa realizatorom svojho poslania
You will become the realizer of your mission
Len nejde to vždy lahko, neraz to všetko krachlo
But it's not always easy, sometimes it all fails
Vesmir zošle testy, pre strih zobud sa, nespi
The universe sends tests, for a buzz, wake up, don't sleep
Oh, tresky plesky, ver si a hlavne douč sa resty
Oh, bumps and bruises, believe in yourself and catch up on your studies
Slovo problem zamen za skušku, ked ju zdolaš ziskaš sebauctu
Replace the word problem with test, when you overcome it, you gain self-respect
Všetko zavisi od pristupu, či chceš zanechať po sebe daaku stopu
Everything depends on your attitude, whether you want to leave a mark on the world
Tak vytvor nejaku vec a ziskaš jej silu a potom len driluj driluj driluj
So create something and gain its power and then just practice, practice, practice
Život je velka cesta a nezaleži na tom čo od nej dostaneš
Life is a great journey and it doesn't matter what you get out of it
Je to cesta pri ktorej podstatne je hlavne čim sa staneš
It's a journey where the main thing is what you become
R: Máš moc byť niečim viac,
R: You have the power to be more than
Než len produktom svojho okolia
Just a product of your environment
Ked budeš vytrvalo makať
When you work hard and persevere
Tie dvere sa pred tebou otvoria
Those doors will open for you
Uvidiš svet očami plnymi poznania
You will see the world through eyes full of knowledge
Staneš sa realizatorom svojho poslania
You will become the realizer of your mission
Ty maš tu moc-moc-moc prekonať noc-noc-noc
You have the power, power, power to overcome the night, night, night
A tym že raz vyjde to svetlo ked mraky odidu s vetrom
And in that that light will come one day when the clouds go away with the wind
Ty maš tu moc-moc-moc prekonať noc-noc-noc
You have the power, power, power to overcome the night, night, night
A tym že raz vyjde to svetlo ked mraky odidu s vetrom
And in that that light will come one day when the clouds go away with the wind
Máš moc byť niečim viac
You have the power to be more
Máš moc byť niečim viac
You have the power to be more
Máš moc byť niečim viac
You have the power to be more

Авторы: Suvereno

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