Svaba Ortak feat. Pireli - Napad - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Svaba Ortak feat. Pireli - Napad

O-R-T-A-K, ah, ah, ah, ah
O-R-T-A-K, ah, ah, ah, ah
Pavle, Paki, Pablo oder Picasso
Pavle, Paki, Pablo or Picasso
Hauptsache du kommst vorbei ein Kilo abhol′n
The main thing is you come by to pick up a kilo
Im Dschungel wie Songoku, das ist Schicksal, yo
In the jungle like Songoku, this is fate, yo
Und ich bereue garnichts, Bruder, bis dato
And I regret nothing, brother, to this day
Ein Leben am Limit, sogar der Tacho sagt dosta
A life on the edge, even the speedometer says "dosta"
24 7, häng mit Machos am Block ab
24/7, hanging with the tough guys on the block
Wo ich wohn', ist schön bis der Schlagstock am Kopf knackst
Where I live, it's beautiful until the baton cracks on your head
Alligatorensumpf, lacosta-nostra
Alligator swamp, lacosta-nostra
Die Gang im Gepäck, die Messer sind echt
The gang in my luggage, the knives are real
Mein Instinkt filtert nen Schwätzer direkt
My instincts filter out a chatterbox directly
Bruder, Wiener sind Loco, teste sie net
Brother, Viennese are loco, don't test them
Leg ihnen Steine in den Weg und sie fetzen sie weg
Put stones in their way and they'll kick them away
Wie bitte, alles was du kannst is dich ins Knie ficken
Excuse me, all you can do is fuck yourself in the knee
Alle fragen Paki nach seinem Stilmittel
Everyone asks Paki about his style
Beats picken, Weed ticken, Wien Mitte
Picking beats, ticking weed, Vienna Mitte
Skaču pa luduju, opet se raduju
I'm jumping like crazy, they're happy again
Ja bih se ponovo napio, nek gledaju
I would get drunk again, let them watch
Pakuju, rolaju, splifove motaju
They pack, roll, twist spliffs
Đe ćete na nas, kad smo u napadu
Where are you going against us, when we are on the attack
Skaču pa luduju, opet se raduju
I'm jumping like crazy, they're happy again
Ja bih se ponovo napio, nek gledaju
I would get drunk again, let them watch
Pakuju, rolaju, splifove motaju
They pack, roll, twist spliffs
Đe ćete na nas, kad smo u napadu
Where are you going against us, when we are on the attack
Jarane svi dani odlaze
Bro, all days are passing
Al snaga mi ostaje, lelele
But my strength remains, lelele
Kazu mi ljudi da ne pijem
People tell me not to drink
Ja zakljucam vrata i ne dizem
I lock the door and don't answer
Ekipu dovedem, razvaljujem
I bring the crew, we tear it up
Bez nas je petnesti zapusten
Without us, the fifteenth is abandoned
Balkan ekspres, oni znaju me
Balkan Express, they know me
Hajde sad svi s nama pjevajte
Come on now, everyone sing with us
Lelele, lelele
Lelele, lelele
Kazu mi ljudi da ne pijem
People tell me not to drink
Lelele, lelele
Lelele, lelele
Ekipu dovedem razvaljujem
I bring the crew, we tear it up
Lelele, lelele
Lelele, lelele
Balkan ekspres, oni znaju me
Balkan Express, they know me
Lelele, lelele
Lelele, lelele
Hajde sad svi s nama pjevajte
Come on now, everyone sing with us
Wir stoppen erst bis sich die Reifen nicht mehr drehen
We won't stop until the tires stop turning
Denn bis zum letzten Tag sind die Scheine nicht gezählt
Because until the last day, the bills aren't counted
Bezieh meine künftigen Feinde ins Gebet
Include my future enemies in your prayers
Denn wenn wir uns treffen kriegen sie ein Eisen in die Zähne
Because when we meet, they'll get iron in their teeth
Montenegro, Mafia wie Tata
Montenegro, Mafia like Dad
Alles gut solang ich bisschen Rakija im Glas hab
Everything's good as long as I have some rakija in my glass
Mein kleinster Brat nimmt dein ganzes Kapital im Park ab
My youngest brother will take your entire capital in the park
Und investiert danach für bisschen Marija im Carsaf
And then invest in some Marija in the Carsaf
Mein Handy läutet permanent, sie wollen Gift
My phone rings constantly, they want poison
Und wären nicht mal satt wenn es ′ne Tonne gibt
And wouldn't even be full if there was a ton of it
Die Zukunft scheint noch heller als das Sonnenlicht
The future seems even brighter than sunlight
Sie wollen uns folgen, Bruder, aber kommen nicht mit
They want to follow us, brother, but they can't keep up
Paki, piri, piri
Paki, piri, piri
Duplo ide bolje mala, zini, zini
Double goes better baby, open up, open up
Ihr Begleiter braucht was und ich bring ihm, bring ihm
Your companion needs something and I'll bring it to him, bring it to him
Wie viel wiegt dein Wort auf meiner Digi, nada
How much does your word weigh on my scale, nada
Jarane svi dani odlaze
Bro, all days are passing
Al snaga mi ostaje, lelele
But my strength remains, lelele
Kazu mi ljudi da ne pijem
People tell me not to drink
Ja zakljucam vrata i ne dizem
I lock the door and don't answer
Ekipu dovedem, razvaljujem
I bring the crew, we tear it up
Bez nas je petnesti zapusten
Without us, the fifteenth is abandoned
Balkan ekspres, oni znaju me
Balkan Express, they know me
Hajde sad svi s nama pjevajte
Come on now, everyone sing with us
Lelele, lelele
Lelele, lelele
Kazu mi ljudi da ne pijem
People tell me not to drink
Lelele, lelele
Lelele, lelele
Ekipu dovedem razvaljujem
I bring the crew, we tear it up
Lelele, lelele
Lelele, lelele
Balkan ekspres, oni znaju me
Balkan Express, they know me
Lelele, lelele
Lelele, lelele
Hajde sad svi s nama pjevajte
Come on now, everyone sing with us
Svaba Ortak
Svaba Ortak

Авторы: Beataura, Doni Balkan

Svaba Ortak feat. Pireli - Napad (feat. Pireli)
Napad (feat. Pireli)
дата релиза

1 Napad

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