Syke Däli - Tanadym (2:156) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Syke Däli - Tanadym (2:156)

Tanadym (2:156)
I Recognized You (2:156)
Garaňkydan çykdym
I emerged from the darkness
Bilýän tarapym ýok
I knew no direction
Şübhelerimi ýykdyň
You erased my doubts
Saňa uzady ýol
The road stretched long to you
Seni tanadym, Seni tanadym
I recognized you, I recognized you
Senden başga hiç zada garaşamok
I look to nothing else but you
Ýoluňa ýapyşdym
I clung to your path
Tanapym ýok
I have no other way
Senden öňüm gyşdy
Before you, it was winter for me
Ýyly göremok
To see warmth
Seni tanadym, Seni tanadym
I recognized you, I recognized you
Saňa ýalbarýan, başga tanyşym ýok
I plead to you, I know no other
Allam bizi kösemek üçin ýaratdyňmy sen?!
God, did you create us to suffer?!
Haçan bu dünýä gülüp sereder ýüzümize?
When will this world smile upon our faces?
Doglamdan bäri men bu harabalykda ösen
Since birth, I've grown in this ruin
Daş töweregim diňe uruş, açlyk hem kesel
My surroundings are only war, hunger, and disease
Uklan ýaly ýerde ýatyr kiçijek jeset
A small body lies on the ground like a dream
Ony ýüzünden zordan tanady öz ejesem
Her own mother barely recognized her face
"Maňa kömek et" diýip ýalbarýar her geçene
"Help me" she pleads to every passerby
Ýokmy ony eşiden?
Is there no one who hears her?
Kirpiginiň tozanyn kakyp basdy ýürege
Wiping the dust from her eyelashes, it pressed upon my heart
Asmana seretdi garaşýan ýaly kömege
She looked to the sky as if waiting for help
Garaşmadyk zadymy diýdi dürsäp demini
She said something unexpected, catching her breath
"Biz Saňa gaýdyp geleris, biz Saňa degişli"
"We will return to You, we belong to You"
Oh God
Garaňkydan çykdym
I emerged from the darkness
Bilýän tarapym ýok
I knew no direction
Şübhelerimi ýykdyň
You erased my doubts
Saňa uzady ýol
The road stretched long to you
Seni tanadym, Seni tanadym
I recognized you, I recognized you
Senden başga hiç zada garaşamok
I look to nothing else but you
Ýoluňa ýapyşdym
I clung to your path
Tanapym ýok
I have no other way
Senden öňüm gyşdy
Before you, it was winter for me
Ýyly göremok
To see warmth
Seni tanadym, Seni tanadym
I recognized you, I recognized you
Saňa ýalbarýan, başga tanyşym ýok
I plead to you, I know no other
Allam bizi kösemek üçin ýaratdyňmy sen?!
God, did you create us to suffer?!
Ýaralammyzam bütin dünýäň ýarysyna deň
Our wounds are equal to half the world's
Kömek etmekden geçen bütin dünýä sereder
The whole world looks on, past helping
Dadyma ýetiş diňe Sen!
Only You can reach my pain!
Doýur meni hiçzat iýmesem
Satiate me even if I eat nothing
Meň dilim bol hiçzat diýmesem
Be my tongue even if I say nothing
Darygamda ýürek giňesin
Expand my heart in my sorrow
Allajan! Dem alyp berýänçäk biziň synamyzy syna Sen!
Oh God! Test our trials until we breathe our last!
Bir ýapragam ýere düşmez Ýaradanym diýmese
Not a single leaf falls to the ground without my Creator's will
Çar tarapa seslendim: "Çydamaly näçe?"
I cried out in all directions: "How much longer must we endure?"
Allaň kömegi gelermikä, biz Oňa gidýänçäk?
Will God's help arrive before we reach Him?
Ýa dowam edermi uruş bu güneş sönýänçä?
Or will this war continue until the sun burns out?
Ýa göçüp ýörmelimi dünýeden göçýänçäk?
Or must we wander until we depart from this world?
Görkezme günleriň erbedini
Do not show the hardship of the days
Içir barsyna "Şehitlik şerbedini"
Let them drink the "nectar of martyrdom"
Ömürden gymmat sözler dodakdan döküldi
Words more precious than life poured from my lips
Biz Oňa gaýdyp geleris, biz Oňa degişli
We will return to Him, we belong to Him
Oh God
Ellerimi açdym ýene
I opened my hands again
Dünýäň gazabyndan gaçdym ýene
I fled from the world's wrath again
Atylan oklaram gaçsyn ýere
Let the fired arrows fall to the ground
Indi men seni tanadym senden daş gitmenem
Now I have recognized you, I will not leave you
Ellerimi açdym ýene
I opened my hands again
Dünýäň gazabyndan gaçdym ýene
I fled from the world's wrath again
Atylan oklaram gaçsyn ýere
Let the fired arrows fall to the ground
Indi men seni tanadym senden daş gitmenem
Now I have recognized you, I will not leave you
Seni tapan näme ýitirer?!
What does one lose who finds You?!
Seni ýitiren näme tapar?
What does one find who loses You?
Damyp içime
Dripping into me
Bu sorag meni nädip ýakar?
How does this question burn me?
Diňläp geçiber
Listen and pass by
Akyl diýenimiň bary takal
All my reason is stuck
Ellerimi açdym ýene
I opened my hands again
Dünýäň gazabyndan gaçdym ýene
I fled from the world's wrath again
Atylan oklaram gaçsyn ýere
Let the fired arrows fall to the ground
Indi men seni tanadym senden daş gitmenem
Now I have recognized you, I will not leave you
Ellerimi açdym ýene
I opened my hands again
Dünýäň gazabyndan gaçdym ýene
I fled from the world's wrath again
Atylan oklaram gaçsyn ýere
Let the fired arrows fall to the ground
Indi men seni tanadym senden daş gitmenem
Now I have recognized you, I will not leave you

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