Suvereno - Propaganda - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Suvereno - Propaganda

Svet je biznis, jedno veľké impérium, global biznis.
The world is a business, one big empire, a global business, baby.
Svet nepatrí národom a demokraciam,
The world doesn't belong to nations and democracies,
Je to sieť patriaca korporáciam.
It's a network belonging to corporations.
Systém voľného trhu je monopol finančnej a korporátnej moci,
The free market system is a monopoly of financial and corporate power,
Nemá ľudskú povahu mám ten pocit, že hľadá iba profit si.
It doesn't have a human nature, I feel like it's just looking for profit.
Ľudia zúfalí a protestujú, na nerovnováhu prstom ukazujú.
People are desperate and protesting, pointing the finger at inequality.
Kto proti systému vznesie námietky, slovom terorista ho označujú.
Whoever raises objections against the system is labeled a terrorist.
Propaganda, kampaň, vytvára teroristov jak sa jej zachce.
Propaganda, the campaign, creates terrorists however it pleases.
Pritom najväčší sa v obleku z kancelárie zúčastňujú akcie.
Meanwhile, the biggest ones in suits take part in the action from their offices.
Na boj proti teroru ide viac peňazí jak na prevenciu chorôb,
More money goes into fighting terror than into preventing diseases,
Je to boj proti fantázii, mýtus, je to podvod, tak to pochop.
It's a fight against fantasy, a myth, it's a scam, understand that, baby.
Vo svete je podozrivých z terorizmu stále milióny osôb,
There are still millions of people in the world suspected of terrorism,
A vedome schvaľujú zákony, kde ide o narúšanie ich slobôd.
And they knowingly approve laws that infringe upon their liberties.
A cez to všetko nevinní zomierajú rukami tých, čo nemajú súcit.
And despite all this, innocent people are dying at the hands of those who have no compassion.
Vykorisťujú tých slabých, čo sami nedokážu si nájsť úkryt.
They exploit the weak, those who can't find shelter on their own.
Baránka vlkovi sa zachcelo, presne tak to spieval Karel Kryl.
The lamb wanted the wolf, that's exactly what Karel Kryl sang.
Chamtivosť a korupcia, a heslo znie: "Let's make a deal."
Greed and corruption, and the motto is: "Let's make a deal."
Za život, za mier, za lásku, za silu, za voľbu,
For life, for peace, for love, for strength, for choice,
Pre pravdu, nech každý zvolí si ju
For truth, let everyone choose it
Lebo pravda je len jedna,
Because there is only one truth,
Ostatné propaganda.
The rest is propaganda.
Keď hľadáš pravdu a spoznáš ju, pravda ťa oslobodí,
When you seek the truth and you know it, the truth shall set you free,
Masívna kampaň strachu je to, čo propaganda plodí.
A massive fear campaign, that's what propaganda produces.
A keď nás záujmy ziskuchtivích, vedú krajiny do vojny.
And when the interests of the greedy lead countries to war.
"Mierová misia, "demokracia populárne pojmy.
"Peacekeeping mission," "democracy" are popular terms.
Irak padol, Husajn je popravený, misia uspela,
Iraq has fallen, Hussein is executed, the mission was successful,
Chavez na muške zamierený, nasleduje Venezuela.
Chavez is targeted, Venezuela is next.
Takto hrá elita na mape sveta Monopoly,
This is how the elite play Monopoly on the world map,
Autorita nesúhlasí lebo pravda bolí.
Authority disagrees because the truth hurts.
História sa opakuje, model znie "Rozdeľuj a panuj,
History repeats itself, the model is "Divide and conquer,
Otroctvo je ale moderné, jak pískajú tak tancuj.
But slavery is modern, dance as they whistle.
Archaický školský systém je to, čo hrá im do karát,
An archaic school system is what plays into their hands,
Nechcú múdry ľud, ktorí kriticky, vie rozmýšľať.
They don't want intelligent people who can think critically.
Ľudia za oponou to vedia, preto ovládajú média,
The people behind the curtain know this, that's why they control the media,
A cez ne ovládajú spoločnosť tak najlepšie jak vedia.
And through them, they control society the best they can.
Odkloniť nás od reality, je ich priorita číslo jedna,
To distract us from reality, is their number one priority,
Je to sofistikovaná zbraň hromadného ničenia.
It's a sophisticated weapon of mass destruction.
Za život, za mier, za lásku, za silu, za voľbu,
For life, for peace, for love, for strength, for choice,
Pre pravdu, nech každý zvolí si ju
For truth, let everyone choose it
Lebo pravda je len jedna,
Because there is only one truth,
Ostatné propaganda.
The rest is propaganda.
Nenechaj sa slepo viesť, nebuď ovca v strede stáda.
Don't let yourself be blindly led, don't be a sheep in the middle of the herd.
Tvoju naivitu využíva vo svoj prospech svetovláda.
World domination uses your naivety for its own benefit.
Pôžičky, dlhy a úroky, hádaj komu splácaš bezcenné kusy papierov,
Loans, debts, and interests, guess to whom you are paying worthless pieces of paper,
Každý z nás je zamestnancom bankových kartelov.
Each one of us is an employee of banking cartels.
Ekonomické otroctvo, je neviditeľná vojna proti ľuďom.
Economic slavery, an invisible war against people.
Ľudia si neni rovný, ani pred najvyšším súdom.
People are not equal, not even in the highest court.
Milióny ľudí pracujú menej ako za jeden dolár na deň,
Millions of people work for less than a dollar a day,
Posledné čo zostalo v ich životoch je nádej.
The last thing left in their lives is hope.
Na lepší život, by si to zaslúžilo.
For a better life, they deserve it.
Chcem poznať príčinu toho čo ich tak zotročilo.
I want to know the reason for what has enslaved them so.
Niekto tu nehrá fér, niekto sa správa jak zver.
Someone is not playing fair here, someone is acting like an animal.
A tomu niekomu neverím jedenásty september.
And I don't believe that someone, September 11th.
Teror neverím tomu, neverím vám, len šírite HATE,
I don't believe in terror, I don't believe you, you are just spreading HATE,
Terorizmus prospekt politickej agendy, čistý FAKE.
Terrorism, the prospect of a political agenda, pure FAKE.
Terorista je ten, čo v jaskyni stále úkryt,
The terrorist is the one who is always hiding in a cave,
Teror, teror, teror, teror, teror, teror, BULL SHIT!
Terror, terror, terror, terror, terror, terror, BULL SHIT!
Za život, za mier, za lásku, za silu, za voľbu,
For life, for peace, for love, for strength, for choice,
Pre pravdu, nech každý zvolí si ju
For truth, let everyone choose it
Lebo pravda je len jedna,
Because there is only one truth,
Ostatné propaganda.
The rest is propaganda.

Авторы: Deryck, De La Creme, Suvereno

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