Sxph - On Je Lah - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Sxph - On Je Lah

On Je Lah
On Je Lah
Hari kau tu on ke tak
Is your day on or not
Ada problem tapi kau tetap on je lah
You have problems but you just stay on
Masa sama tak kira casio audemar
Time is the same whether it's a Casio or Audemars
Hidup taktau brapa lama, so kita on je lah
Life is uncertain, so we just stay on
On je lah
Just stay on
Apa saja datang kita on je lah
Whatever comes, we just stay on
On je lah, on je lah
Just stay on, just stay on
Hey - Apa saja jadi pun kita tetap on je lah
Hey - Whatever happens, we just stay on
Benda tak susah, kenapa dah jadi rumit
Things aren't difficult, why have they become complicated
Sebab ramai ingat harta cuma pada duit
Because many think wealth is only about money
Ada hari aku pandai, ada hari foolish
Some days I'm smart, some days I'm foolish
Cermin hati, kenal muka yang dibawah kulit
Mirror the heart, recognize the face beneath the skin
Buat apa saja selagi aku larat
Do whatever as long as I can
Memang ada aku hilang, ada aku dapat
Indeed I lose some, I gain some
Ada benda senang, ada benda luar biasa
Some things are easy, some things are extraordinary
Cari result lain, takkan buat benda sama
Find different results, won't do the same thing
Ada yang mau macam-macam dalam hidup
Some want various things in life
Syukur masih ada udara yang boleh hirup
Grateful there's still air to breathe
Syukur ada tilam, malam lelap boleh tidur
Grateful there's a mattress, can sleep soundly at night
Syukur ada air bersih, masih boleh minum
Grateful there's clean water, still can drink
Hidup macam movie, boleh adjust B-Roll
Life is like a movie, can adjust the B-Roll
Layan macam-macam orang tapi jangan ikut
Entertain all kinds of people but don't follow
Setiap hero confirm akan mula dari zero
Every hero will definitely start from zero
Tak salah naik taxi, angan-angan naik limo
It's not wrong to take a taxi, dreaming of riding a limo
Hari kau tu on ke tak
Is your day on or not
Ada problem tapi kau tetap on je lah
You have problems but you just stay on
Masa sama tak kira casio audemar
Time is the same whether it's a Casio or Audemars
Hidup taktau brapa lama, so kita on je lah
Life is uncertain, so we just stay on
On je lah
Just stay on
Apa saja datang kita on je lah
Whatever comes, we just stay on
On je lah, on je lah
Just stay on, just stay on
Hey - Apa saja jadi pun kita tetap on je lah
Hey - Whatever happens, we just stay on
Cakap apa saja, aku sekarang tak peduli
Say whatever you want, I don't care now
Macam ros tak sempurna kalau tak berduri
Like a rose is not perfect if it doesn't have thorns
Aku kejar apa segala target, jangan curi
I chase every target, don't steal
Barat, timur, buruk, baik, kita yang kemudi
West, east, bad, good, we're at the helm
Cuma nak yang ku perlu, aku tak mintak banyak
Just want what I need, I don't ask for much
Setiap kali menang, aku takkan jadi tamak
Every time I win, I won't be greedy
Yang lain serah, tak real kalau gentar
The rest surrender, it's not real if you're afraid
Nak hari-hari menang kecik atau besar
Want to win every day, small or big
Ada yang mau macam-macam dalam hidup
Some want various things in life
Syukur masih ada udara yang boleh hirup
Grateful there's still air to breathe
Syukur malam kau berbumbung, masih ada selimut
Grateful you have a roof over your head at night, still have a blanket
Syukur Malaysia masih aman dan tak ribut
Grateful Malaysia is still peaceful and there's no storm
Hidup macam movie, boleh adjust B-Roll
Life is like a movie, can adjust the B-Roll
Layan macam-macam orang tapi jangan ikut
Entertain all kinds of people but don't follow
Pikul tanggungjawab, biarpun berapa kilo
Shoulder responsibility, no matter how many kilos
Hidup bukan permainan, menang takde cheat code
Life is not a game, winning has no cheat code
Hari kau tu on ke tak
Is your day on or not
Ada problem tapi kau tetap on je lah
You have problems but you just stay on
Masa sama tak kira casio audemar
Time is the same whether it's a Casio or Audemars
Hidup taktau brapa lama, so kita on je lah
Life is uncertain, so we just stay on
On je lah
Just stay on
Apa saja datang kita on je lah
Whatever comes, we just stay on
On je lah, on je lah
Just stay on, just stay on
Hey - Apa saja jadi pun kita tetap on je lah
Hey - Whatever happens, we just stay on

Авторы: Farid Sabaruddin

Sxph - Lumayan
дата релиза

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